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Deep Into The Legend



Just a quick update. I'm working on getting the summer web update ready. I do plan on having BIONICLEstory updated with the latest story info at that time - I've been reaaaaaaal bad about updating that. But it'll happen.


Don't expect a major change in the web site. It'll be more evolutionary than revolutionary. There will be a fairly significant new section for the upcoming movie, and that should have some really fun content on it. Other than that, you'll see the usual downloads, story, etc. updates. I'm working on those now, as well as getting the text together. The game won't be updated until August.


Also, I'm expanding my workload to work on other web sites within LEGO, which you'll hear more about next year. Don't worry, it won't distract me from BIONICLE. They make sense for me to do, and I'm looking forward to 'em.




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Well done sir, we know you will update eventually. The work load you deal with is huge so we understand!

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Glad to hear that. :) I hope to see some good Mata Nui wallpapers! BTW, do you know if the song will be released right after the update? Or will we have to wait more?

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Great to hear from ya Bink!

The Movie sections sounds like it REALLY has potential

But the Q on my mind has been previously stated, which is this:

When are we going to learn about the song?

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Great! When will we know what sites you're also working on?


And good to know you're updating BionicleStory.


-=< :s: >=-

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Sounds great! I'm looking forward to summer.


But when will the song be released? With the update or *gasp* after the movie? When?



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I hope that when Greg does get a serial chapter down, it gets up soon. We're halfway through May and not even halfway through the winter serials.



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