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Wrup: Go Outside Edition

Than the Moa



So the weather is fantastic here this week. Sunshine and temperatures in the mid to upper 60s, I love spring.

But I still find myself spending time indoors and playing games in some of my downtime, so let's see what I've been up to in this week of gaming.

What I have been playing: I borrowed (and beat on normal) The Force Unleashed from a friend of mine. I can't really dcide if I like the game or not. It's a bit short and there are definitely some issues with it, but there are some moments where it seriously feels awesome not to mention that the storyline bridges the prequels and the original trilogy together pretty well (except if you go for the dark side ending that I watched my roommate do, that is like, the worst thing in the world, perhaps it was meant to make you feel bad for going dark). I also got my hands on the Mythic Map Pack for Halo 3 and enjoyed some time with it, all 3 maps seem pretty good, though I'm gravitating towards Orbital as my favorite. I feel that one seriously fills a gap that was missing in the previous Halo 3 maps (small, linear confined areas of combat). Sandbox is insane for forgers as well and I can't wait to see what people will come up with for that map. I haven't really had much time with other games though, those two pretty much took up all my gaming time (which was somewhat limited since I wasn't in a position to play any games this past weekend since I was gone).

What I want to be playing: Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Orange Box (Gotta clear some more achievements)
Halo 3: ODST
Midnight Club: LA


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Mythic maps are really good. Regular slayer on Sandbox gets annoying really fast. I'd like to see more variations of that map, like you said. Orbital and Assembly have to be two of my favorite maps. Close combat is what I love about Halo.

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I haven't gotten the Mythic Maps, though I kinda died on Halo 3 a bit. Of course, I am eagerly waiting for ME2 to come out, along with Halo 3 ODST. ^^
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