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Midnight Grace Period



Edit: And that's it. A few entries were squeezed in, so glad I did that. Alright, from now on the only part of the contest that's open is the editing time, as explained below. :) Little under a week for that.


Repub: One hour left!


Repub: Four hours left now! No late entries have come in -- these four hours are your last chance!



The midnight quoted below is referring to TONIGHT now, at midnight EST.


I won't get the polls up this week; I'd expect to see them midway through next week. Therefore, until noon next Monday (May 11) you may still edit your entries.


And if anyone forgot to enter and had something in the works, if you get it in before midnight EST TOMORROW by PMing it to me I'll accept it. I had forgot to specify noon as the closing time, which was a little unfair. One person already has and I've accepted it for this reason. (Going for midnight tommorrow because I could have gone for midnight tonight but many hours passed where people may have logged off assuming they were too late.) So that's a little over twenty-four hours grace period. NO further grace period for entering will happen.


So to sum up:


Midnight EST TOMORROW -- deadline for late entries by PM to me


Noon Monday May 11 -- deadline for editing entries


So about nine hours left to submit late entries via PM!


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So 9 PM Pacific time? Yes! :)


EDIT: Sent. A special request, too, as stated in the PM: Even though my username is Rorschach. currently, could you please continue referring to me as ~Shadow Kurahk~ anywhere my username will be shown? Thanks. :)



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