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An Undoubtably Very Sound Theory

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Why, oh why, do you have to walk so far to get from Po-Koro to Ga-Koro!?


Hahli: My feet hurt. :(



So, I thought up this great theory about the history of Bionicle. Traku advised me not to post it in Storyline and Theories, so I'll put it here instead.


I think Makuta is really the Bohrok Queens' second cousin twice removed, see, because he released them, meaning he had some kind of power over them. And the way he got that power was his great Uncle Woolworth used to own a clothing store on Baker Street, but one day a rack of stockings fell on him and he mysteriously disappeared. Makuta was living in happiness, enjoying his uncle's life insurance, when suddenly his uncle, all covered in white, snuck up behind him as he was watching "What's My Line?" and said, "Hey! Gimme a Twinkie!" Well, ol' Makuta was so surprised he choked on a Twinkie and his uncle got him a glass of water before explaining he was covered in dryer lint. Makuta had no clue his uncle meant himself, not Makuta, so he said, "No I'm not!" Then his uncle got really mad and handed him a cell phone with no batteries---but neither of them knew this phone was charged with Shadow. So Makuta lifted it to his ear, thinking the phone was for him, and ZAP! He had powers of darkness! With the sounds of his "Muahahaha!" still ringing off the walls, he put a sheet over his uncle's head and stuffed him in a laundry basket before running off into the night to find Mata Nui.


Now, since this was before Bionicle began, he didn't find Mata Nui, as it didn't exist yet, and I have no clue how he knew it existed in the first place. So he called his brother on the cell phone instead, but since his brother didn't have a phone, it didn't work. So he dropped by to give him a visit instead, which was just as well, since he just happened to be on Mata Nui's front steps.


With a cheerful cry of "Hi, bro!" he entered and promptly hit his poor brother on the head with a pillow, thus knocking him over. His brother, angered, hit him back, and soon they were having a War. Makuta got his mask knocked off by a stray feather and was so sour about that he put sleeping pills in his brother's crumpet, thus immersing him in a deep slumber. Oh yeah, and Mata Nui made the island right before then by accidentally spilling nitroglycerine on baking soda and heating it to the waxing stage. Very clumsy of him. (How the Matoran get there, I've no idea. And it doesn't matter. That part's not important to the plot.)


So anyways, Makuta was jealous of the island and made his own island called Metru Nui, but since he was no good at artistic stuff, he miscalculated and it ended up twenty times smaller than his brother's island. So he got mad and sent Rahi to storm Mata Nui.



And that's how. :)






Recommended Comments

Great theory, Turakii. Too bad bonesiii is so busy with school. I'm sure he'd give you an A+ on this. Maybe you could rewrite it as an opera and post it to the Comedies forum.


~Toa Macku~

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