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Children These Days....



We give them too much. Kids never lose in games, everybody wins now because "Competition is bad for children's self esteem", and they all get trophies. Kids aren't ever failures, nobody gets a frowny sticker or an 'F' on a test in elementary school, they get everything they want and adults pamper them. Ugh. Disgusting. Absolutely, totally, shamefully, pathetically, SPINELESSLY DISGUSTING. I'm amazed how children have such a bloated sense of entitlement. Everything they do has to be safe and confidence building, the child psychologists say. Everything they learn has to be positive and happy, even if it's about the Holocaust and such. Every test, quiz, essay, assignment, even a two-minute activity sheet, can't be given a bad grade or negative rating. No competing! No low grades! No losing! No, no, no, no, no! It's pathetic. All this is doing is making children these days bossier, nastier, more pampered and praised, more demanding and rude, and it'll be a big surprise to get criticism when they reach middle school. They'll be failures in life, in middle and high school, after they either graduate college or drop out of high school, etc. And a school here in Massachusetts, in Attleboro I think it is, had banned tag and other contact/competition games. RIDICULOUS! Kids need to lose! They need to fail in order to succeed! They absolutely need to learn what effort and trying is! Ugh! Adults complain that children aren't being taught well, while at the same time they're the people who lobby for any sort of thing that will give their kid a clue about life to be banned and turned into taboo! They complain about childhood obesity when they're the ones who want time for recess and free time cut into itty bitty pieces! And this is from me, a guy who's barely over thirteen! I am disgusted at the fact that these adults are the ones we are expected to model ourselves after, look up to, and obey. ARGH! I need to relieve some stress with my baseball bat...*Whacks self hard on head*

Again, there is no need to bypass the word filter.



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I agree with every word! You must know the pain of failure in order to feel the joy of success..........If not, then there's really no point in working for said success.....

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I totally agrre. Some postiveness is ok. But there is too much. At my school...you get a detention for every F. And 2 of my teachers are not....positive for irresposible kids.

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