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Auditions [shemustbecrazay].



I must be crazay, cuz I decided to audition to be in the Wind Ensemble (or in layman's terms, advanced band) next year. *zomg* Picked up the music today, after one of the percussionists was all ARE YOU AUDITIONING and I'm like UM...NO and he was like YOU SHOULD, THERE ARE A BUNCH OF SPOTS OPEN AND ME AND YOU AND SUCH AND SUCH PEOPLE COULD BE IN IT and I was like AWESOME.


...auditions start next Friday.D: Live, for the director, but not in front of anyone else. Also my peace club sponsor who is also a Quest teacher, her job is being cut due to budget cuts, so she's transferring to another high school.;;






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Actually that would be -so- awesome, but there is no position for Electric Guitar in the Wind Ensemble. Also that would mean I would have to take lessons, and force my parents to buy yet another expensive instrument.xD



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Make friends with a rich girl who plays a keyboard, a dense, energetic girl who plays drums, and a calm, mature girl who scares easily that plays a Bass Guitar.


You can be the dumb one with the Electric Guitar! =D

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But electric guitar requires SOME skill! And if you mess up, it's obvious!


Therefore, play bass, because you get to rock out on stage, but NO ONE CARES if you play anything wrong!


You also need a crazy acting person to sing. It's better if they can act weird on stage.

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