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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 49-55



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The forty-ninth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there is a type of weapon known as the "Cevlek Rifle" (CHEV-leck RIGH-full).


The "Cevlek Rifle", also sometimes called the "Cevlek Blaster", is a longer, thinner projectile weapon than its' counterpart, the "Cordak Blaster". Instead of explosive laden rockets, the ammunition employed by the "Cevlek Rifle" is packed full of miniscule, razor-sharp shards of Solid Protodermis that are released on impact, inflicting widespread shrapnel damage. These missiles typically breach most forms of armoring and are strong enough to dent, though not fully puncture, even Protosteel. The standard "Cevlek Cartridge" holds six shells at a time.


Surprisingly the design of the "Cevlek Rifle" also provides for it to be utilized as a "Toa Tool", allowing elemental energies to be channeled through it.


Toa Kevex first developed the original blueprint for the "Cevlek Rifle" on the Isle of Marak Nui and sent the schematics to the "Marak Council" for consideration of its' use as a defensive tool, at which point, the plans were then sent to the Isle of La Nui for full scale manufacturing.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The fiftieth article proposed by Kohila & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Kohila & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose that Zahaku be nominated to the position of "TOA TEAM LEADER" and de facto primary tie-breaker.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The fifty-first article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there is a large, water-filled dome located above many of the other domes in the northern part of the universe, yet still beneath the chest armor of the "Great Spirit Mata Nui".


Furthermore, the body of water that encompasses the entire space shall be known as the "Nui Sea".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The fifty-second article proposed by Talvak is as follows:

Talvak hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a species of powerful psychics known only as the "Watchers".


Their race was created by the "Great Beings" in order to monitor the Matoran Universe and, should trouble occur, act accordingly to help prevent disaster. Furthermore, they are uniquely in tune with Mata Nui's life force and should he die, they too will die.


Every island within the universe is inhabited by a single "Watcher" and that "Watcher" is bound to their island. As long as the "Great Spirit Mata Nui" remains alive, the consciousness of a "Watcher" cannot pass on, and so if the island or the body of the "Watcher" is destroyed, its' mind then merges with that of the nearest living creature.


The primary side effect of this mind merger is that the creature then begins seeing prophetic visions. Moreover, although the "Watcher" could commandeer the body of the host creature, it is only done under rare and extreme circumstances, since the "Watchers" consider such manipulation to be immoral. Aside from this remarkably infrequent assertion of control and the aforementioned visions, the host creature would have no knowledge of being possessed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The fifty-third article proposed by Ballom is as follows:

Ballom hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Crathsis (CRATH-siss), the Great Mask of Emotion, which grant the user the ability to impress their emotions upon others, altering their power levels for better or for worse, or even permitting them to speak through the target despite possible obstacles and distances between the user and the target. Unfortunately this mask power can at times be extremely physically draining and subsequently results in frighteningly angry fits of rage for the user.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The fifty-fourth article proposed by Ballom is as follows:

Ballom hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Dayku (DAY-koo), the Great Mask of Shapeshifting, which allow the user to assume the form of any Rahi they have seen, provided that they stay at or below their original size and without having copied the powers of the beast.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The fifty-fifth article proposed by Talvak is as follows:

Talvak hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Falak (fuh-LACK), the Great Mask of Duplication, which permit the user to create multiple duplicates of themselves, which remain psychically connected to the user. The duplicates remain for as long as the user concentrates, however the more duplicates the user creates, the more taxing the mask usage is on their health, thus lengthening the timeframe for recovery of the user's strength.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, May 11th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.



UPDATE: Articles 49 & 50 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECSION", next

Article 51 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", meanwhile

Articles 52-55 have all passed via "UNANIMOUS DECSION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Aye to all.


Seems like a nice weapon.


He should do fine.


Might be fun to use in the future for an idea I have.


I love the idea. Reminds me of the Watcher from Doctor Who (though I haven't seen those episodes), as a being just watching and observing events. And the Observer from Fringe. There's no reason I wouldn't support this due to those shows.


The Kanohi all seem good.

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Article 49: Aye. The Cordak could use a slimmer counterpart.


Article 50: Aye. Toa Zahaku, you definitely deserve it. :)


Article 51: Aye. Major, major Aye. This will help out amazingly with my own Epic, and I think it would add a nice twist to the Universe.


Article 52: Aye. These creatures sound very intriguing. But, and let's jsut say, what if the island were to split in two, like Voya/Mahri Nui? Does it go with the larger portion or... what?


Article 53: Aye. Sounds good.


Article 54: Aye. Yesh, this sounds good as well.


Article 55: Aye. Sounds reasonable.




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Edit: I've reconsidered on these articles, and am now revoting yet again.


Article 49: Aye, another weapon is always welcome.

Article 50: Aye, you deserve the promotion.

