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Glitch Audiobook: Production

Lady Kopaka


(Right click to download trailer/avi file; 3MB)


  • IMPORTANT TO CAST!!!: I'm reposting a updated version of the story. When posting it, I discovered a lot of things were changed a few months back in the document file. So please, if you have any version saved on your computer, I'd encourage everyone to update it with the one I'm posting now. If you already have lines ready and don't have time to go back and fix it, it's fine. but it's not a huge revision.
  • SkullKid wanted to inform everyone that he wants to get at least Section 3 done and ready before we start showing the audiobook. The release date is unknown, but hopefully it won't take longer than a few weeks.
Remember: ALL of this is the member SkullKid’s idea. He came to me with this awesome suggestion and as of now I’m happily complying. I’m just hosting this up in my blog and making it all fancy like.

Advertizing is very important. As an epic, Glitch got a lot of wonderful reception, one of the major reasons for this was because of the support with linking in your signatures, or suggesting it to a friend. (If you have made any, feel free to show me so I can add it to the list)




(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Chan'e The Demongirl)

(made by Raia)

(made by Raia)



Hang in there guys, it's coming soon! :D


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Guys, if you need help with Audacity for any reason, feel free to PM me. I am not sure I can answer your question 100% of the time, I but I use that program fairly often, so if you need help with effects, or just want it spelled out because you don't have time to figure it all out yourself...just....uh....PM me :P

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So do we just take an excerpt from Glitch in the System and read it?


Just be sure to send the audition to me.


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So do we just take an excerpt from Glitch in the System and read it?


Just be sure to send the audition to me.


Read a few lines from the character---not exactly from the whole story, so skip descriptions and other characters speaking. Just like a script for a play; if you're trying out for (eg) Tachi, then find a part where she talks a lot, then speak a couple of lines. It's usually good to make sure the auditioning is longer than twenty seconds, so SkullKid can properly hear how the voice and quality is. But uh, yeah, whatever suits you.


JOQ: Who's going to be the narrator?

SkullKid is going to be the narrator.

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Haha. Trying out my stuff on Audacious, and it makes my voice sound way more mature and low than it actually is.

I don't know if that is good or bad.

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Is there a deadline for anything in particular?



Not really--but SkullKid and I are getting a lot of auditions, so it's been hard to keep up with them all. In a week or two, we may start scratching out characters as we find good voice actors...so it'd be a good idea to send them in soon.

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Just sent my audition in.:)

Edit: Also, wanting to put my two cents in. I don't think we need background music or sound effects for this. Maybe as introductions to chapters, but certainly not while the stories going on. Skullkid, you're a good enough narrator that you don't need it. In fact, I think it would be distracting.

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Just sent my audition in.:)

Edit: Also, wanting to put my two cents in. I don't think we need background music or sound effects for this. Maybe as introductions to chapters, but certainly not while the stories going on. Skullkid, you're a good enough narrator that you don't need it. In fact, I think it would be distracting.

We'll see.

It depends on what lady kopaka thinks.

I definatly want dsound effects, it gives more depth to the story.

But i'll hold back a little on the background music.


p.S. Your auditions need to be in a different format.

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Um...I have a problem. A rather frustrating one.

I can't seem to download the program that converts Audacious files into mp3's. After a while, it screwed up my computer so I had to recreate my account and basically loose all the files except the ones I sent to SK, so yeah...NOT FUN.

So if anyone who as Mac and uses Audacious and can actually turn them into mp3's wants to act as a "go between" of sorts, I would probably love you forever and give you virtual chocolate.

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What's the file format? I have a converting program and some other tricks up my sleeve that could help.


EDIT: SK sent me the files. Apparently they are the files in which you directly save from audacity. They're used sort of like a PSD file--if you're still working on them, and is more like a shortcut to it, since the files I got were no bigger than 2KBs. Unless you lost everything, there should be a folder where it saved all the data for each recording. Tell me if you can still open those files at all, and if not you may have to redo them. Next time, just export as 'WAV', if anything.

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What's the file format? I have a converting program and some other tricks up my sleeve that could help.


EDIT: SK sent me the files. Apparently they are the files in which you directly save from audacity. They're used sort of like a PSD file--if you're still working on them, and is more like a shortcut to it, since the files I got were no bigger than 2KBs. Unless you lost everything, there should be a folder where it saved all the data for each recording. Tell me if you can still open those files at all, and if not you may have to redo them. Next time, just export as 'WAV', if anything.

