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The Road To Super Battle 3 Begins

MT Zehvor


Most of you TBTTRAH readers know that each year we have a tournament to decide the best fighter in TBTTAH. This year I'm expanding a little to include everyone in TBTTRAH and Boxtus Arena. Most of the fighting preliminaries, including all the GS's, will be held in Boxtus.


So far, the past two Final Fours have been....


Semifinal #1: Mr. Matoro def. Sonu

Semifinal #2: Inikalord def. Brenmac

Super Battle 1: Mr. Matoro def. Inikalord



Semifinal #1: Omega Turtle def. Mr. Matoro

Semifinal #2: Levacius def. Hovoki

Super Battle 2: Omega Turtle def. Levacius


There are 64 spots in this year's tournament split into 4 regionals (like numbers 1 and 2). Each regional has 16 seeds, 1 being the highest and 16 the lowest, meaning there is a total of 4 #1 seeds, 4 #2 seeds, and so on. The 1's fight against the 16's, 2's against the 15's, 3, against the 14's, and you can figure out the rest by that pattern.


To qualify, you need to win enough preliminaries to get you in to the tournament. How many is that? You can never be sure. There are a total of 13 spots reserved for BZP users, 13 for Toa, 6 for Makuta, and I don't feel like listing the rest. But yeah. You've got 13 chances to get in.


Tell me if you want a spot in this incredibly complicated bracket thingy and I'll put you in the standings.


Regions so far:



Mr. Matoro








Rakshiking(Now Gorgnak)




Omega Turtle


5 Mask






(2 spots remain in this regional. I'll add more regionals if necessary)


Matchups: Week 1

Levacius vs. Mesonak(Part 2?)

Mr. Matoro vs. Dakama

Sonu vs. Frostbreeze

Brenmac vs. Rakshiking

Omega Turtle vs. Hovoki

5 Mask vs. Sonicwind

Tarakavaseargent vs. Burningair






Recommended Comments

Matchups: Week 1

Levacius vs. Mesonak(Part 2?)


This fight is the most interesting one. I have more experience fighting than Mesonak does, that's for sure, but his titanic form gives him the brute strength I don't have. My bets: Don't have a clue.


Mr. Matoro vs. Dakama


I haven't seen Dakama in action enough to truly judge, but Mr. Matoro has the most experience of all of the competitors, and is most certainly going to win. My bets: Mr. Matoro.


Sonu vs. Frostbreeze


It makes sense that fire boy would turn ice man into a melted pile of water. Plus, Sonu has been fighting far longer that Frostbreeze, and is much more skilled. My bets: Sonu.


Brenmac vs. Rakshiking


Brenmac and Rahkshiking have one thing in common: both of them have control over all elements (I think). But in any case, Brenmacs constant training (shows picture of Brenmac in hot tub) makes him the winner. My bets: Brenmac.


Omega Turtle vs. Hovoki


Do I need to even say it? Omega Turtle can't be beat! My bets: Omega Turtle


5 Mask vs. Sonicwind


5-Mask is an elite Coffee Rahkshi, the fifth one created in the original Mask Rahkshi Legion. With his new Tarakavaseargent modifications, how can he not beat Sonicwind, and untrained guest star who's hardly made it to any good fights? My bets: 5-Mask.


Tarakavaseargent vs. Burningair


Tarakavaseargent almost won his fight against Omega, and could have won and gone on to battle Levacius in Super Fight II if he had trained just a little bit more. Burningair stands no chance, and I'll probably have to bury him in a grave. My bets: Tarakavaseargent.




TBD will definately beat TBD.


MY SUGGESTIONS FOR THE "TBD"s: I would like to see XTRM participating in this battle, just for the cheer I'll get when in the epic stage of battle he would be placed into against Tarakavaseargent after the two of them made it as the two winners of the Western region.