Article 51: Undecided, for several reasons. First of all, this dome would have to be above others, and presumably accessed from the bottom. However, since it is filled with water at the bottom, entering it would be difficult. On top of that, unless the access points into the dome are some sort of airlocks, all of the entrances would be waterfalls into the domes beneath them, further frustrating travel. Can you clarify on this a bit? After much thought, I have decided to vote Nay, on the grounds that it is impractical to enter.

Article 52: Undecided. I'm tempted to Veto this one outright, as the Watchers seem almost omniscient, which is never a good idea for one being. Also, I don't like the idea of such an outside force influencing Terra Nui. Maybe they can be on only some islands. Furthermore, what would the creatures do for split islands, such as Punt Nui and Voya Nui? If you can't clarify on those points, I may have to strike down this article. Aye, although Terra Nui's Watcher is most likely inhabiting some sort of Rahi.

Articles 53-55: Aye, I created two of them and the last sounds like a useful mask.



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I vote "AYE" on Article 49, though I agree with Erebus: Toa of Darkness that there's certainly no shortage of this type of weaponry within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe".


Next, I proudly vote "AYE" on Article 50. Congratulations Toa Zahaku, you've earned it. :happydance:


I also vote "AYE" on Article 51, as it will help to resolve some glaring discrepancies involving a few of the Epics within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe".


For now I'll vote "AYE" on Article 52 as well, though I'm curious to hear what Toa Talvak 's answer to Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr's question from Comment #3 will be? :unsure:


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on all Articles 53-56. All three mask powers seem reasonable.


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49- AYE, I guess its smart to have a sniper-like rifle as a 'sought-after' weapon.

50- AYE, although shouldn't we wait until voting on C.I.R.C.L.E. renovation until we add a 'TOA TEAM LEADER'?

51- UNDECIDED- I don't know about this. I'll have to think this over long and hard. I mean, Water above Land? Seems creative, don't get me wrong, but I'm just not cure. What about Voya Nui? Did it have to shoot through that? And with this I believe that if it passes we may need to rethink the whole 'C.I.R.C.L.E. Alternate Universe' thing? AYE- after seeing where

52- AYE- but are they physical beings? Can we see them? When Mata Nui died, for a short period, that is, did some of them leave their island?

53- AYE- Seems like a good idea.

54- AYE

55- TOTAL AYE. That, to use such an immature term, sounds *gulp* "Win". Did I say that right?

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Aye to Article 49. Just for clarification, and I'm sorry I didn't state this earlier, that a large percentage of the shipments is purchased by Marak Nui.


Aye to Article 50. I think Zahaku is ready for it.


EDIT: Nay to Article 51. I would say aye if it only covered a smaller portion of the torso area. Undecided on Article 51. If it is just below the chest plate, how is it accessed?


EDIT: Aye to Article 52. Nay to Article 52. It seems that the position that the 'Watchers' are given is very similar to what a Makuta's is, with the exception is that the 'Watchers' do not take action unless it is absolutely neccesary. At least that is my understanding.


Aye to Article 53. I think we could use more unique Kanohi.


Aye to Article 54. For same reason stated above.


Aye to Article 55. For same reason stated above the above. :P

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"AYE" to Article 49. Reminds me of a sniper rifle and would most certainly be useful.


"AYE" to Article 50. Congratulations, you have earned it.


"AYE" to Article 51. The Article would remove discrepancies among epics.Taking Ballom's concerns into consideration, may I suggest that the "Nui Sea" be more of a cave network and less a dome? :shrugs:


"AYE" to Article 52.

  • To answer Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr's question: The
"Watcher" would remain on which ever part of the island he or she was on at the time of the division. In terms of health, the "Watcher" would stay alive, but otherwise feel empty or incomplete.

To counterpoint Ballom: Or maybe Terra Nui's "Watcher" has been destroyed and is now possessing some Rahi. ;)

To answer Toa Zeerah: Yes. Yes. They all died and when Mata Nui was revived, they were too. Now that Mata Nui's spirit has left the MU the "Watchers" are all comatose.

To answer Zorrakh: The only thing we know for certain is that the Makuta were suppose to create Rahi. Mesirix repurposed the Brotherhood to watch over the universe. The "Watchers" are more of an influence than a force.

"AYE" to Articles 53-55. All seem useful and well thought out.


I am glad to see that questions are being raised about the "Watchers".

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Guest kopakanuva13


Article 49: Aye, I can't see why not. Sounds like a good idea.

Article 50: Aye.

Article 51: Aye, sounds plausible.

Article 52: Aye.

Article 53: Aye, I was actually thinking about such a thing. Sounds like a good Kanohi power.

Article 54: Aye Undecided. This seems like an interesting Kanohi, but the power is pretty immense. It can copy the beast's power, so being something like a Kanohi Dragon could multiply a Toa's power by, like, ten. Possibly this is a super-rare mask, or it has its limits?

