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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 73a, 77a, & 88-92



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The revised seventy-third article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rextou (RECKS-too), the Great Mask of Information, which grant the user the ability to store and recall limited information like a data storage device, but only things that the user has seen, heard, or thought can be recorded and later retrieved.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The revised seventy-seventh article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Toltac (TOHL-tack), the Great Mask of Deep Freeze, which allow the user the ability to produce a momentary surge of Elemental Ice Energy that is capable of reducing the temperature of any substance in the surrounding area to at or below its freezing point, even freezing beings into stasis be they friend or foe alike. Furthermore, the effect can be concentrated and focused upon anything within a one-hundred bio radius, however, the use of this devastating mask power is both mentally and physically exhausting for the user.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-eighth article proposed by Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness is as follows:

Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a type of special metal called "Black Protosteel" that has the ability to amplify the Elements of Shadow and Darkness, much like the "Power Lance" amplifies Toa Takanuva's Elemental Energies.


After Erebus became a Toa, the alloy was mined from the Isle of Whiro and shipped to the Isle of Artakha in order to make a small weapons cache for their resident Toa of Darkness.


The specific alloy called "Black Protosteel" was exclusively found on the Isle of Whiro, although it does not occur there or anywhere else naturally. The amount of usable alloy left in the Universe is very limited, however somehow samples have recently been observed in the hands of "The Brotherhood of Makuta".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-ninth article proposed by Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness is as follows:

Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist extremely rare "Matoran Stones" that allow a Matoran to access and utilized limited amplification of their "Elemental Powers", however these objects put a heavy strain on their Matoran users, for example, a Kur-Matoran attempting to control a "Tahtorak" would result in the Matoran passing out from the effort.


Also, a Matoran cannot maintain control over their "Elemental Powers" for any extended period of time, furthermore it takes several minutes of uninterrupted concentration in order for a trained Matoran to activate a "Matoran Stone".


It is common for "Matoran Stones" to be utilized as jewelry or to be inserted into specially constructed slots of a given Matoran's weaponry.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninetieth article proposed by Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness is as follows:

Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Kiraku" (kee-RAH-koo) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "Death from the Stars" and as such is also the name given to a horde of interstellar invaders that attacked the Isle of Whiro.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-first article proposed by Toa Zahaku is as follows:

Toa Zahaku hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a reptilian species known as "Rakile" (rah-KILL-ee) that makes up the primary population of the Isle of Nynrah.


Notable members of the species include Komodro and Tortrue who are both operatives in "The Shadows of the Sword" organization.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-second article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a species of treasure hunters known as "Kabarn" (KAH-barn) that live somewhere in the Southern Isles. These beings are Toa-like in their physical appearance, yet have no Elemental Powers of their own. They live to hunt treasure and while some use their newfound wealth to purchase implements of war, others keep their tools as their life's work, and still others are simply trying to carve out a better future for themselves within the Matoran Universe.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, June 1st, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 73a has passed with a total of "NINE AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES", also

Article 77a has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 88 has passed with a total of "TEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", plus

Article 89 has passed with a total of "SEVEN AYE VOTES TO FOUR NAY VOTES", furthermore

Articles 90 & 91 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 92 has passed with a total of "NINE AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

I vote Aye on all articles except 88, which seems to be lending an unfair advantage to users of those elemental powers.



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Article 73a: Aye for the obvious reason (It's mine and I want it to be passed :P)


Article 77a: Aye, see above.


Article 88: Aye, actually. Think about it; it could only be forged by Artahka? Only if someone is worhty would Artahka comply. Or, at least, that's my understanding.


Article 89: Aye. Now we can have Matoran Heroes. :)


Article 90: Aye. ...I'd risk a Czech curse, but someone could recognize it. :P No grudge here, though.


Article 91: Aye. I'm sure that Matoran can't be the only ones down there.


Article 92: Aye. Sounds a bit like Godfather Monsters.




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Guest kopakanuva13


73: Aye. A bit odd, but it seems to be appropriate for a mask power.