As for the other TBD, my suggestions are: Alpha Turtle (Not as strong, fast, or tough as Omega, but can use his "Psionic' powers to create blasts of energy that repel enemies with more force than Omegas punch, or create a shiled strong enought to resist that), Tuma (Just because I'd get a laugh riot out of it), and Samus.


MY COMMENTS: Looks like some good fights.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Now this is nice. Also, Levacius, I am no longer in my titanic form. My toa form. But I have better weapons than any of you, and I control two elements. But Levacius has lightning, which creates lightm which I am partially weak to. And Levy has more battle experience. So yeah. Intereting....

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All right...the two TBD's for now are Gorgnak and XTRM. They'll be in the West Region along with Tarakavaseargent and Burningair.


Vecolity's predictions(for when this all is over):

"X" denotes moving onto the second round.



Mr. Matoro(13-3)-X












Omega Turtle(16-0)-X

5 Mask(11-5)-X











#1 Omega Turtle 5, #8 Mesonak 2

#2 Tarakavaseargent 5, #7 5 Mask 2

#3 Mr. Matoro 4, #6 Sonu 3

#5 Brenmac 4, #4 XTRM 3


#1 Omega Turtle 6, #5 Brenmac 1

#2 Tarakavaseargent 4, #3 Mr. Matoro 3


GS Championship

#1 Omega Turtle 5, #2 Tarakavaseargent 2


But how will it really turn out? Find out...after the video game tournament is finished.



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-XTRM :evilgrin:, The Seargent/Colonel Rokoriak Rocks! :smeag:, Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:, a Random Sheep :baaa:

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I don't know if anyone else is joining, but I do have some good news for all of you here. Omega Turtle has been deemed to not be a Guest Star, so he is not allowed in the BZP User Bracket. He will be in the MoC division, which, honestly, is a lot less fun.


Vecolity's Picks:

MoC Division:


Omega Turtle(16-0)


Meta Sboog(7-9)




Electro Vahki(3-13)


Taking Omega's place will be Calypso, and I've remade the divisions. (With Vecolity's picks)



#7 Mesonak(10-6)-X

#8 Levacius(9-7)-X





#4 Sonu(11-5)-X

#5 Brenmac(11-5)-X





#3 Mr. Matoro(12-4)-X

#6 5 Mask(11-5)-X





#1 Tarakavaseargent(13-3)-X

#2 XTRM(13-3)-X




And, now the playoffs(VECOLITY'S, NOT MT's PICKS!! If you have a problem with them, file a complaint in Vecolity's inbox):


Levacius 4, Tarakavaseargent 3(I'm thinking upset, mainly because Levacius wants revenge for having lost every single battle against TS so far)

XTRM 4, Mesonak 3(So close to an upset, but XTRM's ten arms win it in the end)

5 Mask 5, Mr. Matoro 2(Another upset? Coffee powers are too much for the Super Battle 1 Champion)

Brenmac 4, Sonu 3(Every single element is probably going to help out a little in the playoffs)


Brenmac 4, Levacius 3(Brenmac has more experience, more weapons, and is a veteran at this sort of stuff as long as he doesn't run into Tahu)

XTRM 4, 5 Mask 3(Another win for the titan. Coffee powers don't compare to being huge)


Brenmac 5, XTRM 2(Yet another upset for the #5 seed. Brenmac takes the title of GS Champion and probably heads into the tournament with a #1 seed)



Mesonak @ Levacius



Matchups: Week 1

Mr. Matoro @ Dakama

Sonu @ Frostbreeze

Brenmac @ Rakshiking



Calypso @ Hovoki

5 Mask @ Sonicwind

Tarakavaseargent @ Burningair

XTRM @ Gorgnak



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Also everyone needs to select a "home field," a place where all their home matches occur. BTW, you do get fans.


Mesonak is at Levacius to kick things off, 2 time defending GS champ Mr. Matoro takes on relatively new Dakama, Brenmac is up against Rahkshiking, and one of the Sunday fights, (probably TS vs. Burningair) will be on Monday.



