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Zehvor Vs. Kendan

MT Zehvor


Mesonak has challenged us(the Zehvor) to a fight, written by probably Kagha. We haven't got all the details ironed out yet, although I do still have the lists of who is still a member of the Zehvor.


Zehvor: MT(leader), Brenmac, Sonu, Levaicus, Tarakavaseargent, TLhikan, Dakama, Hovoki


Kendan: Mesonak(leader), STM, Chaotic Being, TNM, Tridumst, Sumiki, U_K, Toa Spirit, Darth Sock, and Lewa0111


So it looks like we're down 2 members, and after Dakama takes out Sock with one shot, we're down one.


More details later.


All Zehvor report here.




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So, if we're using the rules of reality, Toa can't exist because there are no known beings in our reality that are biomechanical.


And even if there are/were biomechanical beings, it's rather doubtful they would have full control over an element.


And be able to use masks that grant them powers.


It seems to me that you're being rather selective over what parts of BIONICLE we can use use and what parts we can't. Basically, we have a team of fictional beings (Toa) fighting in our reality, playing by our rules, not theirs. So why are they even alive? How can they control an element or multiple elements? How can they use masks?


Basically, you're saying that some parts of the BIONICLE universe can exist in our reality, while others can't. What supreme authority decided which rules of reality are effective and which aren't?

Now why couldn't a Toa exist? Just because it doesn't exist now doesn't mean it can't exist. I don't know how they could use elements or masks, since if they were alive, their abilities would be far superior to ours.


And, besides, that whole second paragraph applies to Bionicle too, because while it uses some parts of our reality, and some parts of theirs. What I am saying is that we are using the rules of reality on THIS FIGHT, so MT: 1, You: 0



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So, if we're using the rules of reality, Toa can't exist because there are no known beings in our reality that are biomechanical.


And even if there are/were biomechanical beings, it's rather doubtful they would have full control over an element.


And be able to use masks that grant them powers.


It seems to me that you're being rather selective over what parts of BIONICLE we can use use and what parts we can't. Basically, we have a team of fictional beings (Toa) fighting in our reality, playing by our rules, not theirs. So why are they even alive? How can they control an element or multiple elements? How can they use masks?


Basically, you're saying that some parts of the BIONICLE universe can exist in our reality, while others can't. What supreme authority decided which rules of reality are effective and which aren't?

Now why couldn't a Toa exist? Just because it doesn't exist now doesn't mean it can't exist. I don't know how they could use elements or masks, since if they were alive, their abilities would be far superior to ours.


And, besides, that whole second paragraph applies to Bionicle too, because while it uses some parts of our reality, and some parts of theirs. What I am saying is that we are using the rules of reality on THIS FIGHT, so MT: 1, You: 0




So if Toa have abilities far superior to ours, why wouldn't they be able to create solid fire, or ice that can freeze fire? Who's to say they couldn't?

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I'm not trying to decide how the real world works; I'm showing you how the BIONICLE universe works. Let's face it, Toa don't exist in the real world, do they? So using real-world explanations isn't going to get you anywhere. Your point is moot.

No, it isn't, because we're using the rules of reality in this battle. You can ask Kagha.


TA, I'll close it if it gets too off topic. We're ok for now



Well, um, Toa is an African name, I think. Does that count?


I think its Maori., actually.

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Because the nature of fire itself says that it can't be frozen.



You just said that Toa would have abilities far superior to ours. Who's to say they couldn't alter the nature of fire? Fire Toa control that element, after all, so why can't they create solid fire? They are the masters of that element. You've never seen a Toa in our reality, so how do you know that they couldn't do things that are impossible for us? They already can! We can't harbor elemental enegy in our bodies and unleash it at will. We can't create masks that grant their wearers awesome powers. So how can you say that a Toa couldn't do something like create solid fire?


Oh, and think about this: Mesonak controls ice and shdow, right? So if we play by your rules, his shadow attacks are harmless, as in our reality shadow is merely the absence of light.

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I'm not trying to decide how the real world works; I'm showing you how the BIONICLE universe works. Let's face it, Toa don't exist in the real world, do they? So using real-world explanations isn't going to get you anywhere. Your point is moot.