77: Aye; seems somewhat like an elemental Kanohi of Ice but I suppose that the limited control over "freezing point" would be acceptable.

78: Aye. I was somewhat skeptical at first, but it seems like an interesting addition and I'd like to use it in my new story "Jump!!!" =P

89: Aye.

90: Aye, the word sounds fitting.

91: Aye, unless, of course, something new comes up in the story to disprove this.

92: Aye.


In short, aye to all stated articles.

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First, I still can't get past the fact that I have a difficult time accepting the idea of a Kanohi being a data storage device and thus I vote "NAY" on Article 73a despite the revisions made to this proposal.


Next, I vote "AYE" on Article 77a because I really like the revisions made to this proposal.


Meanwhile, I now vote "AYE" on Articles 88, because this proposal is supported by the Canon example of the Power Lance, furthermore the alloy does not occur naturally.


However, I vote "NAY" on Article 89 because although I'm not necessarily opposed to the concept entirely, I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of a Matoran having access to their Elemental Powers without being Toa.


Anyway, I vote "AYE" on both Articles 90 & 91, as I see no reason to oppose either.


Lastly, I vote "NAY" on Article 92, not because I'm opposed to any single aspect of the proposal, rather because it just seems very bland and unnecessary.


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Article 73 Revised:

"AYE", Much better than the first, reformed, and now to all of our colleagues liking. Approved.


Article 77 Revised:

"AYE", Like the above, bravo on the improvements.


Article 88:

"AYE", Ah yes, another object to be utilized in future chapters of all CIRCLE Epics, no?


Article 89:

"NAY", I love the concept, however, we in the CIRCLE are not so strict as to say this would be powerful enough. No, I think you should make this article more loose, without making it to pwoerful, as of yet the Matoran stones seem to weak.


Article 90:

"AYE", very creative, and it adds to the dictionary the CIRCLE has.


Article 91:

"AYE", Komodros origins revealed ai old friend?


Article 92:

"AYE", Aswell AYE, another species added to the rich CIRCLE enviornment.



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Article 73 Revised:

Aye, fair and yet powerful


Article 77 Revised:

Aye, sounds like a good revision


Article 88:

Aye, love the idea of it, pure and simply love it for some reason


Article 89:

Aye, fair tradeoff to me.


Article 90:

Aye, new words are good


Article 91:

Aye, sounds good


Article 92:

It's mine, so aye

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"NAY" to Article 73a. Leaning to "NAY." To paraphrase what I said here, this mask, as defined in the article, is pointless, because the author could have it so the character remembers without the use of the Rextou. What use would it be to remember something you already know?


"AYE" to Article 77a. The "be they friend or foe alike" part has brought up a question; is the user immune to the mask's power?


"UNDECIDED" on Article 88. Considering how the Power Lance amplifies all types of Elemental Energy, couldn't the Black Protosteel be somewhat inferior to it? Or is this more of a mineral or crystal with Shadow-enhancing properties that is able to be melded with metal and thus give the metal similar properties?


"UNDECIDED" on Article 89. While the idea is great, I'm not sure what purpose it could serve. Matoran naturally utilize their Elemental Powers through physical traits. (Ta-Matoran are more heat resistant, Po-Matoran are stronger, etc...) Matoran also lack enough EE to manifest it like a Toa or Turaga can. A "Matoran Stone" would have to both amplify and access a Matoran's Elemental Energy for the Matoran to use it in combat.


"AYE" to Article 90. I see no reason to... Wait, interstellar invaders?


"AYE" to Article 91. No reason to oppose it, until, as Cap'n K said, storyline disproves this.


"AYE" on Article 92. Toa-like beings with no Elemental Powers, sounds like misplaced Glatorian to me.Maybe the Matoran name for them?

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Ill dig up my Pm to greg reguarding article 91 in a while, first voting.

73a- Aye, it seems lke it might be important to EM's epic

77a-Aye, i take it this is the mask Kortec uses against Shenku in your epic?

