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No Internship :( Free Movies



As many of you don't know, I tried to get an internship (again) on a local paper, the Arlington Catholic Herald. (8 minutes from my house, my mom works right down the hall, and I know the manager.) But with the current economy the whole Diocese is on a hiring freeze, so I didn't get it (regardless of if I was what they were looking for in an intern).


So it looks like I'm back to working at the durn movie theater again. Joy. (I should have applied for Borders a few months ago and see what they had to say....)


On the upside, that means I'll once again be spoiled with every summer movie that comes out that I want to see, as well as trying to obtain huge movie posters for my apartment's walls next semester.


What am I looking forward to for free? Let's see:

  • Wolverine, again
  • Star Trek
  • Terminator 4
  • Up
  • Transformers 2
  • Harry Potter 6
  • Ice Age 3
  • Public Enemies? Seeing Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in the same movie, with a thriller genre, just might make me check this out.
  • Night at the Museum 2? Maybe, since it's free, but I better see the first one beforehand, I heard it was great.
  • G. I. Joe? IDK, I've never been a fan, but it looks cool.
  • Distric 9? Maybe, if it appeals to me and I can get tickets, since I leave work the day before it comes out.
  • Movie posters galore, with any luck. Maybe I can get a "9" poster early too, seeing how I already have a Transformers 2 poster.
Any highlights I miss? (And why do I make it sound so terrible to go back after a list like that? I guess I just don't like the conditions, mainly, though I could give a big rant if I felt like it....)


-CF :kakama:


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I'm having to stay in school to continue my job over the summer. If we weren't allowed to listen to music, it would thoroughly bore me to death...



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I would love a job at a theater. There was a theater next to my house last year. I was going to look for a job there (I was already mowing their grass so I figured I might have some creds with 'em =P), but then they up and left with no notice.


Anyway, awesome. This looks like a good summer for movies. =D


Also, sorry for not visiting your blog in a while. It's been blocked by McAfee for some reason.



Sure, you say that now. But then you start working there and it's dirty and no motivation to really clean it up and the popcorn is disgusting and everything is overpriced yet you have to sell it to the customers and make them want to buy it and you'll never want to have another Icey again and and and...


Yes, a great summer for movies.


That sucks, the McAfee. Glad to have you back.




Lol, I guess. I'd still apply though. =P

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