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I came up with a name last night, but when I Googled it, it got a bunch of results as a last name. Can I still enter it, or do I have to come up with a new one?

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I have a suggestion. How about a title to the multiverse? Something regardless of the name. I was thinking something like "-name of the multiverse-, the Omniverse" or Oververse, or even Ultiverse.The title could also work as an alternative in case the final name becomes unpopular among the fans (see:Terry :rolleyes: ). So, what do you think?

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I came up with a name last night, but when I Googled it, it got a bunch of results as a last name. Can I still enter it, or do I have to come up with a new one?

You can still enter it. That part of the rules is only a guideline, as it says. :)


I have a suggestion. How about a title to the multiverse? Something regardless of the name. I was thinking something like "-name of the multiverse-, the Omniverse" or Oververse, or even Ultiverse.The title could also work as an alternative in case the final name becomes unpopular among the fans (see:Terry :rolleyes: ). So, what do you think?

Well, "Expanded Multiverse", or "EM" is the title we're going with now. :) People could also call it by the old "Expanded Universe" label, though we went away from that as it's the acronym of the European Union and is already used for something else on BS01. :shrugs:


And BTW, "Teridax" is actually fairly popular; that's a common myth. See here.

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Well, "Expanded Multiverse", or "EM" is the title we're going with now. People could also call it by the old "Expanded Universe" label, though we went away from that as it's the acronym of the European Union and is already used for something else on BS01.


And BTW, "Teridax" is actually fairly popular; that's a common myth. See here.




I was just kidding about Terry, although personally I'm not fond of the name. Terridax sounds alot like "teras" which is the greek word for monster. Not exactly intimidating or creative.

As for the universe title, I meant a title to be used by it's own inhabitants. I know what you're thinking. "We call ours just "universe". We are unaware any other universes, and therefore we don't need to name it" (By now, you'll have noticed that I tend to contradict myself. Don't worry. It's my multiple personalities in action :P ).

So, the evil fire planet of doom and it's cruel might-makes-right happy people remind me of House Harkonenn and it's homeworld. I think it would be fun if you (the EEU team) made some reference of sorts to the Harkonennn. Like their trecherous powergames, or even the looks of their leader(the good old, fat, barbarous, murderous baron Harkonenn).

The Olmak effect is a very interesting ideaa, and also a handy plot device. Even a comic effect.


Warlord: Surrender your city to us, or we will attack you!

Citizen: You and what army?

Warlord: That arm....Gah, not AGAIN!!!




Teacher: Well Tim" Where is your homework?

Tim: The Olmak Effect ate it!


My mind is so full of ideas. My fave planet is the neutral industrial one. A "neutral" world, polluted, corrupted, and controlled by the corporations who put their interests over the citizens' rights. Home, sweet Athens. Just like real world. Why I like it? Because it would be boring if we lived in a perfect world without anything evil to fight.

By the way, I think someone should put a note about the contest on the front page. If it hadn't been for the "10 hot topics" on the left, I would had missed it competely. It should get some more attention.

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As for the universe title, I meant a title to be used by it's own inhabitants. I know what you're thinking. "We call ours just "universe".

Oh. :lol:


Well, I mean, this is all they know (far as we've established), so they probably just call it "the universe." *reads on and discovers you figured that out already lol*



House Harkonenn

I'm unfamiliar with this. As far as the look of the leader(s), that will be determined by a contest. :)



The Olmak effect is a very interesting ideaa, and also a handy plot device. Even a comic effect.


Warlord: Surrender your city to us, or we will attack you!

Citizen: You and what army?

Warlord: That arm....Gah, not AGAIN!!!




Teacher: Well Tim" Where is your homework?

Tim: The Olmak Effect ate it!


My mind is so full of ideas. My fave planet is the neutral industrial one. A "neutral" world, polluted, corrupted, and controlled by the corporations who put their interests over the citizens' rights. Home, sweet Athens. Just like real world. Why I like it? Because it would be boring if we lived in a perfect world without anything evil to fight.

By the way, I think someone should put a note about the contest on the front page. If it hadn't been for the "10 hot topics" on the left, I would had missed it competely. It should get some more attention.

Well, maybe. Feel free to suggest it to Black Six. :) I got no time now...

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The last website idea didn't go too well, so we're going to have it in the BRC this time. The contests will be in S&T.

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House Harkonenn


I'm unfamiliar with this



You're not kidding, are you? I thought everyone knew about Frank Herbert's Dune. Here, take a look. It's a classic sci-fi book. They made it into video games, movies and a TV series. I strongly recommend that you become familiar with such a great story. If you see the movie (quicker than reading the book, isn't it?), let me know what you think. Just curious (also, I got carried way :P ).





I'm probably getting a little annoying (a permament passive ability. Can't turn it off) by now, but I have a question. In the tribal planet's description, it says that it's inhabited by toa, turaga and matoran. So, my question is, are there going to be any female toa/turaga/matoran in the expanded universe? And are they going to be restricted in certain colours? I don't think that it has occured to the EU team yet, so maybe you guys should discuss this thing.

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Oh THAT House Harkonenn. Okay, I am familiar with it, I simply have my infamous memory. :P


Have read book (own book lol), haven't seen movie, except clips in a scifi/fantasy class.


Good question. We haven't discussed that yet. I would lean towards not limiting it myself; will have to see Swert's take on it.