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Are ther requirements to get into this "Incredibly complicated bracket thingy?"


-Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnmad hath spoken

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Interesting...And FREAKING COMPLEX! :wacko: I couldn't follow half of that! Anyway...So tommorow it's Me and Levy? Just to clarify...



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Being a TBTTRAH Guest Star, and getting here in time.


My things again:



Mesonak @ Levacius


Levacius, a reasonably experienced Veteran, is up to his toes in this fight. Mesonak, a toa of that book series Levacius is out to destroy, is a well armed being with a good amount of battle experience (50% from Kara and Samus). Levacius won't give his vote. XTRM votes for Mesonak. The Seargent/Colonel Rokoriak is doing the disco on a gravestone that says "Soon you will R.I.P. Levacius".



Matchups: Week 1

Mr. Matoro @ Dakama


Mr. Matoro has the agility. He has the experience. He has the flamethrowers, RPGs, grenades, and everything else. Levacius votes Mr. Matoro. XTRM votes Dakama. The Seargent is being held by his throat by Levacius.


Sonu @ Frostbreeze


Sonu is an experienced war veteran and a well trained toa. Frostbreeze got sent to the core. Go figure. Levacius votes Sonu.... and he does it again.... and again.... and again... oh why bother? XTRM votes Levacius for exocution :fear: . The Seargent votes for Frostbreeze.


This is getting annoying...


Brenmac @ Rakshiking BRENMAC



Calypso @ Hovoki HOVOKI

5 Mask @ Sonicwind 5 MASK

Tarakavaseargent @ Burningair TARAKAVASEARGENT

XTRM @ Gorgnak XTRM


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Name: Levacius


Species: Toa


Element: Quasi Elemental Lightning


Kanohi: Kanohi Reh, Mask of Energy (Allows user to increase/decrease the potential energy into an object or living being. Is made from a special type of kanoka disk material that produces a bright glow when the wearer uses its powers on it.)


Gender: Male


Weaponry: Spear of Channeling (Right Hand)(Allows user to channel non-elemental energy in the area into the spear and release it in a Kinetic Burst. Spear can split into a Sword of Channeling and a Staff of Quarzyx, the sword with the spears powers, and the staff with the power to create fireballs, bolts of force, and paralyze foes. However, when the staff is put it use, it extends into a weapon that must be used with two hands to be efficient), Energy Beam/Shield (Left Hand)(Siphons energy from any object/person to the user of the Beam)


Powers: Elemental control over quasi-elemental lightning. Immune to all forms of electricity other than Dark Lightning and Kinetic Lightning. Uses of his Quasi-Elemental Lightning powers are: performing Nova Blasts, electrocuting another being, creating electical force fields and stasis fields, and repeling other forms of lightning. Has wings.


Traits/Appearance: After accidently ingesting Liches Brew, Levacius has began to whither away, becoming extremely pale when angry, and after one extremely stressful battle, his entire body, as well as his mask, became extremely pale. However, the only traces of this shone are across the chest, feet, arms, and masks, because he suffered a casual injury in the fight; his body had been completely charred by dark lightning. The punishment of the brew is actually that he is beginning to fade away from the current life, into a life of undeath. The end result of this, however, is unknown, for he has expressed great resistance to it. At the end of his time in Quarzyx, he became ethereal, and began floating the Ethereal Plane. This time ends with his appearance in BZPower Universe, where he joins Toa MT's team the Toa Zehvor.


Background: Guardian Warrior (Defends allies while in combat against a foe, and focuses more on physical combat than standing back and providing artillery. However, his mastery of lightning and his mask is great enough that in a split second he can power up his spear and send lightning through it, allowing it to cut through anything quickly and cleanly.)


