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My New Toy



Well, that's what my dad called it when I showed it to him.


Last month I bought a portable hard drive, since I figured it would be good for backing up my computer's hard drive and I thought that my friend might put Linux on that (though he didn't. We ended up dual booting). But I keep forgetting to blog about it:


It's a silver 320 GB Seagate HD. It's sleek and looks cool. It's amazing.


I did "a lot of" research online figuring out if I wanted this or a Western Digital. The reviews for this were really good, one might have even said the transfer rate was faster, and this was thinner (though sightly longer, but it's worth it) than the WD. And after some price comparisons, I ended getting this off of Amazon for $90 (free shipping), as opposed to buying a 250 GB WD from BestBuy.


It's really nice. I still need to figure out a name for it. Maybe I'll put a sticker on the front to give it some pizazz. The temperory name is "Stargate" (since it's a "gate" lol) but I want either a Lego/Bionicle name or Star Wars name, but nothing cliche. It's silver too, and that matters. Suggestions?


-CF :kakama:


Edit: maybe I'll name it Kopaka. This is silver ("white") so it's fitting....


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I have a Seagate portable hard drive, too. =P Well, it's my dad's, but yeah.


They certainly are useful. When I switched computers recently, I just put everything on the Seagate, and then transferred the stuff to my new computer.



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We named ours Smacky (well, I named my sister's, but that's beside the point) after Bucky from Get Fuzzy's toy bear.

It's a good HD name.

(My Xbox's HD is named "A whole wave of babies!" but that's also beside the point.)

How 'bout...

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You name your hard drives? O_o


I name my flash drives. My main hard drive is simply (C:) drive. The portable hard drive is like a big flash drive that shouldn't be touched when running since there's a spinning disk inside, but it can be renamed and would probably be better than just "Removable disk." Ewww.



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