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There And Back Again

Lady Kopaka


Hey guys, I’m back. =)


I feel like digressing over my vacation quickly before bed. First and foremost: it was so nice jut to get out and do something new. Break the mold. Get some fresh air. Yeah, a lot of fail and stressing things happened, but I’m going to write this entry and pretend like it was a perfectly normal vacation and I had a stress-free environment. Har-har. xD


But it was really nice. We traveled through Tennessee and North Carolina—up to the smoky mountains, to the beaches around Raleigh. I may not be up to a point of a nature loving greeny yet, but since my parents are foresters I’ve always have had my admiration to nature and the outdoors. The mountains were absolutely gorgeous, probably my favorite part about the trip. We weren’t able to do much hiking, and no camping but our drives through those curvy roads high up was completely enchanting. It’s so hard to word it unless I started babbling about it some poetic sense.


The mountainswere so gorgeous and so inspiring. The foggy and rainy afternoon of traveling back home made me so drowsy, but I couldn’t help but stay awake and gaze out the car window and watch the scenery. And boy, you guys have no idea what clean air is until you go up in the peaks away from everything…it’s so clear and embracing.


Now, of course the beach was great! We didn’t get too much time on the beach itself (I got sunburned, argh. And I can’t tan at all. Not cool 0;), but just that atmosphere of the location was really beautiful. Those cute beach houses situated by the ocean, all the colourful types of people and culture...a lot of it reminded me of New Orleans, and I love that salty ocean air, you can’t get enough of that.


It was really nice to visit my sister too, and I’m really happy she smoothly graduated out of college. I haven’t seen her in awhile so it was fun to hang out, and also meet her boyfriend. Though my dad is a bit iffy I think, I personally love her recent tattoo.


I think what I got most out of this trip was to get away from everything. No internet, no school…nothing really. Just a different outlook on life, and that’s something I think we all need sometimes. It was so inspiring for me too. I got a lot of art done, though annoyingly, not any older stuff I really should had been finishing. I think I can finally admit too, that I have the courage to finally begin writing my original novel that I’ve been fearfully deciding if I should start or not. I’ve been so afraid of starting it because of the thought of failure and other things—but now I think I finally have the inspiration and courage to start it. Maybe it won’t ever get published or even be amazing, but as long as I enjoy writing it, that’s all that matters. I’m so excited to begin it in a week or so and just make it a private and personal project of mine throughout this year.


But I’m exhausted now. The trip back and forth was SO long. I spent most of my time drawing or reading the Bourne Identity (really good book so far), but even so I thought the car rides would never end. I’m glad to be home now, and hopeful to organize my life a bit more for the final few weeks of my junior year and to get other such stuff sorted.


Short version of this entry?: Crazy, but fun weekend vacation. :)


Now, to bed at last…tomorrow I’ll be seeing if there is any art I can scan…but most importantly, Star Trek!! =D


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Welcome back, LK!=D


Getaways into the mountains/outdoorsy places are always so much fun.^.^ And I totally agree about the air; you haven't smelled 'clean' until you've had a good whiff of mountain air. Deliciooouuuus~


Huzzah for inspiration!*high five*



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Mountain air is incredible. I went to the Carolinas a few years ago and it was gorgeous. <3


You will have uber-fun at Star Trek. It's an awesome movie. =D



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Welcome back. I've been gone on vacation too, so, I share the fresh air. Allthough I was at the coast ^^ Good to see you had some time for yourself. I needed that too.


I am looking forward to see the art you mentioned :D

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Wow. I wish I could go on a really outdoors-type trip sometime soon. I suppose I went to the beach over spring break, but unfortunately it was really windy most days so I didn't do much of the typical "beach stuff". I got to ride my bike an awful lot, though, and we took a trip to a nearby island with lots of wildlife (OMG wild horses!) and opportunities for beachcombing. And yet, somehow I get the idea you had a lot more fun on your trip than I had on mine... I have to blame loafing about in our room for that.


BTW, that pic in your Majhost of you in shades is awfully cute. =) Really great hearing from you again, as always. And I look forward to seeing what you've been inspired to draw over the course of your trip-- I have a feeling it won't be disappointing!

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*reads topic title* *gasp* you like The Hobbit too?!?

*reads post* Oh, not The Hobbit, your vaction. :P I serously thoght you were talking about The Hobbit :P Those are awesome pictures... I really wan't to see a water fall in real life (i think theres one in my state...) Cool I thonk writing a book is a great idea! I would like to read it. (My sister is trying to get her book published. not much luck though... :( ) Glad you had a safe trip! (I also wan't to go into mountains. I KNOW that there is at least one in my state. :P )





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