Oh, you should have just said you were usin Audatious.

In that case, just export them, and you should come out with a WAV file.


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I lost everything. I'll have to re-record...*sigh*

Does it take a special program to export something as a WAV?

It doesn't! *epic fist pump* Already resent my Lariska audition. (It's short since she has about one line.) However, I might not get the others re-recorded until this weekend. Hope that's okay.

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Okay Guy's (and Girls)

In a few hours, we will start to reveal some of the voices for different roles(not all of them, but some)

Get ready.


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Okay Guy's (and Girls)

In a few hours, we will start to reveal some of the voices for different roles(not all of them, but some)

Get ready.



Holy Billy Shears! It's time!


Good luck to everyone. Hope I'll get a part.


Oh, and good luck to Lady K and Skully. It'll be as good (or even better, no offense) as the PBSP.

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Okay Guy's (and Girls)

In a few hours, we will start to reveal some of the voices for different roles(not all of them, but some)

Get ready.



Holy Billy Shears! It's time!


Good luck to everyone. Hope I'll get a part.


Oh, and good luck to Lady K and Skully. It'll be as good (or even better, no offense) as the PBSP.


Like i said, not all of the parts.

Mostly, just some of the cameo parts will be given, and maybe one or 2 minor parts.

Oh! and one major part.

SO just so you know AUDITIONS ARE STILL OPEN!!!!!

We'll just star revealing the parts slowly.


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Yeah. As I said before, SK and I were just getting so many auditions it was really hard to keep track of them. So it just saves us some trouble to start picking out a few cameo/minor roles now. :)
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Okay, here are the picks for today.



Vezok's Friend - Makuta Szian

Yukiko - Naosu

Kanohi Zatth - Szian's Servant

SkullKid(me)- Matoran sailors

Sakaru - Philo T'zak


As of now, all of these auditions are CLOSED!

COngrats to the people who got the parts.


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Okay, here are the picks for today.



Vezok's Friend - Makuta Szian

Yukiko - Naosu

Kanohi Zatth - Szian's Servant

SkullKid(me)- Matoran sailors

Sakaru - Philo T'zak


As of now, all of these auditions are CLOSED!

COngrats to the people who got the parts.



Nice. Love that. He, he. Getting my head blown apart'll be fun. Thanks, Skully. And Lady K. And congrats to everyone else. Just gotta find out who'll be Komas and Tachi now. Wanna know who'll fight me first.

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As a random note: if you got accepted for a part you can still audition for other parts. You can have more than one part, if you want. And to those who tried for these parts but didn't get accepted--you all did an excellent job, so it was tough choosing. Feel free to audition for as many characters as you like. :)


Nice. Love that. He, he. Getting my head blown apart'll be fun. Thanks, Skully. And Lady K. And congrats to everyone else. Just gotta find out who'll be Komas and Tachi now. Wanna know who'll fight me first.

We're still having trouble finding a voice actor for these two, so since they are such important parts they will be some of the last to be chosen, most likely.

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Yeah, I can imagine. And, I guess I'll have a strong sense of respect towards whoever plays Tachi and Komas.

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Oooh, I get to show of my evil, overdone sort of semi-british accent. Naosu is going to be so fun to do...

I'd also like to opt in favor of a "bare" audiobook version. This is why:

You don't see sound effects or constant background music music in proffessional audiobooks. Now, maybe I'm just being stodgy and traditional, but this sort of format wouldn't have stayed the way it is if it didn't work.

The purpose of an audiobook is to be...well, an audio representation of a book. Does a book say "SLAM!" every time a character bashes another character into a wall. No, it doesn't. The prose lets us here the sound in our mind, and suddenly stating the sound is overdoing this. This wouldn't be true in a radio drama, which has no background narration, but in an audiobook its like dressing a girl up in a load of makeup when all she needs is a little lipstick and touch of blush. It's like reading prose in Individual Speech competition. You have no sound effects, only your own voice and the skill of the author you chose to impress the judges. But a good prose reader is can make you laugh or cry. Sound effects can't do that.

Also, has anyone listened to the audio version of The Golden Compass? It was one of the best multi-voiced audiobooks I have ever heard.

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