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Glitch Audiobook: Production

Lady Kopaka


(Right click to download trailer/avi file; 3MB)


  • IMPORTANT TO CAST!!!: I'm reposting a updated version of the story. When posting it, I discovered a lot of things were changed a few months back in the document file. So please, if you have any version saved on your computer, I'd encourage everyone to update it with the one I'm posting now. If you already have lines ready and don't have time to go back and fix it, it's fine. but it's not a huge revision.
  • SkullKid wanted to inform everyone that he wants to get at least Section 3 done and ready before we start showing the audiobook. The release date is unknown, but hopefully it won't take longer than a few weeks.
Remember: ALL of this is the member SkullKid’s idea. He came to me with this awesome suggestion and as of now I’m happily complying. I’m just hosting this up in my blog and making it all fancy like.

Advertizing is very important. As an epic, Glitch got a lot of wonderful reception, one of the major reasons for this was because of the support with linking in your signatures, or suggesting it to a friend. (If you have made any, feel free to show me so I can add it to the list)




(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Raia)

(made by Raia)



Hang in there guys, it's coming soon! :D


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Whee, good luck on your S&T entry, LK!*hug* Also, your header graphic made me squee.


Good luck to everyone auditioning! :D At least you won't have to compete with my very flexible voice, because I definitely don't have a mic, and even if I did, I would never be able to figure out how to use it.xD Alas. But if I may be of any service in this project LK, don't hesitate to ask! And yes, I will sport a support banner as soon as a spiffy one comes up...or I may make my own, when I need something to help me procrastinate.;D



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As you know, I want to audition for Komas. I know I do have a microphone, I just have to check if it's compatible with my computer...
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Well, glad to see this project taking it's first baby steps (if I may use the phrase :P)...I will be eager to hear just who gets the parts....though I must admit, I was surprised that you, Skully, started so soon. I figured you would wait at least until the first break of episodes in your project.... Oh well, it isn't the first time I have been wrong.


Anyway, I doubt I will audition...looks like you both already have a healthy turn out, and the wider range of cast, the better.


well, best wishes to all that participate.


I will look forward to hearing your voice on this project.

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Well, glad to see this project taking it's first baby steps (if I may use the phrase :P)...I will be eager to hear just who gets the parts....though I must admit, I was surprised that you, Skully, started so soon. I figured you would wait at least until the first break of episodes in your project.... Oh well, it isn't the first time I have been wrong.


Anyway, I doubt I will audition...looks like you both already have a healthy turn out, and the wider range of cast, the better.


well, best wishes to all that participate.


I will look forward to hearing your voice on this project.

Well SkullKid right now is mainly just assisting with stuff at the moment, I'm mainly working on making sure auditions work--and it'll probably be a few weeks until we start officially recording, so we're not jumping into it too fast, just getting a early start.


I would LOVE to work with this. Really, just a minor voice.


But, alas, no Mic.

Well, as I told Raia, if you have a mp3 player or another electronic like that, they come with recorders sometimes.


When do the auditions close?

I'm not sure yet. I'm guessing I'll give it two weeks or so for everyone to try out for parts.


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Raia, didja know your sansa has a recorder on it? You could use that if you were really interested. :P








...Also I'm officially blonde, I completely forgot about the recorder.xD



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When do the auditions close?

We have not set aside a time yet.

Well, glad to see this project taking it's first baby steps (if I may use the phrase :P)...I will be eager to hear just who gets the parts....though I must admit, I was surprised that you, Skully, started so soon. I figured you would wait at least until the first break of episodes in your project.... Oh well, it isn't the first time I have been wrong.


Anyway, I doubt I will audition...looks like you both already have a healthy turn out, and the wider range of cast, the better.


well, best wishes to all that participate.


I will look forward to hearing your voice on this project.

Yah, well, its still in its planning stages.

By the time i actually get started, i will have probably finished the first set of serials in my project.


