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Critics Wanted

Nuju Metru


I'm a Co-Curator for the Comedies Critics Club, and I'm blogging now to tell y'all that we're in need of some good, skilled Critics to help review all the comedies that get requested by authors... If anyone is interested, you can PM me! :)


-Nuju Metru


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MOSM, the Triple C is a club designed to critique and try to improve the quality of the forum as a whole. We need more critics because I'm like the only active one. :P



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MOSM, the Triple C is a club designed to critique and try to improve the quality of the forum as a whole. We need more critics because I'm like the only active one. :P




To learn even more, go here.


And, yes, Thank you -MX- for being so active. Though, I'm sure the other critics will be just as active eventually, but it's only been a couple days since the topic was open.


Thanks, Nuju, for making this entry. Just remember to read over all the requirements if you'd like to join, and then PM me [the curator] or Nuju Metru, or Rorsasch. [the Co-Curators].



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MOSM, the Triple C is a club designed to critique and try to improve the quality of the forum as a whole. We need more critics because I'm like the only active one. :P




To learn even more, go here.


And, yes, Thank you -MX- for being so active. Though, I'm sure the other critics will be just as active eventually, but it's only been a couple days since the topic was open.


Thanks, Nuju, for making this entry. Just remember to read over all the requirements if you'd like to join, and then PM me [the curator] or Nuju Metru, or Rorsasch. [the Co-Curators].




Cool, I think I´m gonna join!


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MOSM, the Triple C is a club designed to critique and try to improve the quality of the forum as a whole. We need more critics because I'm like the only active one. :P




To learn even more, go here.


And, yes, Thank you -MX- for being so active. Though, I'm sure the other critics will be just as active eventually, but it's only been a couple days since the topic was open.


Thanks, Nuju, for making this entry. Just remember to read over all the requirements if you'd like to join, and then PM me [the curator] or Nuju Metru, or Rorsasch. [the Co-Curators].




Cool, I think I´m gonna join!






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Hmm.. I'd join, but I'm already an ECC Critic and I've been slacking off on that job as it is, lol. If I did join I doubt you'd see many reviews from me :P

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Hmm.. I'd join, but I'm already an ECC Critic and I've been slacking off on that job as it is, lol. If I did join I doubt you'd see many reviews from me :P


You can still be a part-time critic...

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Yeah, I kinda fail at doing anything regularly, erm, ever, so I don't think that I'd be able to do that good a job at keeping up with what'd be required.

However, I would be able to haunt that place and give unaffiliated critique, right? Because I wholeheartedly support the cause of Making Comedies Not Suck, and think that this is a fine way forward for that.

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