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I've even accomplished some things that shall in the not-to-distant future be known.
As promised, I shall reveal a couple things I had in store. For two of my college courses, I was required to attempt a Microsoft Certification Exam. (To those who were wondering-- you know who you are-- this is the test I was talking about.) Well, here are the results:




(Personal info removed)


I am now certified in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and Microsoft Access 2007. :D


I guess that means I can now fall into the "over qualified" status for certain job searches. :P


And I must say I rather enjoyed working with a program I had little to no experience prior. Go ahead and guess which one.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


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DUDE... where can you take this... I totally rock at Microsoft Office applications (although not usually for their buisness intentions)


Anyway, congrads. Were the tests like super hard, or kind of "winging it after twenty minutes studying on the way there."



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@Xccj: It's called college. -_-


Way to go Edward, I don't think it will make girls fall irrevocably in love with you though.

I could probably be certified by Adobe if I wanted to. ^_^

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Pft, I was here before Twilight; besides, I'm real, and he's so not. :P


College just provides the classes to prepare, and the tests weren't questions, per se. Basically each "question" was just following instructions for each application. For example, one question might be to open PowerPoint/Access/etc., and another might be to print something specific... not that these were the questions I had, but it's basically just doing what's asked.


Certiport is what was used for the certification; although, I did take the tests through my local college. Check here for a local testing center; just be aware that it might cost to test if you're not going through a class. I don't know for sure though.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

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