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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Gotta make up for those quiet days, huh? And anyways, this is a must-blog.


So, I'm in the living room starting to memorize my verses when Melnay (note: all names and all that stuff have been changed for unnecessary reasons) yelled, "Hey Turakii! Look! It's just like you would do!"


I threw my book on the couch and dashed into the dining room, expecting the worst, but simply found her in front of the computer with her latest work of art on the screen. Behind us, really weird sound effects played from the computer where Sweetheart Gali sat, happily doing her best to drive us insane by playing the barney website at top volume.


"You like it?" Melnay asked, grinning.


"You stole my idea!" I groaned. Pushing her aside, I leaned over, pried her hand off the trackball mouse, refreshed, and went to work.


"He's always needed hair," I explained as I worked.


"He seems to have confused himself with Baby Bop," Melnay observed.


"Except Baby Bop has no hair," I pointed out.


"How should he know that?" Melnay asked. "He has a bad memory."


I grabbed another color and dashed a blotch of red onto the screen. Melnay sighed.


"Too bad there's no black," she said, "or you could give him black eyebrows."


I added some teeth and stood back to admire my work. After a few moment, we agreed I should put my masterpiece here, for all BZPers and lurkers to see.


A full five minute's work!




It's got a very deep meaning.


Those stripes are Chicken Stripes (a disease only that kind of creature can get). Or pajamas. You decide.





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