Article 55: Aye, sounds interesting. Shadow-Clone Jutsu! :P

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Article 54: Undecided. This seems like an interesting Kanohi, but the power is pretty immense. It can copy the beast's power, so being something like a Kanohi Dragon could multiply a Toa's power by, like, ten. Possibly this is a super-rare mask, or it has its limits?

But the limit to the mask is that it can only turn the user into a being their size or smaller. Therefore, the Toa would become a tiny Kanohi Dragon, and thus a much weaker one than normal. Also, as the article says, the only power the user copies is the target's physical strength.


Given Toa Talvak's recent explanations, I have changed my vote for Article 52 to Undecided.



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Guest kopakanuva13


Article 54: Undecided. This seems like an interesting Kanohi, but the power is pretty immense. It can copy the beast's power, so being something like a Kanohi Dragon could multiply a Toa's power by, like, ten. Possibly this is a super-rare mask, or it has its limits?

But the limit to the mask is that it can only turn the user into a being their size or smaller. Therefore, the Toa would become a tiny Kanohi Dragon, and thus a much weaker one than normal. Also, as the article says, the only power the user copies is the target's physical strength.


Given Toa Talvak's recent explanations, I have changed my vote for Article 52 to Undecided.



Ah, I see that I misread the article.

Aye to Article 54.

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Article 49-Aye, sounds like a pretty cool weapon.

Article 50-Aye, thanks everyone!

Article 51-Aye i thought over it, sounds like a good idea

Article 52-Aye. i dont know why i put this as undecided, its a good idea


Article 53-

Article 54-Aye to these three, sound like cool ideas

Article 55-


Toa Zahaku

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Aye to Articles 49-53, they all sound like very good ideas and Toa Zahaku deserves it. :) The Watchers are a very interesting concept that I may have to incorporate into my story somehow; islands tend to get destroyed a lot so you'd think a bunch of my characters probably are fused to Watchers. :P


Undecided on Article 54-55. Both of them are aspects of the Kanohi Mahiki's power, aren't they? The Great version of the Mahiki is capable of shapeshifting to forms of similar mass without copying the form's power; the Noble version (and by extension the Great version) has been seen creating duplicates. While technically the Falak is unique enough to be its own power, assuming the duplicates are actual physical beings, the Dayku's power doesn't seem different enough from the Mahiki to merit its own mask. Aye to both Articles 54 and 55 given Toa_Ausar's below comment.

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In response to the remarks made by Ballomess regarding Article 51, it is my belief that the space containing the prospective "Nui Sea" was never intended to be accessed, however I must ask you, What prevents an entrance from being shaped like a "7" or upsidedown "L"? That is to say, why couldn't there be a steep uphill climb that eventually levels out above the water level?


Also, I don't see the "Watchers" as being omniscient, rather they only know what they have actually seen. Maybe Toa Talvak could clarify this?


Next, to answer the question posed by ChocoLvr13 regarding Article 50, it is a bit of the "Cart before the Ussal", however I'm fairly confident that there won't be six different "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" changing their vote on Article 1a during the next few days.


Also, in response to the question concerning Article 51, the Isle of Voya Nui would not have had to pass through the prospective "Nui Sea" because it was part of the Southern Continent, meanwhile this proposed space would only be located above the northernmost area.


Furthermore, as Toa Talvak suggested, I see no reason why the "Nui Sea" couldn't be within a network of caves instead of a dome in the strict sense.


Lastly, to do my part to address the questions from Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion, I believe that the differences between a Kanohi Great Mahiki and a prospective Dayku are quite clear. The Mahiki allows its' user to shapeshift into anything of relatively equal size, ranging from an inanimate boulder to a robotic Vahki, where as a Dayku only allows its' user to shapeshift specifically into Rahi and the size can be of equal or lesser value, meaning small Rahi would not be unavailable as they would be with a Mahiki. Oh, and I believe that a prospective Falak is far more similar to a Kanohi Great Mohtrek, as opposed to a Mahiki, only the duplicates are "temporary clones" rather than "timetraveling doubles".


Anyway, I hope all this helps the "Undecideds" to make up their minds.


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You are correct, the "Watchers" only know what they've seen. But they do have extensive knowledge of the universe, though no where near that of Teridax or Tren Krom.


The Falak creates physical duplicates of the user.

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The forty-ninth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:


Zorrakh hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there is a type of weapon known as the "Cevlek Rifle" (CHEV-leck RIGH-full)


The "Cevlek Rifle", also sometimes called the "Cevlek Blaster", is a longer, thinner projectile weapon than its' counterpart, the "Cordak Blaster". Instead of explosive laden rockets, the ammunition employed by the "Cevlek Rifle" is packed full of minuscule, razor-sharp shards of Solid Protodermis that are released on impact, inflicting widespread shrapnel damage. These missiles typically breach most forms of armoring and are strong enough to dent, though not fully puncture, even Protosteel. The standard "Cevlek Cartridge" holds six shells at a time.


