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Summer Moc Color Scheme Thoughts?



I'm considering either placing a parts order or buying some new sets for summer MoCing soon.


First off, I know that I'm gonna want to finish off my (un-entered) BBCC #53 entry, so I'm gonna need some good black pieces and a bit of lime too. I know that some of the Batman sets would be swell for the system side of things there. As to lime, I can just order that seperately (unless there are some good sets which contain it).


Secondly, I would like to branch out (as you guys have suggested) and do something with no black or green in it what-so-ever. :P

I would love to do something in either purple or teal (does that count as green?). Also tan would be nice...



- purple/white

- purple/something else...

- teal/purple

- teal/white

- teal/tan (odd yes, original? I think so)

- teal/something else...

- purple/tan (same deal)

- tan/brown

- some sort of red/yellow/orange theme (think fire)


I would definitely have to get a bunch of new purple pieces, seeing as the only one I own is my shadow kraata. However, that shouldn't be too hard considering that CzaR got a ton of purple pieces for just 14 bucks.


I also want to branch out an do something other than a humanoid. Suggestions?

I really want to stretch myself out this summer MoCing wise.

I was thinking of doing Slizer re-vamps (no, I don't own any, but I could get them) Of course, that would mean black, which wouldn't be too bad, but on the downside I would be forced to finish my robot first (he's like tieing up all of my good black pieces)


In terms of cost, I will only have 50 - 80 bucks (not bad though). I've just got some other things I'm gonna want to invest in, so... yeah.


Also, for those of you who saw the WIP, do you think that I should ditch my old torso design and start afresh?


Thanks in advance for your input! :D




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Meh, not so sure about that... it reminds me of Barney... *shudders* :P


-=< :s: >=-

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Dark green and dark orange.


While that does sound like a neat color scheme, I'm gonna try to stray away from green here... (*gasp!*)

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Invert black and lime.


Use those colours.


You mean for the rest of my robot or for a new MoC? Because I don't want anymore black or lime for a while...

If you are talking about my robot, that would be way too much lime and too little black, considering my collection that is.

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do you think that I should ditch my old torso design and start afresh?



Thanks for your opinion! ^_^

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I agree with vader on the torso.


Purple/white and teal/orange. Shades of BFS!


Sorry, but what does BFS stand for? :wacko:

I really like those color themes, I'll probably go with them eventually. :)

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-=< :s: >=-



Teal is a very difficult color to use. You have to make sure you don't use too much or too little, and that it's in perfect balance. Purple is similar, but it isn't quite as hard.


Good points. I will be sure to keep that in mind. :)


Fix torso nao.


Sorry, but you'll just have to wait for the summer. ;)



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Purple and Teal wouldn't be all that good together, I don't think.


As do I...


Purple and white would be awesome. And then you could call it 'Kopakalaka'! :D


I believe I have now made the decision to make that my first color scheme to work with; I've also got an idea of what I'm gonna try to build. ^_^

I don't think I'll be using that name though. ;P

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That sounds... interesting, to say the least. :P

Who knows? I just may try something crazy like that someday just because you suggested it. :D

I will just need some trans hot pink...

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I've replied to you guys in your comments; thanks so much for the input!


I believe I'm gonna go with a white/purple color scheme now. :)



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I agree with vader on the torso.


Purple/white and teal/orange. Shades of BFS!


Sorry, but what does BFS stand for? :wacko:

I really like those color themes, I'll probably go with them eventually. :)


I assume he means the member/MOCist bigfatslob.




Ah yes, that would make sense! ^_^ Thanks.

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I'm having trouble getting a handle on that WIP, as I did when I first saw it. I'm not sure what's wrong with the torso... It's good, just not up to the standard set by the legs. The torso seems... Off, some how. I'm not really sure how it could be fixed, so I guess you should start over.


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif


Well, that's my plan. :)

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