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iM iN uR sAnDaL pLaNnInG sHoRt StOrIeS aNd PlAnNiNg WaYs To GeT oN tHe QuOtE bLoCk WhIlE rEvAmPiNg GrEsH aNd PoStInG
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I r In JoOr BoXoRs, ownediNg U lOlInG aT uR sPrItEs WaTcHiNg BmSt pLaNnInG sHoRt StOrIeS aNd PlAnNiNg WaYs To GeT oN tHe QuOtE bLoCk WhIlE rEvAmPiNg GrEsH aNd PoStInG aNd Im In Ur ShOe PlOtTiNg My EvIl PlAn To BeCoMe A dOrKy TwIlIgHt LoRd WhIlE LoLiNg At Mt AnD ownedInG hIs BoXoRs WhO iS iN tHiS bLoG, wOnDeRiNg WhY tHe HeCk He KnOwS uS aNd ownediNg AnD cUsSiNg Ds AnD wAtChiNg HiM bE iN hIs cEiLiNg, wAtChInG HiM wAtChInG U CoKe Ur CoKes.


dont call me bmst


my name is NIDMAN

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beware my stinger tail abbreviated is BmSt.



and my name still remains Nidman


i hate being called by my current username kthx

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Not true! Tarakava are DEFINATLY not all lizards. Tarakava live in a wide exceesive range of species. Take, for example, the notorius sand tarakava. Unlike it's amphibian cousin, the aqua tarakava, the sand tarakava is a reptile with a far different genetic structure. *pets a tarakava* Your incolence will only make tarakava more angry at you and will further isolate you from the outside world.



so tough bunnies, smelly tin can leader.

Sand Tarakava are desert lizards. Many species of lizards inhabit the desert.


And I for one love bunnies, with their menacing evilness.

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okay guys enuf going off topick


topick bannad membr closed

Beware My Thornax Waffle!




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Now, I am gonna settle this for all, in the wording of the original topic.


iM iN tHiS bLoG, sEtTiNg YoU gUyS sTrAiGhT.


Tarakava are not lizards. Vahki are not metal men.


Tarakavaseargent wins epicly for the comment on the first page. XD


And Bunnies FTW

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I r In JoOr BoXoRs, ownediNg U lOlInG aT uR sPrItEs WaTcHiNg BmSt pLaNnInG sHoRt StOrIeS aNd PlAnNiNg WaYs To GeT oN tHe QuOtE bLoCk WhIlE rEvAmPiNg GrEsH aNd PoStInG aNd Im In Ur ShOe PlOtTiNg My EvIl PlAn To BeCoMe A dOrKy TwIlIgHt LoRd WhIlE LoLiNg At Mt AnD ownedInG hIs BoXoRs WhO iS iN tHiS bLoG, wOnDeRiNg WhY tHe HeCk He KnOwS uS aNd ownediNg AnD cUsSiNg Ds AnD wAtChiNg HiM bE iN hIs cEiLiNg, wAtChInG HiM wAtChInG U CoKe Ur CoKes.

And I am planning at

BeInGz tHez nOobIshz PeOplez ThAtz wEz wIllz bEz fOrz thEz rEstz oFz timez aNDz SPACEz OHz YESz NOOBZZ AREz AWESUMZ lOlZ yaYz!!111!!11!11!11111!1!!!



Also, Mesonak, thats cool that you are doing that. Its awesome. How do you actually do it? Or am I and noob? lOLz yAYz!1!!!!111!11!!1!!!

Is it a special program or something?



Also, cheese is yummy. ^_^

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I r In JoOr BoXoRs, ownediNg U lOlInG aT uR sPrItEs WaTcHiNg BmSt pLaNnInG sHoRt StOrIeS aNd PlAnNiNg WaYs To GeT oN tHe QuOtE bLoCk WhIlE rEvAmPiNg GrEsH aNd PoStInG aNd Im In Ur ShOe PlOtTiNg My EvIl PlAn To BeCoMe A dOrKy TwIlIgHt LoRd WhIlE LoLiNg At Mt AnD ownedInG hIs BoXoRs WhO iS iN tHiS bLoG, wOnDeRiNg WhY tHe HeCk He KnOwS uS aNd ownediNg AnD cUsSiNg Ds AnD wAtChiNg HiM bE iN hIs cEiLiNg, wAtChInG HiM wAtChInG U CoKe Ur CoKes.

And I am planning at

BeInGz tHez nOobIshz PeOplez ThAtz wEz wIllz bEz fOrz thEz rEstz oFz timez aNDz SPACEz OHz YESz NOOBZZ AREz AWESUMZ lOlZ yaYz!!111!!11!11!11111!1!!!



Also, Mesonak, thats cool that you are doing that. Its awesome. How do you actually do it? Or am I and noob? lOLz yAYz!1!!!!111!11!!1!!!

Is it a special program or something?



Also, cheese is yummy. ^_^


No....You just alternate between caps and lowercase. And special program....THERE MIGHT BE ONE. :o


*Goes to look*

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