88- Aye it sounds like a good idea and i have no reason to appose it

89- Nay, if they could control their element with these stones. Then toa wouldnt be that neccasay to protect them.

90-Aye but Interstellar invaders?

91- Aye my own article, need i say more.

92-Aye no reason to appose though i must admit sounds quite uneccasary and boring. This is what would happen "Oh no. Its a Toa without element powers or mask powers, RUN!" :P


Toa Zahaku

Edit: Heres gregs PM

1. Island names that end in 'Nui' are islands that are mainly populated by matoran, Correct?




2. If the above is correct, Will we ever see the main speices of Nynrah in the storyline? (this will actually be the first time i hope you say no)


Toa Zahaku

1) Yes

2) I don't have plans for that at the moment, no

Also Zee you are correct about article 91

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I felt like inserting my own two widgets worth of comments in response to your ballot:

"UNDECIDED" on Article 88. Considering how the Power Lance amplifies all types of Elemental Energy, couldn't the Black Protosteel be somewhat inferior to it? Or is this more of a mineral or crystal with Shadow-enhancing properties that is able to be melded with metal and thus give the metal similar properties?

It is my understanding that "
Black Protosteel
" is an alloy that can be melded along with other types of Metallic Protodermis to give the resulting object enhancement properties.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 89. While the idea is great, I'm not sure what purpose it could serve. Matoran naturally utilize their Elemental Powers through physical traits. (Ta-Matoran are more heat resistant, Po-Matoran are stronger, etc...) Matoran also lack enough EE to manifest it like a Toa or Turaga can. A "Matoran Stone" would have to both amplify and access a Matoran's Elemental Energy for the Matoran to use it in combat.

I think that the response from
Erebus Nuva
to this question of yours regarding
Article 89
will likely play a major factor in how I vote on said proposal though I assure you I know how vital this is to his storyline and thus I won't be casting anything more than an up-or-down vote myself.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 92. Toa-like beings with no Elemental Powers, sounds like misplaced Glatorian to me.

Wow, that's funny.


and I though the exact same thing about
Article 92

Anyway, I'm not so certain that I helped you much on your indecision, but I do what I can. ;)


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73a- AYE, nice revision.

77a- AYE, nice revision.

88- AYE, how rare?

89- NAY. It just doesn't seem right. If Matoran are meant to be heroes, then they become Toa.

90- AYE. I sort of like it. I think it should be longer, but, I still like it.

91- AYE. No explanation.

92- AYE. So their pirates? Where in the Southern Isles are they?

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It is my understanding that "Black Protosteel" is an alloy that can be melded along with other types of Metallic Protodermis to give the resulting object enhancement properties.

Metals are usually mined as ore, then smelted into a purified form. Alloys are normally two or more metals melded together. "Black Protosteel" ore is mined. "Black Protosteel" metal is its pure form. "Black Protosteel" alloy is the metal melted and mixed with other metal(s). The article's description had me confused. :wacko:

"UNDECIDED" on Article 92. Toa-like beings with no Elemental Powers, sounds like misplaced Glatorian to me.

Wow, that's funny. :superfunny:


and I though the exact same thing about
Article 92

Anyway, I'm not so certain that I helped you much on your indecision, but I do what I can. ;)

You know they say, 'Great minds think alike.'[/ego]


You'll find it's not that hard to change my mind, as long as the change is logical and with reason.


92- AYE. So their pirates? Where in the Southern Isles are they?

In the Kahbarnean Sea, of course. (Pronounced KAH-barn-EE-an)

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Aye to all stated articles.


73a and 77a: Aye to both with the new revisions.


88: Aye. I see no problem with it because, as noted, it is similar to Takanuva's Power Lance as seen in the official canon.


89: Aye, the limits placed upon it seem reasonable. Now, for clarification - do these Matoran Stones actually unlock the power a Matoran has? Or do they magnify the power that is already there? I ask because I was under the impression that Matoran normally have only a tiny amount of elemental energy that manifests itself as a trait common to their tribe. This is merely a technicality, however, and will not effect my vote.


