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C. I. R. C. L. E. Participation Policy Violation Discussion



It is my sad duty to inform the group that at this point in time Tarth has failed to participate in six consecutive voting threads. :(


As such, he is in clear violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" and is therefore subject to probable sanctions ranging from "Probation" to "Demotion".


The "TURAGA COUNCIL" would appreciate it if the rest of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." would please take a moment to post their thoughts on this situation and suggest an appropriate course of action that will be undertaken in one week.





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I think that, while he shouldn't be demoted, his votes should no longer count until he returns. Then, his absence won't delay the proper closing of voting threads.



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I think that "Probation" would be the appropriate course of action at this time and furthermore I really like the idea from Ballom that the "Voter Turnout Calculations" be adjusted to account for thirteen members until such time as Tarth finally returns.


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I concur with you both. "Probation" seems to be the best course of action in this instance, but I would like to hear Tarth's excuse for his absence. Until then, Ballom's idea for "Vote Nullification" should be put to use.
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I agreee with the preivously stated. Voting Nullification and Probation are to be put in to affect. And, if it has not been attended to already, a warning should be sent out to Tarth that if he does not return soon, something more dire will occur (within the CIRCLE, not to sound murderous here :P ).


Of course, it could just be that he is far from a computer for the time being. But it's been a month... Sorry, just arguing with myself.




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Guest kopakanuva13


I agree with Tavlak and Ballom here; I believe that Probation would be the best option until we can hear Tarth out.
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My vote goes out to Balloms course of action, as it makes the most sense, and doesn't give to much of a fuss over a first offense. However, in the even Tarth does return, he should be given a three-strike basis, as we all should if this happens again.



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Why don't we hear of why he's gone, then decide? Usually I'm the kind of guy that fires at he person, but since it's the first time in the C.I.R.C.L.E., well, let's cut him [some slack.

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Why don't we hear of why he's gone, then decide? Usually I'm the kind of guy that fires at he person, but since it's the first time in the C.I.R.C.L.E., well, let's cut him some slack.

The only problem with that is, if we don't hear from him, we're stuck waiting on him with no idea why.

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Why don't we hear of why he's gone, then decide? Usually I'm the kind of guy that fires at he person, but since it's the first time in the C.I.R.C.L.E., well, let's cut him some slack.

The only problem with that is, if we don't hear from him, we're stuck waiting on him with no idea why.

In that case, give him a week or two.

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As outlined in Article 1a, Tarth has at least one week from the time of "PM Notification" to join this discussion.


Therefore, in this case if he has failed to participate in this thread by Monday, June 1st, 2009 at Noon Pacific Standard Time, then the consequence deemed most appropriate by the "TURAGA COUNCIL" will be brought before the entire group for a vote.


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I would have to agree with Ballom's suggestion. Any of a myriad of things could have happened to prevent him from getting to BZPower, and it may not be his fault. It would be a shame for him to be demoted if it was an unpreventable accident rather than simply laziness on his part.

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At this point, I think that it's best to make all of his votes null up until when he returns. If he has no excuse, then "Probation" should be in order.


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In my defense, my computer is screwed up and my mom's boyfriend won't fix it so if you're probating me idk there is nothing i can do. Whatever

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The problem with your story is that you never bothered to tell anyone about the alleged technical difficulties until now when there are likely consequenses Tarth.


Furthermore, you failed to mention anything was wrong, meanwhile you have still managed to browse the various aspects of BZPower on a fairly regular basis, looking at the new Glatorian Legends images for instance, as well as the various threads in this blog, without bothering to vote on anything, and not just today, but on numerous occasions (at least four that I've witnessed firsthand) since April 4th.


Keep in mind that this is not something that anyone is doing to you. It's something that you've done yourself with your extremely poor communication, highlighted by your having answered not one single PM from the dozens I have sent you over the past eight weeks.


Anyway, if you don't want to be part of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." anymore, nobody's forcing you to do so. But if you do wish to continue being involved then the rest of us deserve a better explanation and a statement of your desire one way or the other.


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In my defense, my computer is screwed up and my mom's boyfriend won't fix it so if you're probating me idk there is nothing i can do. Whatever

Is it possible for you to use a Library computer or maybe a friend's?

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Im glad you have actualy told us Tarth, however i agree with Ausar. You should of told us ASAP rather than when there are likely consequences.

I also have seen you view this blog and various topics on bzpower.


Toa Zahaku

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