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Are U Busy?



Me in my friends down in Cyan Productions would like some additional pixel artists so that we can undergo a project to improve the graphics quality of many of our games. The only requirement is that you draw them in a certain style (I'll show you what that is once you're hired), and you obviously have to be good at low-res pixel work.


So if you have nothing better to do, drop me a line! :P


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If I ever learn how to do any form of pixel related artwork, I would help out. As it is, I have no computer smarts -especially- when it comes to these types of things XP


Hope you find all the help you need though!

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I have experience in using Macromedia fireworks, paint etc. but I am currently making a game. Considering the game uses the DOOM engine, and that takes time to make, I will not be able to help for a certain period of time. (4 to 6 months at best)


I would like to apply to help in the future though.


*Drops line*

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I'd help, as I'm somewhat good at drawing using a computer, but my abilities end at paint, as I've never had photoshop, GIMP, etcetera. And Vista sucks. And my mom won't let me download anything to use.



Peace, Nostrum

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