BIO: One of the olden toa, Levacius was created under the name Cavel. However, after a tragic experience in which most of his team died and was seperated, Cavel removed his upper armor of Korinax and wore nothing but his normal toa armor. He then joined a new toa team under the name Levacius, and after traumatic battle in which he lost all of his fellow toa, he went into a Nova Blast which destroyed both of the Rahi-Nui which had slain the others, and went into a comma. When he woke up, he had forgotten everything but the name Levacius. After that, he guarded the island Korina-Nui for many years before traveling south to Onrok-Nui, where he met his fellows and began to embark across the land in the Great War of Korinax, which ended with Onrok-Nui teleporting back to its home location of the Matoran Universe, and the meeting of two new beings: The Seargent and Oriouss the Ancient Titan.


Once there, they found themselves under the Makutas control. After hearing the final speech of Makuta, they gathered to decided on a way in which they might get back to Korinax. Oriouss then came up with an idea in which he would use his powers of teleportation to transport the island away. Levacius, however, had learned while in the Great Archives of the City of Light that this would leave Oriouss maroned in the new universe. So thusly, he decided to stay.


After a great many adventures, Levacius and Oriouss were sent to the Quarzyx universe, where Levacius fought in the Battle of Pandoraxa, and both participated in the Battle at Quarra City, though Levacius battled from the Ethereal Plane, only sub-physical. In the end, he departed the universe, giving Oriouss an indirect final word of goodbye. Once in the Ethereal Plane, he began searching for a portal back, and got sucked into a portal to BZPower Univerese.


Once there, he immediately wandered, and found more raptors, only of a different breed. Immediately, hisbragging led to disaproval, and he was attacked by a large number of them. Before they could put him on a stick and roast im, however, a team called the Toa Zehvor arrived and saved his life.


Later he played a pivital point in the Great Vahki War and the Second Vahki Battle, the first of which he played the all hated role of peacemaker, and the second in which he gave up the role of defender and attacked. Mesonak, the main beiing assigned to attack him in the first war, ended up being the peacemaker in the battle, and managed to end a great war.


Across his time as a Toa Zehvor, Levacius studied much BZPower lore, and some Matoran Universe Lore. He has become known for his writing of the critically acclaimed Levacius Show! commedy and is currently writing a summer Epic detailing the rich island of Zyrania called, well, Zyrania. He also has helped MT and Tarakavaseargent in the writing of The Bionicles Try to Run a Hotel.


After completing the Premier Trials and putting in a rich donation, Levacius managed to gain access to the wealth enough to start his own home. Situated in the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning, or Lightning Realm, this large castle is a point in which all Toa Zehvor can recoup in.


When not browsing by MT's Commedy Station or in his castle, Levacius is most often in the G&T Forum or in Boxtus Arena, the HQ of the Toa Zehvor and MT's "Blog" home.


Made of recycled cardboard too, to help the enviorment! :D (That's true, right?)


-----TBTRAH: Levacius also Guest Stars in The Bionicles Try to Run a House, where he plays a toa of lightning plastic figure. During a freak accident involving Halo and Harry Potter, part of his spirit was projected into a plastic toy, giving it his personality. He arrived to a strange beginning, involving a suit case stuffed with coffee beans and a toa of fire.


In this reality, Levacius' mask allows the control and creation of non-animated plastic, and his beam is replaced with a reflector shield that sends back 50% of elemental power that hits it.


In this dimension, he attains his black coloration only after a battle against (some bad guy) in the Luxury Resort. Also, to explain his armor change, he found an old Sea Sled carapar chest piece in th land of "Forgotten" Characters, and put the chest place on.


Also, his elemental powers are intwined with tea, and people being electrocuted by him have made the comment of it being "the OW! tastiest OWW!lightning I've ever OWWW!!!! had #$%^# ^#$*#$ %$#"


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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No, other than you have to fill out this un-complex form






Mask Power:

Other Powers:

Home Field: (Where you want to fight your home matches, it can be anywhere)



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