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Communist Humor.



Taken from an interview with Jon Oliver for The Daily Show with John Stewart...


Lady: I don't want to be interviewed, I don't believe in John Stewart's agenda, I believe he is nothing more than a communist. So no thank you, I don't want to be interviewed. It's certainly not fair and balanced.


Oliver: Thank you, comrad.




Of the two Comedy Channel news shows (which are like the only news shows I actually watch anymore... yeah, I've fallen into that demographic) I prefer The Daily Show over the Colbert Report. The adult humor (note, adult, so younger teens beware, don't watch without parental permission. I can because I'm in college and above such rules. :P ) is funny, but I like TDS because it so often shows the hypocrisy of other news media outlets on both ends. So while CNN or FOX can go on and on about whatever it is they're covering and how they're the best station and whatnot, TDS just mocks everybody and tried to get in a few cheep laughs.


I'm in college. I'll go for the laughs any day. Beats depressing news stories on the economy and whatnot... I've stopped listening to NPR because its too depressing to listen to (besides Science Friday and the Political Junkie)




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Never really got the Colbert Report around here, but we've had the Daily Show numerous of times, when the stupid Aus stations feel like showing it. Love it to bits. I probably like the Colbert Report if it was ever shown or I bothered to look up some recent episodes. Saw the election special last year when they combined forces, that was just about the best I'd seen.



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