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Stuff From Turakii's Life. (warning: Boring!)

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


"So tomorrow, when you go the dentist, wrap yourself in seaweed and pretend to be sushi!"


Sorry, couldn't resist. :P Veggietales is hilarious.


Yesterday, we decided at the last minute to go to the free skating night at the mall. It was hosted by ReachFM, so we got to skate to all our favorite Christian music: "Happy" (Aisha Woods), "Shine" (Newsboys--I think it was the remix), "He Reigns" (Newsboys), "I Can Only Imagine" (Mercy Me), "So Long Self" (MercyMe), and some other songs I forgot.


While I was out with my seven-year-old sister in the center of the floor (it was very crowded, but that was the most clear spot) "Pure" started playing. We got really excited and actually performed Hahli Inika's dance, right there in the middle of the floor. Not that easy with roller blades, but we couldn't resist.


"Wherever We Go" (Newsboys) and "Diverse City" (TobyMac) played before we got out on the floor, but we might as well have been, we jumped around so much.


Melnay (nine-year-old sister) and Traku both had rented skates which were built rather oddly, and that, combined with the the slippery floor, caused many (but not painful) falls. Malney was grinning the whole time, even as she leaned backwards, flailed her arms, flopped onto her knees, knocked into people, balanced on one foot...


I only fell twice, though, because I brought my own blades. The first time, Melnay had convinced me to ride behind her at a safe distance to catch her if she fell (again). Suddenly, she knocked into someone and fell flat. I went down right behind her, and Traku, although he hadn't been hit, suddenly skidded to his knees. A real pileup there.


The second time, while I was riding near a fellow quizzer, another kid (who apparently didn't realize my brakes were on the back) kicked the back of my skates by mistake. And I was on the ground staring at the ceiling. It didn't hurt, though. (Actually, it was fun---but don't tell anyone.)


"I Can Only Imagine," which I mentioned before, was the last song before we had to get off the floor. Melnay and I were skating hand-in-hand, arms raised and singing at the tops of our voices.


I've never had so much fun. Next time we go, even though there won't be music playing, I think I'll do the Pure dance again. And probably end up lying on my back again.


So, where was I? Um...


Bacon! :)


It's a long shot...


(Yeah, this is a really boring entry, but I had to blog it. You are under no obligation to respond.)





P.S. "Don't mop me ever again---unless I specifically ask you to!"


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My Awana JV did something like that last year. Christian music, roller blading/in-line skating/whatever you call it, and having fun. Unfortunately, I had outgrown my in-line skates about/at leats two years before that, so I had to rent some. They were real bad, and I kept falling trying to keep up with my friends who are real speed-demons (kind of like me!). Almost broke my wrist at one point and ended up in a splint.


Fun stuff.

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