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My Geek/ Nerd Definition



As many have responded here, it has become apparent that there are many different definitions for the terms such as "geek," "nerd," and "dork" that may, hopefully, be bestowed upon many of use Lego fans here on BZP.


So, I shall give you my definition just so we're all on the same page as far as opinions go. It looks like it is opinion more than straight definition, as proven in the other entry, and if one thinks he i more one thing yet called the other, one should not take as much offense and instead 1) accept the compliment and 2) correct the user if desired.


Please! Go ahead and continue to post there, or, if you're lazy, continue discussion here. Now, here is how I view it:


I consider myself a geek. I like LEGO excessively, I'm into anime, I'll stay on top of the not-so-important life things, yet these things will be the top talk among my friends. In short: I like things that most others do not quite see as something worth their while. They just don't understand it or really care, because most people do not. (Did that make sense? It's late...)


I don't quite consider myself a nerd, though I know others who are. These people are really good at school stuff/work and computers and the like. They are extra smart and devoted to extra knowledge that makes them smart.


I got this definition of a dork from a friend, copypasta'd from another website. I like it, yet I also feel that a dork is less respected.:

Dork: Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks.


Dorks are typically more noted for their quirky personality and behavior rather than their interests or IQ which may or may not be on level with traditional geeks or nerds. They tend to be more humorous and extroverted and don't mind laughing at themselves or with others at themselves, as the case may be.


A few other points:

A geek aspires to be a nerd buy lacks the intelligence. Nerds can be geeks too, but not so much the other way around? And both may be called dorks by their peers, though I don't anyone would call themselves a dork.


For anyone else..."normal;" and we pity you. :P


-CF :kakama:


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I consider myself a huge nerd because I'm into sci-fi, video games, anime, and what have you. Yet I have a decent set of social skills, listen to hardcore rock, wear v-neck and band shirts, skinny jeans, and jorts (jean shorts), have long hair, and was Valedictorian of my class.


I usually correlate "geek" with the hardcore Trekkies, etc. Usually a geek is someone who sticks to a specific interest (Star Wars, Star Trek, X-men, math, computers), rather than branching out into other things.



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But if a Trekkie is a geek, which is sci-fi, and you are into sci-fi, aren't you a geek as well? Or does a nerd look past the well known sci-fi like Trek and Wars and reads the classics and lesser known sci-fi?


And you say a geek has a specific interest in math and computers, where I would consider that a ner thing.


Interesting.... Once again, a difference of definition. Nothing wrong there since nothing is set in stone. :D



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I consider Trekkies to be geeks because they are into Star Trek, yes. But I consider geeks to be people that are only into Star Trek, only into Star Wars, etc. For instance, a "Star Trek geek" or a "Star Wars geek." They stick to one interest and are only loyal to that interest.


Nerds can have a general interest in a wide group of things as a whole, but geeks stick to one thing. See the (or my) difference?

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Geeks are obsessive about a particular subject (or subjects, in which case they are mostly related things). Nerds are specifically into technology and science fiction, generally.


Dorks are classified by their eccentricities and odd quirks, combined with a lack of social grace that makes it harder for them to "fit in".


Thus, it is possible to be a combination, though terms like "neek" and "derd" have yet to catch on. (I was tempted to throw in a "Who am I? I am spider-man" but it seemed over the top)

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1. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.

2. a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.)

3. a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken.


I rest my case.



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It is clear that in the last entry you can't just have one straight definition for the term(s). Even if dictionary.com has one. My friend grabbed that dork definition from another dictionary website that has many users and definitions, so there is more consensus and less strictness.



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Clearly everyone else seems to have forgotten the main difference between geeks and nerds, but I remembered. Geeks have a squad, and nerds have a herd. :P


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

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I am kind of a mix between a nerd and a geek. I'm kinda a nerd because I would call myself pretty smart. Like I've never failed a class, and I'm quite sure I've never gone through a class lower than an "A-". But its not like thats the only thing I do. Its just natural to me because I have an almost photographic memory. I remember things that I think are interesting. So I just happen to remember things so I rarely have to study for my tests. I listen to my friends tell me how they were studying all night last night and how they still get lower than me even though I just looked it over for a few minutes or in a portion of study hall.

But then, I also would call myself a geek because I like all the kind of things that geeks like. I love Star Trek, Star Wars, Bionicle and all those kind of things.


But I draw the line a Dork. I may be a bit queer if you met me....

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