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Time To Do This Again...



Well, due to some personal events, I haven't been blogging, however, I must push forward. Therefore, to help keep my sanity... and because I am bored at the moment...


Ask me stuff. Anything. Go on, go for it!


Why are you still reading this? Start asking me stuff.




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I believe the morning sun

Always gonna shine again and

I believe a pot of gold

Waits at every rainbow's end, oh

I believe in roses kissed with dew

Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?

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Read my blogfic.




Skirts Y/N?

I shall.



I believe the morning sun

Always gonna shine again and

I believe a pot of gold

Waits at every rainbow's end, oh

I believe in roses kissed with dew

Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?

I believe in make believe

Fairy tales and lucky charms and

I believe in promises

Spoken as you cross your heart, oh

I believe in skies forever blue

Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?


Do you know any magical remedies in order to make someone go to sleep?


If so, I reaaaallly need that x_x

I never had the ability to make someone go to sleep in my arsenal of magical remedies...


If this is the question, then what is the answer?



Whatever you want to to be, I guess.



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1. Musical tastes?

2. Will you buy the CD I've been working on if and when it comes out? :P

3. What is the terminal velocity of an unladen Swallow?

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What is the central engine theory for active galaxies?



I'll get back to you on that...


Do you like shorts?

Yes. I like shorts. They're comfortable and easy to wear.


This one is a two parter;


a. Can I get a what what?

b. Can I get a hey-yo!

a. No.

b. Yes.


Black or blonde hair?



I have no preference, but I'd say I like blond.


1. Musical tastes?

2. Will you buy the CD I've been working on if and when it comes out? :P

3. What is the terminal velocity of an unladen Swallow?

1. Anything that sounds good. Usually not rap or country.

2. Maybe. :P

3. African or European?



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What is the central engine theory for active galaxies?



I'll get back to you on that...






After consulting my good sources... I have an answer for you.


Active galaxies have high luminosities that are usually greater than the typical characteristics of a bright normal galaxy. Those energy emissions are mostly nonstellar and highly variable, things that suggest that they are emitted from a small central nucleus (less than one parsec across). They also often have jets and other signs of explosive activity, as well as optical spectra that show broad emission lines, indicating rapid internal motion.


The requirements of large energy generation and small physical size indicate that accretion of material onto a compact object (like a black hole) is the likely explanation for activities in active galaxies. Large amounts of energy are produced when matter spirals down onto a supermassive black hole.


The central engine theory suggests that radiation emitted by the hot accretion disk surrounding a supermassive black hole would cover a huge range of wavelengths, from infrared through X-rays. Energy emitted from the accretion disk itself is absorbed by dust and reemitted at longer (mainly infrared) wavelengths.





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What is the central engine theory for active galaxies?



I'll get back to you on that...






After consulting my good sources... I have an answer for you.


Active galaxies have high luminosities that are usually greater than the typical characteristics of a bright normal galaxy. Those energy emissions are mostly nonstellar and highly variable, things that suggest that they are emitted from a small central nucleus (less than one parsec across). They also often have jets and other signs of explosive activity, as well as optical spectra that show broad emission lines, indicating rapid internal motion.


The requirements of large energy generation and small physical size indicate that accretion of material onto a compact object (like a black hole) is the likely explanation for activities in active galaxies. Large amounts of energy are produced when matter spirals down onto a supermassive black hole.


The central engine theory suggests that radiation emitted by the hot accretion disk surrounding a supermassive black hole would cover a huge range of wavelengths, from infrared through X-rays. Energy emitted from the accretion disk itself is absorbed by dust and reemitted at longer (mainly infrared) wavelengths.





Wow... I'm impressed. :o



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1. Musical tastes?

2. Will you buy the CD I've been working on if and when it comes out? :P

3. What is the terminal velocity of an unladen Swallow?

1. Anything that sounds good. Usually not rap or country.

2. Maybe. :P

3. African or European?




1 & 2; =D


3; Your call.

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