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Another question: Could we make comics about the Multiverse? And will Toa V be in Wiki Nui?


~Kahinuva :k::h:

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1) Sure.


2) Everything from Wiki-Nui as already established on BS01, so yeah, though I doubt he will play much of a role in the storyline we produce.

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I came up with a name last night, but when I Googled it, it got a bunch of results as a last name. Can I still enter it, or do I have to come up with a new one?

You can still enter it. That part of the rules is only a guideline, as it says. :)


That name was my favorite of the ones I've thought of, glad I can still enter it. :)

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except clips in a scifi/fantasy class.


Scifi/fantasy class?! I'm so jealous. The only closest thing we have here is the astronomy class.It goes without saying that I picked it, and I was darn good at it too.


I simply have my infamous memory


My memory is a RandomAccessMemory. This means that at random times, my mind will randomly access my memory and retrieve a random information file. This leads to inability to consentrate in the present. Where was I? Oh yes.



Good question. We haven't discussed that yet. I would lean towards not limiting it myself; will have to see Swert's take on it.


In my mind, Swert is for bionicle what puritans are for christianity (I think I'm violating syntax rules here but hey, I've learned english playing PSX so...). I believe he'll stick to the "blue ones= the only girls" rule. I'm against this for three reasons.

First, I think blue is a manly colour (Mata blue is an exception. It's a childish colour).

Second, I had enough of the "I thought Vezon/Takadox/Tarix was a girl because he is blue". And third, more colours means more girls (roughly 50% of each tribe instead of 1/6 of the total tribes number), and I like (grown up) girls.

Third, I'll have one more excuse to sing Motley Crue's "Girls, girls, girls".

-singing loudly in the morning-



And after all the spam, another question/matter to consider. Matoran(/turaga/toa) eat and reproduce in in a different way than the Agori/Glatorian. I believe that since they will co-exist, there will be certain cultural issues. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I think there will be problems in the whole project because of these differences. Anyway.

By the way, who else is in the EU team? And how can I become a member? Just kidding about the last part, but I really want to help. That's why I'm looking for any "holes" in the project.

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The judges will be done judging Wednesday, right? When are the "rules" for writing it going to be released?


~Kahinuva :k::h:

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except clips in a scifi/fantasy class.


Scifi/fantasy class?! I'm so jealous. The only closest thing we have here is the astronomy class.It goes without saying that I picked it, and I was darn good at it too.


I simply have my infamous memory


My memory is a RandomAccessMemory. This means that at random times, my mind will randomly access my memory and retrieve a random information file. This leads to inability to consentrate in the present. Where was I? Oh yes.



Good question. We haven't discussed that yet. I would lean towards not limiting it myself; will have to see Swert's take on it.


In my mind, Swert is for bionicle what puritans are for christianity (I think I'm violating syntax rules here but hey, I've learned english playing PSX so...). I believe he'll stick to the "blue ones= the only girls" rule. I'm against this for three reasons.

First, I think blue is a manly colour (Mata blue is an exception. It's a childish colour).

Second, I had enough of the "I thought Vezon/Takadox/Tarix was a girl because he is blue". And third, more colours means more girls (roughly 50% of each tribe instead of 1/6 of the total tribes number), and I like (grown up) girls.

Third, I'll have one more excuse to sing Motley Crue's "Girls, girls, girls".

-singing loudly in the morning-



And after all the spam, another question/matter to consider. Matoran(/turaga/toa) eat and reproduce in in a different way than the Agori/Glatorian. I believe that since they will co-exist, there will be certain cultural issues. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I think there will be problems in the whole project because of these differences. Anyway.

By the way, who else is in the EU team? And how can I become a member? Just kidding about the last part, but I really want to help. That's why I'm looking for any "holes" in the project.

Yeah, we got to read stuff like Dune as actual class assignments. It was awesome. :D (That's why I own the book.)


It's not set in stone yet -- we didn't have time to discuss it thoroughly, but he was thinking of limiting it, yes. I'll bring it up again though.


Eh, I don't see why there would be problems. For eating, both can eat the same things, the Matoran simply absorb the energy directly (through hands). Theoretically an Agori and a Matoran could both eat the exact same kind of fish -- the Agori would simply eat it our way. On Central at least I imagine that would work fine. Of course, culture clashes are welcome, 'cuz that provides impetus for stories. :)


As for reproduction, I think we just need to establish that some sort of "mysteriously appearing" system is the rule for all inhabitants of the Expanded Multiverse -- after all, that's how the whole place and such came into being, and the Olmak Effect's copying power does a similar sort of thing.


Swert and I are the final authorities on it. We've been consulting with BS01/BZPref staff too on it for some things. And obviously everybody who enters the contests and votes will be part of the "team." :P So short answer is, Swert and I, but we appreciate advice/feedback from everybody. :)


The judges will be done judging Wednesday, right? When are the "rules" for writing it going to be released?


~Kahinuva :k::h:

Next Wednesday (not tommorrow; a week from tomorrow). We hope to have the whole system of rules/basic info posted (in the BRC probably) by June 1st, or soon after.

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Next Wednesday (not tommorrow; a week from tomorrow). We hope to have the whole system of rules/basic info posted (in the BRC probably) by June 1st, or soon after.


Great! I plan on writing a short story in it once we've got it all set up. Unfortunately, lately I've been the kind of guy that never finishes a project.


I suck. :(



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