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Y'know, I may actually see what I can do with this... I can do several kinds of voices, but the main difficulty with me is that it sounds way outta wack when recorded. I'll have to like my voice before I send it. xP


And for the record, this is an awesome idea. =P



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I would love to do this, but I might not have time before I leave for the summer. Apparently I have a good mic...


When would the actual recording take place? I don't want to audition until I know that I will be in the country if I get a part.


What do you want us to read for an audition? Some lines from Glitch?



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Ooohhh... I would like to audition for this... I know my Michrophone has good quality (seeing as my sis is Gali in Skully's podcast project. :P ) OOOHH!!! I can copy (not perfectly) the voice of that guy who wan't to sell Obi-Wan death sticks!!! Hmm.... I wonder who that would be fitting for... I wan't to audition for Creolè at least. :D but what are the lines that we audition with?

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Guest kopakanuva13


Hmm, maybe my uber-deep bass voice will come in handy O:

But I'll need to read the rest of GitS pretty quickly if I want to try out for Szian... *starts homework to be able to finish and then keep reading GitS* =P

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Just to warn and help all you peeps who with deep voices.


Not saying you won't get the part, since that is not up to me.


But remember, with technology as it is, people can make their voices an octave deeper (and still at normal speed) with the click of a button.


so those who don't have natural deep voices can get deep voice parts.


But this is also good for you. You can change the pitch up if you want a part that demands a higher voice than you can give.


I guess my point is, don't limit yourself to your natural voice, and don't expect others to do it either.

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I might try this out, but first, I know the iMac has a microphone, does anyone know how to record stuff with it? Also if you can equate their voices to movie characters I'd be able to do them much better as I can imitate voices better them actually make them up.



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

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When would the actual recording take place? I don't want to audition until I know that I will be in the country if I get a part.


What do you want us to read for an audition? Some lines from Glitch?

1) I really have no idea, sadly. I really hope we can find all the voice actors within a month, or even less. Some voice actors can just go ahead and give us their linves if they get accepted ahead of time (like minor or cameo roles), while the major cast will probably have to hang around during the entire time of recording.


2) Just find a few characters you want to try out and then go and read some of their lines that you find in the epic.


I might try this out, but first, I know the iMac has a microphone, does anyone know how to record stuff with it? Also if you can equate their voices to movie characters I'd be able to do them much better as I can imitate voices better them actually make them up.

My best suggestion is to google up iMac microphones and see what you get about it. And I don't mind a few people have similar voices to original movie characters---but major roles will be encouraged to have original voices. Not saying that it's a bad thing to imitate accents or styles of talking, though.

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I SO totally call Szian. My voice be naturally deep. And stuff. I'll see if I can fish out our mic; I know it's somewhere in this house......


You know of course, that I love this. I'm thinking of either Szian, or if I can't get him, Capn' Yuuzian. After all, I'm a pirate. :pirate: (no, Xenronn is not from somalia. <no offense, somalia>)



PS: E-Mail is forthcoming, I just gotta FIND the darn thing!!!!11!!


MAjor edit::: I read the post above me, Lady, and now I'm fearful. See, I live in NC, but still. Does this mean main roles will have to journey to one place, or something? I'm confusled. ...This is probably going to come to you in a PM.

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I'll respond to your PM, but just to clear this up for everyone...when I said:


while the major cast will probably have to hang around during the entire time of recording.

'hang around' was used an expression. Not literally.

Major cast=lots of lines. They simply cannot be all done at once and rather per chapter. That's why I said minor roles could just state their few lines, and go along their merry way. Major cast though, have A LOT of lines, so will have to work with SkullKid/Me for the next month or so sending lines and other such things back and forth.


I have no idea why'd you think we would travel to meet or or anything just to do a audiobook. It's very unnecessary. So uh, no, not meeting anywhere. It's all done via internet.

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I have not been getting very many auditions from you guys.

Not that we have a time limit, but i only have one persons audition.

So if you have the auditions ready, please send them to me.


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I have not been getting very many auditions from you guys.

Not that we have a time limit, but i only have one persons audition.

So if you have the auditions ready, please send them to me.



I'm going to try to send you my audition tomorow. if not then soon. :)




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