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Today was career day [big surprise when I got to school o__O]. I learned stuff about jobs that I either are not interested in, or never thought would be a successful place to be [Oddly they are more successful than they are given credit for...]. The Fox 31 Sports Journalist was there, though I don't want to pursue a job in journalism even after he talked... and talked... and talked.


I just like writing fiction, and that is what I want to do =)




There were no authors there DX


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You know? I think you'd be a good author.


I'd like to think I could, too, but I can never finish anything.

I take that as a comment of which I hadn't expected to receive. Lately I've been finishing and continuing some stuff, and yeah, I am writing chapters to some of my old epics, so that when I want to get it moving again, I'll have a Word doc full of text all set and ready XP



Writers deserve higher wages! We will not tolerate the ignorance of our true needs! REVOLT!

I only get "paid" in comments from BZP users, since I never have the want to post them anywhere else XP


High-five for fiction authors. :D

*High Fives*


You should track down a local author to come to your school ;P

If only I could XP


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I wanna be an author too...


However, it's not considered a good source of income unless you're popular...meh...


At least it's something. And if it does go down the drain, there's always story writing for companies that manufacture toy-lines (Such as LEGO) or companies that create games (Such as Bioware, or Bungie etc...)


Then there is journalism, which is just the boring type of writing for me, but if you're good at it you could land fifteen million dollars a year.

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I would HATE journalism. I can't write non-fiction to save my life.

You could always go for writing reviews for fiction XP


But yes, I do see your point and I share your sentiments.

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Wellll, I actually worked on the school newspaper staff my freshman year, and quite frankly I hated it.=/ I'm a fiction and poetry writer by nature I s'pose. The deadlines are annoying...and of course, there's a lot more freedom if you don't have to write something that's true.^.^


And illustrating, I'd love to do that too...myes. Especially those wonderful, luscious picture books that are drenched with bright, soft colors and talking animulz <3



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I would HATE journalism. I can't write non-fiction to save my life.

You could always go for writing reviews for fiction XP


But yes, I do see your point and I share your sentiments.

Being the SSSCC critic/reviewer I am, you can assume that I LOVE DOIN THAT


But alas, I am too lazy. :P

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