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I Tried... Seriously, I Tried



But I just couldn't post in the regular forum very much. I don't know what's wrong with my... I'm stuck in blogs-vania, and I cannot leave. I don't know what to do. :blink:


They really need to start letting blog comments count towards something...


On another topic, I try not to post about my personal hygiene. I think that is the ultimate stereotype of a blogger... to post about every little detail in their life. People don't want to hear about the new shampoo you've been using or the irregular shapes the blood stains on your shirt look like (it's from a bloody nose, I swear. Now, still, how I got the bloody nose is a whole other story... when you're being chased by a spaniel watch out for lampposts).


So, even though the temptation arises every time my eyes start twitching in a new way, I keep it out of the blogs to avoid this nasty stereotype.


But I must say that my new short haircut is just this side of being shaved bald. Seriously, I had to shave so my sideburns weren't thicker than the top of my head. On the plus side, this haircut should last much longer than my last few. As for embarrassment... that's why I'm always wearing a hat.


(How much was truth, how much was fiction? You may never know for sure)




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Now, still, how I got the bloody nose is a whole other story... when you're being chased by a spaniel watch out for lampposts


Please, do tell.



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