Surprisingly the design of the "Cevlek Rifle" also provides for it to be utilized as a "Toa Tool", allowing elemental energies to be channeled through it.


Toa Kevex first developed the original blueprint for the "Cevlek Rifle" on the Isle of Marak Nui and sent the schematics to the "Marak Council" for consideration of its' use as a defensive tool, at which point, the plans were then sent to the Isle of La Nui for full scale manufacturing.


I vote Aye, this will be a most useful tool in the C.I.R.C.L.E Universe, no?


The fiftieth article proposed by Kohila & Toa_Ausar is as follows:


Kohila & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E Members", hereby propose that Toa Zahaku be nominated to the position of "TOA TEAM LEADER" and de facto primary tie-breaker.


I vote Aye, most glad to see your promotion my friend. It will be an honor serving under you.


The fifty-first article proposed by Kohila is as follows:


Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there is a large, water-filled dome located above many of the other domes in the northern part of the universe, yet still beneath the chest armor of the "Great Spirit Mata Nui".


Furthermore, the body of water that encompasses the entire space shall be known as the "Nui Sea".


I vote Aye, with permission from its creator, I would like to use this, and expand upon it in an upcoming Proposal.


The fifty-second article proposed by Toa Talvak is as follows:


Toa Talvak hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a species of powerful psychics known only as the "Watchers".


Their race was created by the "Great Beings" in order to monitor the Matoran Universe and, should trouble occur, act accordingly to help prevent disaster. Furthermore, they are uniquely in tune with Mata Nui's life force and should he die, they too will die.


Every island within the universe is inhabited by a single "Watcher" and that "Watcher" is bound to their island. As long as the "Great Spirit Mata Nui" remains alive, the consciousness of a "Watcher" cannot pass on, and so if the island or the body of the "Watcher" is destroyed, its' mind then merges with that of the nearest living creature.


The primary side effect of this mind merger is that the creature then begins seeing prophetic visions. Moreover, although the "Watcher" could commandeer the body of the host creature, it is only done under rare and extreme circumstances, since the "Watchers" consider such manipulation to be immoral. Aside from this remarkably infrequent assertion of control and the aforementioned visions, the host creature would have no knowledge of being possessed.


I vote Aye, a very sustaining addition to the story line in my eyes


The fifty-third article proposed by Ballomess is as follows:


Ballomess hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Crathsis (CRATH-siss), the Great Mask of Emotion, which grant the user the ability to impress their emotions upon others, altering their power levels for better or for worse, or even permitting them to speak through the target despite possible obstacles and distances between the user and the target. Unfortunately this mask power can at times be extremely physically draining and subsequently results in frighteningly angry fits of rage for the user.


The fifty-fourth article proposed by Ballomess is as follows:


Ballomess hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Dayku (DAY-koo), the Great Mask of Shape shifting, which allow the user to assume the form of any Rahi they have seen, provided that they stay at or below their original size and without having copied the powers of the beast.


The fifty-fifth article proposed by Toa Talvak is as follows:


Toa Talvak hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Falak (fuh-LACK), the Great Mask of Duplication, which permits the user to create multiple duplicates of themselves, which remain psychically connected to the user. The duplicates remain for as long as the user concentrates, however the more duplicates the user creates, the more taxing the mask usage is on their health, thus lengthening the time frame for recovery of the user's strength.


Now, you are probably wondering why I have adjoined all of the Kanohi proposals. This is due to the sheer number of them that have been stacked up in this round of voting.

Proposal 53: I vote Aye, this mask doesn't seem to have any aura of being to powerful.

Proposal 54: I vote Aye, for the above reasoning.

Proposal 55: I vote aye, for the above reasoning.



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I vote "AYE" to Article 49 because it's always good to have a few more weapons out there.


I vote "AYE" to Article 50. Well done, you've earned it. ;)


I vote "AYE" to Article 51 because it serves as a logical excuse to Epics whose islands are sent to the Endless Ocean.


I vote "AYE" to Article 52. Did the "Watchers" die when Mata Nui was briefly dead, and then come back to life, or are they still dead? :huh:


I vote "AYE" to Articles 53-55 because they each seem like legit powers.


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*gasp* Did Kohila just vote? :o

I vote "AYE" to Article 52. Did the "Watchers" die when Mata Nui was briefly dead, and then come back to life, or are they still dead? :huh:

As I had stated here, the Watchers were revived with Mata Nui.


Glad to see you've voted.

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Article 49 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 50 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and thus modifies Article 3.

Article 51 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES".

Article 52 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 53 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 54 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 55 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

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