No, it isn't, because we're using the rules of reality in this battle. You can ask Kagha.


TA, I'll close it if it gets too off topic. We're ok for now



Well, um, Toa is an African name, I think. Does that count?


I think its Maori., actually.

I'm quite sure it's also African.

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Eyru, MT! Stop acting like nubcakes and just settle on rather we should use the rules of reality in which we're nothing but a bunch of animated plastic figures who can spawntaneously break the laws on physics, or bionmechanical beings from another planet/reality able to break the physics as we know it.


And as for the fire/ice seal, that wasn't actually a normal elemental thing, that was a natural toa of ice/toa of fire thing, the two respective toa can bring their elemental powers with their seperating toa powers to create what we basically would call dry ice. More like a weaker toa seal.


The only way to freeze fire is to coat it in ice, then constantly reapply it on so it dosen't stop, but why the core would you do that, you'd be wasting your elemental powers by doing that. Read the story, elemental powers have a limit.


As for shadow based damage, that reflects onto not physical pain, but on weakness. Light could be used to make lasors (Which means Light Amplication through Stimulated Emition of Radiation), but shadow using beings actually throw bolts that make the being start losing strength until they die.


Thats what it says in the Levacius' Super-Duper Incredibly Amazing Jaw Dropping Awsome Guide. Which is updated with much more material then MT's old book.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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What's wrong with a lot of comments? We're just having a friendly debate.


Besides, this is MT's blog, so it's up to him to decide when we stop, not you. If you don't like seeing 120 comments in a single post, then go look at a different blog. :)


I'm not trying to be mean, but your comments are more off-topic than Mt's and mine. We're having an intelligent conversation, while you're just telling us ot stop. ;)

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Because the nature of fire cannot be twisted. If it was, it wouldn't be fire.


I guess, although I'm assuming that the shadow would be combined with something.



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I. Just. Explained. That. I just frackin explained how shadow using beings can cause harm with it, and I don't get a single straight answer from anybdoy!


And shut up pot boy. Your "friendly conversation" is getting no where, and neither of you read my comment. I just answered all of your questions, so you have no need to continue on the subject of frozen flame, how Tahu and Kopaka created a wall, and on how shadow does damage. My post covered enough to put it far more on topic than yours, which are the topic.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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You're fighting Dakama, Xaphor is fighting Frostbreeze.




Get ready to lose beware by stinging tail!

Um... my name is Nidman. :P


And I would like to explain I'm only partially ice. The other part is air. So wouldn't I be able to overheat Dakama's fire making him get partially burned? :P


One problem with that. I'm also a Toa of Metal. :P


So is Sumiki. :P


SO? I'm fighting NIdman. And I have a lightsaber.


And I have a mask of speed. :P


Also I've noticed all your powers cancel themselves out. :P Fire and Lightsabers can melt through metal, and I think Metal can put out Fire if falling on it at a high speed. And I also think Fire doesn't to anything to lightsabers, so you wouldn't be able to mix fire with a lightsaber. :P


Who says I mix m powers and weapons? Besides, when I use them properly(which is most times) I can do things like this! Drops meteor on him. OOPS :unsure:


Oh sure, like a meteor is associated to Fire, Metal or a lightsaber.

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Guys The Bionicles try to Run a House is locked!!!!(Some of you may already know this)


Could all you guys stop fighting and start fighting again.(That doesn't sound right for some reason?)



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Okay, I'm going to end my posting in this entry with some final words.


@MT: I asked Kagha, and he says that in this battle, all elements are equal. Meaning fire doesn't melt ice, water doesn't extinguish fire, etc. Every element is equal to the other.


@tarakavarbiter & mocman72: You two are spamming. You have nothing in your posts that adds to the conversation, and even though MT has been replying in this topic (not closing it), you keep whining for entry closure. I'm sorry, but what's wrong with MT and I discussing something? Maybe I'm just a little fuzzy at the moment, but I don't see what's wrong with that.


@Levacius: You have no right to talk to me like that. All I said was that MT and I were engaging in a friendly debate, nothing more, and you started flaming me. Like I said previously, there's nothing wrong with MT and I conversing in this entry. If it bugs you so much that this entry has 120+ comments, then just leave.


