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Help An EẈ Out



Does anyone remember that old Lego.com game where you controlled a little Technic/robotic car in a nighttime European city, and you spied on people, eavesdropping on their conversations and stuff? Cuz, I can't find it, and I can't even remember the name of it. It's not on the site anymore, but if anyone has any information on it, like it's name, ifit was archived, or even better, if there is an offline, downloadable version, I'd really appreciate it.


I just suddenly wanna plaaaaaaaaay iiiiiiit. T.T




Update: Alright, it's called Robohunter2: Spy City. Thanks -Ig- for being a genius. Now, just to find the game itself...


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I actually am in love with that game. I believe it's still on the site somewhere. I will find it for you. I will.

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I cannot recall off the top of my head, but it was something a long the lines of "Robotics: *blankety blank*"


Might've been mission impossible, it has been years since I played the game.

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What was the name of it?





and I can't even remember the name of it.


And thanks, Ig. :P



Oops. I missed that. :P


I'll try to find it as well.



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I am actually a genius.




I know what it's called. There's two.


Robohunter2: Spy City.



I think there's another one called Stormrunners. I have no idea how I found this out. I am clever :D

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DUDE. I think our minds are connected or something. I was just thinking about this game a week or two ago.


Ignition, you rock for finding out the name.


*goes to search it*

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I am actually a genius.




I know what it's called. There's two.


Robohunter2: Spy City.



I think there's another one called Stormrunners. I have no idea how I found this out. I am clever :D


Stormrunnner was a game about a robot sent to Mars or something(I never played very far, I actually think you needed Lego Mindstorms to play).


The first one you mentioned is correct, I think. Man, I hope it still exists. :begging:

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Stormrunnner was a game about a robot sent to Mars or something(I never played very far, I actually think you needed Lego Mindstorms to play).

I don't think you needed Mindstorms to play Stormrunner.

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Stormrunnner was a game about a robot sent to Mars or something(I never played very far, I actually think you needed Lego Mindstorms to play).

I don't think you needed Mindstorms to play Stormrunner.


Huh. I was also younger then, so I probably just couldn't figure it out. :P

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It does not seem to want to play. I'll click the link for the game, then it tells me to get Shockwave (which I have), and then go back to the same screen again...



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Yeah, it does that with me too, annoyingly. I don't think anyone ever saved it either, which is frustrating. Grr.


I'll find it somewhere. It's gotta be buried somewhere

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