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Movie Adaptions And Stupid Fans

Spoony Bard


A rant towards fans and their little gripes on movie adaptions of comics, books, and video games.


Seriously people. When a comic or a video game becomes a movie, you should have full knowledge that it won't be an exact detail for detail copy. You guys mince every small detail and just go overboard. Seriously, shut up. It is a movie. Does it really matter that Silver Fox is the sister to Emma Frost? Does it really matter that Krillin was not in Dragonball? Does it matter that Deadpool had his mouth sewed, despite that fact that it was Stryker who sewed it up and controlled him, and the mouth was slit open in the end? Does it really matter?


Just enjoy the freakin movie. Even video games and comics contradict themselves.




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There are some movie adaptions that I admit, were very disappointed about (usually though, it's because of the quality, not so much on story details), but there are or most I wish people would stop complaining about.


Not to mention, books and movies are in COMPLETELY different styles. You can never exactly portray a movie like it's book or comic, because they are simply told in totally different ways. Because of that, things have to be changed. A book 'tells' a story, with a movie, you watch it. And I think any movie adaptions from comics are even harder to do--but most I've seen, they're done pretty well.


Books=/=movies. Comics=/=Movies. You just can't completely convert something to a movie adaption without fixing some things. And if the director wants to change a thing or too, that's fine, it's his movie. There are some things that a director should attempt to appease fans, but if he wanted to give Optimus flames, then let him do it.


People should just enjoy it and not really care about the details. It's one thing to discuss a problem or contradiction, but get worked over something that really doesn't matter? Blah.

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There are some things that a director should attempt to appease fans, but if he wanted to give Optimus flames, then let him do it.

There's actually a good reason behind the flames. Red doesn't show up well on camera, but, with the flames, Optimus can have his distinctive red chest.

Also thanks for this, Omi. =P
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I so agree with what Omi said. There is a distinct and important difference and reason between keeping true to the original source material and changing something due to the difference in media.

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My question is, why do they have to? If there's already a good story, why not use it?

Because sometimes change is needed.





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Wait. Deadpool had his mouth stitched up and cut open again? Whar? :o

Bonus ending. Weapon XI/Deadpool retracts his katana and picks up his head lying next to him, and at this point he looks at the audience (breaking the 4th wall) and shushes.



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