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There's An App For That

Watashi Wa


I want a phone that can ping other phones within a close distance and transfer personal information wirelessly and then automatically update the information in your contacts. If there isn't an app for that, I should make it, and become insta-rich.


I want a device that attaches to your buggy at Wal-Mart (or other applicable super-market) and as you add items to your cart, you can scan the item. The device will keep a running total before you check out so you don't overspend.


I'm a genius, I know.


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There's a iPhone-like doohickey which can scan barcodes with it's camera and then show you if it's cheaper to buy on tthe internet. I have no idea whether it lets you keep a running total, though.

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Ah, but then the major companies who capitalize on the overspending would be very unhappy with you for taking away their extra profit for your own gain (money from selling the devices).


It still sounds good, though. :P

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Yo dawg I herd you liek apps so we put in app in your iPhone that lets you look for apps for your iPhone while you're in an app on your iPhone
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