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Tbttrahfl: Week 3

MT Zehvor


Now onto the third week as the quest for Super Battle 3 continues. First, a look at the standings










Mr. Matoro(2-0)

5 Mask(1-1)















Success of the Week: Levacius claimed his 2nd win of the year, this one coming against surprise Frostbreeze in the Zone of Darkness after winning a week 1 matchup against rival Mesonak in Boxtus. Week 3 gets even tougher, when he'll return to the Zone of Darkness to fight Mesonak.


Fail of the Week: Sonu. Lost again to Brenmac after a loss at Rahkshiking. The schedule is a killer, and it doesn't let up this week against Final Fourist Hovoki in the Lightning Realm on Monday Night.


Interesting, but completely worthless: All of Levacius' opponents so far(including this week's matchup against Tarakavaseargent) are 1-1.


Worth a lot, but completely uninteresting: Mr. Matoro is *GASP* 2-0. Again. What a surprise.


Around the league.....


Dakama blames his 0-2 start on the fact that Mesonak stole and ate his lightsaber before the season began. Dakama said he plans to build a new one before his fight against Calypso on Sunday.


Omega Turtle, stunned by his loss to Ridley last week, attempted to find and kill Ridley, only to discover that it was Ridley-X that he had been fighting. Omega Turtle sued Ridley, claiming that Ridley-X was like Ridley on steroids. When that didn't work, he went out to kill Ridley-X, and found out that Ridley-X was already dead. Frustrated, he found the real Ridley and ate him. Ridley is currently sitting in his stomach, looking for a way to escape.


Omega Turtle(1-1) will fight at Master Chief on Saturday


Tahu Nuva has attributed his fast start(2-0) to the his competitors threatening to break his windows. "When they act like they're going to smash my windows," Tahu Nuva said, "I just feel like I have to jump into action and save them." Tahu Nuva has been known to employ sticky bombs and other cheap tactics on the battlefield, but Tahu Nuva claims it is all part of his mission to save the windows.


Time for this week's schedule. BTW, all the matches this week will be in one blog or the other, and I will provide links to the matches, so don't worry.


Friday: 5 Mask @ Rahkshiking(Boxtus Arena)


Saturday: Brenmac @ Mesonak(Boxtus Arena)

Gorgnak @ Soniciwnd(The Burning Blogg)

XTRM @ Mister Matoro(Zone of Darkness)


Sunday: Tarakavaseargent @ Levacius(Zone of Darkness)

Burningair @ Frostbreeze(Boxtus Arena)

Dakama @ Calypso(The Burning Blogg)


Monday: Hovoki @ Sonu(The Lightning Realm)




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Dang...so many weird weapons.




5 Mask looked at Rahkshiking. Both were part of a ridiculously high number of 1-1 fighters. Both were ready to claim their second win.


Vecolity gave the go signal. 5 Mask slammed his staff into the ground, creating a huge coffee shockwave. Rahkshiking flipped over it, and then fired a couple of lightning blasts, scorching the ground by 5 Mask. Rahkshiking landed and sent off a couple of missiles in 5 Mask's direction.


5 Mask tried to fly, but the missiles were heat seeking. Each hit 5 Mask in the back, causing some damage, and Rahkshiking had the first hit.


5 Mask turned around and saw Rahkshiking charging. He fired a bolt of coffee that sent Rahkshiking into the wall. 5 Mask now charged, firing coffee rapidly. Rahkshiking picked himself up, dodged a bolt of coffee, and unleashed a blast of ice from his sword that froze 5 Mask. It didn't hold him for long however. 5 Mask broke out of the ice in a couple seconds, but it was long enough for Rahkshiking to put his plan into action.


The Rahkshi scaled the walls of his home, the volcano, and shot down a rock on the top of the arena. It rolled down, smashed into 5 Mask as he was breaking out of the ice, and crushed him underneath.


Rahkshiking jumped down. He had claimed his 2nd victory of the season in a ridiculously short fight.



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Heh. About that... In the BZPower Challenge 2, the challenge is to make a page on BS01, describing tons of stuff. (The current progress is here if you want proof) I had to learn how to make the tags there and that kind of stuff.


-Brrrrrrrrrnmad hath spoken

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Ok, well absolutely NO ONE outside of myself posted a fight, so...yeah...that made me really sad face.


Anyways, here are the results from Week 3:


Friday: 5 Mask @ Rahkshiking


Saturday: Brenmac @ Mesonak

Gorgnak @ Sonicwind

XTRM @ Mister Matoro


Sunday: Tarakavaseargent @ Levacius

Burningair @ Frostbreeze

Dakama @ Calypso


(This might be up today or Wendesday, I'll check with Levacius): Hovoki @ Sonu



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Here is the schedule for Week 4. If you're going to host a match, tell me.


Friday: Mesonak @ Mr. Matoro


Saturday: Burningair @ Gorgnak

Frostbreeze @ Tarakavaseargent

Sonu @ Calypso


Sunday: Gorgnak @ 5 Mask

Dakama @ Sonicwind

XTRM @ Rahkshiking


Monday: Levacius @ Brenmac



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I might need to go Death Whisper for that one....Should I give you my Death Whisper bio?

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I might need to go Death Whisper for that one....Should I give you my Death Whisper bio?


Now you know who I felt first round.

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What you're about to see......

Could be real.


Mr. Matoro once punched Chuck Norris in the face. He replied by saying only "..."


Mr. Matoro has an RPG on his chin.


Mr. Matoro build a tima machine to stop the Abraham Lincoln assaisination. But when the assiasins bullet bounced off his hand, Abes head blew up in amazement.


Mr. Matoro dosen't really say "...". We just say he does because of his namesake, and he never posts in TBTTRAH.


We ended up using our Atomic bombs to kill the Japanese. We thought it would be more humane then releasing Mr. Matoro.


Mr. Matoro has a third eye on the back of his head? Can't see it? Because his third eye is just his awsomness.


Mesonak is going to die.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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