90: Aye, I have no problems with this.


91-92: Aye, both sound reasonable.

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It is my understanding that "Black Protosteel" is an alloy that can be melded along with other types of Metallic Protodermis to give the resulting object enhancement properties.

Metals are usually mined as ore, then smelted into a purified form. Alloys are normally two or more metals melded together. "Black Protosteel" ore is mined. "Black Protosteel" metal is its pure form. "Black Protosteel" alloy is the metal melted and mixed with other metal(s). The article's description had me confused. :wacko:

Your confusion with the wording is probably my fault, and although you are correct about metals typically being mind as ore, in this instance clearly the proposed "Black ProtoSteel" is a naturally occurring alloy (such as the case with real-world Electrum), that consists of "ProtoSteel" and whatever other substance gives the metal the described enhancement properties.


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I vote "NAY" to Article 73a. I don't see why this is even needed. :shrugs:


Next, I vote "AYE" to Articles 77a & 88-91 because each Article fit well within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe". :)


Last, I vote "NAY" to Article 92 because the species seems very useless; As already said, they just seem like Glatorian.


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My nay vote is final here; nothing nas convinced me to vote otherwise and I'm sticking to my guns, as the saying goes.



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Your confusion with the wording is probably my fault, and although you are correct about metals typically being mind as ore, in this instance clearly the proposed "Black ProtoSteel" is a naturally occurring alloy (such as the case with real-world Electrum), that consists of "ProtoSteel" and whatever other substance gives the metal the described enhancement properties.

So, anyone with access to "Black Protosteel" could create Protosteel by removing the enhancement properties?


Also, the article is, in a way, stating that Protosteel exists naturally when we know it does not.

My nay vote is final here; nothing nas convinced me to vote otherwise and I'm sticking to my guns, as the saying goes.

Then what would convince you to change your vote?

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My nay vote is final here; nothing nas convinced me to vote otherwise and I'm sticking to my guns, as the saying goes.

Then what would convince you to change your vote?

Limits on the power and quantity of the protosteel, perhaps.



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Aye to Article 73a.


Aye to Article 77a. I'm fine with it, since it is not as powerful as a Nova Blast.


Aye to Article 88.


Aye to Article 89.


Aye to Article 90.


Aye to Article 91.


Aye to Article 92. But what other special powers would they have?

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Ok here we go.


Black Protosteel is exclusive to Whiro

It has Elemental Energy enhancement properties that work only with Shadow and Darkness

When melded with Protosteel it makes some of the most resiliant weapons in the universe.

It is much cheaper and less time consuming using Black Protosteel then it is making Power Lance technology as it naturally amplifies the power.

There isn't much usable Black Protosteel left in the Universe, Enough to make a small weapons cache, I don't plan on making Erebus or any other character an invincible Terminator like character.

This Protosteel doesn't exist naturally in fact it was placed on the island of Whiro intentionally, but I am not going to spoil future events :sly:


Matoran Stones make regular Matoran able to use Elemental Energy like their prototypes, the Av-Matoran. Matoran Stones also amplify the EE the longer they have the stones but only to a certain limit. They would be unable to have the power of a Toa, so basically they would have the same amount of EE as an Av-Matoran.


Also Toa would still be needed to protect these Matoran from threats. Like the Toa Mata in the core of Karda Nui

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Why would "Black Protosteel" need to be melded with Protosteel when it already is a form of Protosteel?


It doesn't have to be melded, it just makes the resulting metal slightly stronger. In the case of my Self moc his swords have a black Protosteel core, but a regular protosteel coating.

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Article 73a has passed with a total of "NINE AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES" and thus supersedes Article 73.

Article 77a has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and thus supersedes Article 77.

Article 88 has passed with a total of "TEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE".

Article 89 has passed with a total of "SEVEN AYE VOTES TO FOUR NAY VOTES".

Article 90 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 91 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 92 has passed with a total of "NINE AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES".

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