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The Mt Report: April 2009

MT Zehvor


Time again for the MT Report.....


Brilliant Move of the Month: Guitar Hero Metallica. Everyone knows Metallica, it's something for all the metal fans out there, and it's 10 billion times cooler than having a game with "Aerosmith"(seriously?) on your cover. Plus, those commercials("Who you callin' pops?") are hilarious.


Stupid Move of the Month: LEGO Rockband. Are you kidding me? Just when this whole series couldn't get any lamer. They're having minifigs dancing on a stage. Who is that (outside of the 6-9 year old crowd) supposed to appeal to?


For the record, the idea of the BZP chatroom was just behind the brilliant move of the month.


Funniest Thing: Kagha, I, and Mangetkyou Itachi all switched usernames and confused the heck out of everyone on the BZP Chatroom. It was hilarious, except Venom couldn't take a joke, and started banning people.


But whatever.


Happy Face:


Mesonak-keeps reporting every single freaking news thing ever....and gets a POBZPC thingy. Congrats Meso.


TBTTRAH-claims 1st place at all time most posts in a comedy...again...


Lightning Realm-Expands popularity by a huge amount with the announcement of a new epic and hosting the TBTTRAHFL Monday Night Fights.


Sad Face:


Al Davis-once again he epicly fails at the NFL Draft


Mesonak-turning into Hello Kitty on the chatroom is NOT cool.


iCab-lost about 10 Mafia games in a row or something.


What to look for in May.....


End of School. (Thank God)


The Bionicles Try To Run An Apartment


NBA Playoffs


Tarakavaseargent @ Levacius




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Also, nice report MT. :)


I don't believe linking to chat rooms is allowed. But I might be wrong. So I'm not reporting until I check it out...


-Brrrrrrrrrnmad hath spoken

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Bonehead Move of the Month: Kendan declaring war on a veteran toa team. But they stand a 50% chance of winning.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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