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I Feel I Owe An Explanation...



'What's happened to the Iron Blog' I hear you cry. Well, I don't really, but I had to get your attention somehow. But anyway, I thought the Iron Blog was a bit boring, and being the Paranoid Perfectionist I am (am I?) I chose something slightly more aesthetically pleasing than a load of metal. Although metal is still great. You can use it to build buildings and bridges and bicycles and lots of other things beginning with 'b' and all the other letters of the alphabet as well. So there.


However, I thought this looked rather more exciting, and it's also proof that I finally managed to make some stuff with Paint Shop Pro. And Photoshop. And Photo Premium. And Paint, probably.


Yes. So my Blog is now themed around the 'multi layered infinity of the universe in all its pan dimensional glory'. Doesn't that sound more exciting than 'metal' (my head hurts)? I've also tried making navigation a little easier, but be careful - this is a multidimensional rift after all, so try not to fall into another dimension and cease to exist entirely, ok? :P




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The changes are good, the mutlidimensional thing actually suits the blog, the changes are better than I expected. If I ever get myself a BZPower blog, I'll PM you Seranikai

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Hooray for lemons! You know what I say we do? I say we throw a LEMON PARTY!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


Great new title, Seranikai!


Off Topic: Do you know a nickname I can call you by? Seranikai is kind of long and hard to type.


- :vahi:


Seran. That's a lot easier. -S

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I think I might know one, if you don't mind Seranikai . . . Stidy! After all, its your Brickshelf account name!

I was wondering when that would come up.


Um...well, someone called me Sera once, which I don't mind. Seran is better though, IMO. I even used it for one of my self MOCs.


So yeah. Nickname = Seran.



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I still prefer calling you good old Seranikai, but its your choice for what you want people to call you


Seran is a lot easier to type than Seranikai. -S


Okay Seran it is! Also just a question, how come you can edit posts?


Because this is my Blog, so I'm allowed to edit and delete everyone's posts. -S

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