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A Little Info



Bout the comics I create.


Many members and fans have come to me and asked me just HOW I came up with the Legends of the Shadow Lords comic plot.


Well very simply.


I planned Legends of the shadow Lords two years before I joined BZP. This was planned for a long time. Every part put together, locked into my mind. The rise of an island, the the horror of an infection, and the crushing betrayal of love. All factors to a true, true dark saga. All stemmed from my mind and made real in the form of a comic. When in fact it was typed last year in a chapter story. So it's alittle hard to make it in comic form. Poses and all with Chimoru 2.0


A Lot of it was based on things I saw and heard of in real life.


Such as:


Gavlax: At first he was sapose to be me. In comic form. But then making them after my 3.0 comics started, I made it so he really is the great great grandfather to the comic Gavla everyone already knows. He's a troubled sort. With a dark past starting from the night the Island's first queen went insane and killed the king. And thus herself by jumping out the hand window. I wont go too far into Gavlax's troubled past. As it plays a part in the creation of the third Shadow Lord.


Ozcer: Ozcer is based off all my views of what leaders are. Like kings of the past, strong, and brave, only wanting to protect there home and people. But also his faith that he is all mighty and able to stop the infection might spell his death. Very soon.


Trilly: Queen Trilly, is..well..more of a typical matoran or Yatoran. She's very nice. And has close connections to Gavlax and Paliston. With Gavlax and Paliston both being her personal guards. She wont say it, but she has more feelings for Paliston then Ozcer. I based her off a lot of movie characters that were female. Nice, alittle clumsy, outgoing, and smart. But with a tendency to be..stupid. When faced with danger.


Acix: Acix the first shadow lord is no common Yatoran. Many dont know why he controls the infection. No one has seen his body. But it is known he has a lime green Miru which allows his acid powers. Now, remove the miru, cut the power. But then Acix's true body is out and it's worse even without the acid. Acix is based on all the best villains of the world and movies in one. Cunning and always thinking. But will take no hesitation to stick a knife in his other shadow lord's backs.


The infection: has no name. But very simply: the infection. And when a yatoran or creature is infected there called: Infected. Now yes there was a lot of infection like things in many forms of entertainment. Like the Flood from Halo, and the infection of Dead Space. But this infection is not like them. They dont take over bodies for food, or to make others. They do it. Cause they know they can. Cause they chose too. They have a brain in those rotting bodies somewhere. But I based them off: ANTS. yes. Ants. One day last year when I was still thinking up what would be the main bad thing, there was a dead bird in the yard. And each day when I walked past it, ants would go to it, and away with parts and bits. They were breaking it down to live.


The Starter: We know the Agori is the prototype of the Matoran. And the Agori's great being crashed. I think the Great beings MADE it crash since it was full of failed creations. And Mata-Nui was filled with the perfected ones.

But, there had to be prototype of the Agori. And a being to carry them. Which makes the Yatoran and The Starter.


Now WHY have the Starter land where Mata-Nui will crash? Think: water= perfect place for island. BUT remember, when Mata-Nui woke up he had damage to his body. Which somehow fixed I think. Surly if he landed right ONTOP of the Starter that would destroy it and hurt mata-Nui.

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One problem (I think): The Agori are not the prototype of the Matoran. The Great Beings just based the Matoran off of them.


Other than that, it's interesting to see how you came up with the plot.



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