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The Road Continues...

MT Zehvor


While the road to Super Battle 3 continues, we're taking a pause to look back at what happened in Week 1 of the TBTTRAH Fighting League and then looking ahead to Week 2.


Division Standings:









Mr. Matoro(1-0)

5 Mask(1-0)
















A look back:


The season started out for Tarakavaseargent, Mister Matoro, and Hovoki as we all expected it would: with a fairly easy win over a newcomer. However, others such as Sonu, Brenmac, and XTRM stumbled a bit, all losing to newcomers, except for Brenmac, who lost to Rahkshiking in the Fiery Volcano. Levacius' win over Mesonak was a bit of a surprise to some, but since the fight was in Boxtus(definitely pro-Zehvor) it was more of a home fight. Which is what it should have been, given that it was (Mesonak @ Levacius)


Mesonak gets another shot at Levacius later in the season.


Easiest call: Tarakavaseargent over Burningair. Burningair has been in one battle before this and lost pretty handily.


Biggest blindside: Frostbreeze over Sonu. Frostbreeze, like Burningair, had never won a battle before, and so when he pulled off the home upset of Sonu, a few people kind of wondered what happened. Unfortunately, the fight wasn't broadcasted, although it mainly had to do with Frostbreeze freezing Sonu....again....and again....and again....


A look ahead....


Fight of the week: MR. MATORO(1-0) VS TARAKAVASEARGENT(1-0) Monday Night, The Lightning Realm

Guess what? It's the second MNF of the season, and it's in the Lightning Realm. Two week 1 winners who have never met before go head to head in Levacius' blog for a little bit more than bragging rights. Both of them are looking for revenge on Omega Turtle, who defeated Tarkavaseargent in the Elite Eight and Mr. Matoro in the Final Four on his way to defeating Levacius in Super Battle 2.


Runner up: BRENMAC(0-1) AT SONU(0-1) Friday Night, Boxtus Arena

Desperation one week into the season? It is in the highly competitive East Division, where 3 out of 4 fighters made the sweet sixteen last year(Calypso wasn't here at that point). Falling behind, even by one game, isn't an option. It's even worse for Brenmac, who definitely needs to win at home against Rahkshiking in a few weeks to maintain pace.


3rd place: LEVACIUS(1-0) AT FROSTBREEZE(1-0) Saturday, The Realm of Shadows

Frostbreeze's award for pulling the biggest upset of the week? A fight against Levacius, last year's Super Battle loser. It's time to prove whether or not the huge upset was a fluke or not. No ice cold Pluto to freeze a fire Toa this time.


Honorable mention: RIDLEY(0-0) AT OMEGA TURTLE(0-0) TBD, The Burning Blogg

Sonic League action kicks off sometime this week when Ridley, a newcomer who so far hasn't done anything besides make Samus and Chief feel worthless, takes on the defending Super Battle champ Omega Turtle, who, by the way, knocked off 3 of the fighters in the division lead right now on his way to the championship.




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You weren't here for the start. This is the regular season for the TBTTRAHFL. After the regular season, there is a bit of a break, and then the final tournament. Kind of complicated.



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Right. But how do I record this? Ridley's dead, but Omega lost. So do I give them both 0-1 records?


You get to decide the individual matches, but I have to keep up with the standings.



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Great, but HOW do I score this? Since Ridley wasn't fighting, does that still give him the win?


In other words, WHO gets the win?



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