There you go. I've said what I wanted to say.



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Okay, I'm going to end my posting in this entry with some final words.


@MT: I asked Kagha, and he says that in this battle, all elements are equal. Meaning fire doesn't melt ice, water doesn't extinguish fire, etc. Every element is equal to the other.


@tarakavarbiter & mocman72: You two are spamming. You have nothing in your posts that adds to the conversation, and even though MT has been replying in this topic (not closing it), you keep whining for entry closure. I'm sorry, but what's wrong with MT and I discussing something? Maybe I'm just a little fuzzy at the moment, but I don't see what's wrong with that.


@Levacius: You have no right to talk to me like that. All I said was that MT and I were engaging in a friendly debate, nothing more, and you started flaming me. Like I said previously, there's nothing wrong with MT and I conversing in this entry. If it bugs you so much that this entry has 120+ comments, then just leave.


There you go. I've said what I wanted to say.




*Pats Eyru on the back*




*Feeds pizza*


Since Kagha said this, It's the end of discussion.


Kendan: 1 Zehvor: 0.



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You're fighting Dakama, Xaphor is fighting Frostbreeze.




Get ready to lose beware by stinging tail!

Um... my name is Nidman. :P


And I would like to explain I'm only partially ice. The other part is air. So wouldn't I be able to overheat Dakama's fire making him get partially burned? :P


One problem with that. I'm also a Toa of Metal. :P


So is Sumiki. :P


SO? I'm fighting NIdman. And I have a lightsaber.


And I have a mask of speed. :P


Also I've noticed all your powers cancel themselves out. :P Fire and Lightsabers can melt through metal, and I think Metal can put out Fire if falling on it at a high speed. And I also think Fire doesn't to anything to lightsabers, so you wouldn't be able to mix fire with a lightsaber. :P


Who says I mix m powers and weapons? Besides, when I use them properly(which is most times) I can do things like this! Drops meteor on him. OOPS :unsure:


Oh sure, like a meteor is associated to Fire, Metal or a lightsaber.


Acttually by meteor, I meant a giant ball of molten metal.

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It dosen't bug me. It's just very odd, seeing as its a single entry, which normally get at most 20 posts. So shut up Eyru, an levae me alone.


Someone remind me again who I'm fighting (I would choos Mesonak if MT didn't have him for Leader v. Leader)


-Toa Levacius Zehvor

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@MT: I asked Kagha, and he says that in this battle, all elements are equal. Meaning fire doesn't melt ice, water doesn't extinguish fire, etc. Every element is equal to the other.

Ok, if you're listening to Kagha, you're just beyond hope. Kagha only knows how to write epics. (and battles)


And shut up pot boy. Your "friendly conversation" is getting no where, and neither of you read my comment. I just answered all of your questions, so you have no need to continue on the subject of frozen flame, how Tahu and Kopaka created a wall, and on how shadow does damage. My post covered enough to put it far more on topic than yours, which are the topic.

You know what? It's my blog, so I'll decide what gets talked about here.




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@MT: I asked Kagha, and he says that in this battle, all elements are equal. Meaning fire doesn't melt ice, water doesn't extinguish fire, etc. Every element is equal to the other.

Ok, if you're listening to Kagha, you're just beyond hope. Kagha only knows how to write epics. (and battles)


And shut up pot boy. Your "friendly conversation" is getting no where, and neither of you read my comment. I just answered all of your questions, so you have no need to continue on the subject of frozen flame, how Tahu and Kopaka created a wall, and on how shadow does damage. My post covered enough to put it far more on topic than yours, which are the topic.

You know what? It's my blog, so I'll decide what gets talked about here.



And what's on topic is completely up to him.


He is the moderator and admin of this blog.

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And what's on topic is completely up to him.


He is the moderator and admin of this blog.


Not really, if an admin or Moderator came in and got upset about something, they could close an entry down.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor

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Guys can we just get back to the point of this topic?The this topic is supposed to be about Zehvor vs Kendan battle.Now were just raving about everything!Can we just get back to point?Please.



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