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Where Music Is Going



As I type this entry, I have the TV on in the background. And what do I have one? TVU. That's the music video channel we have through our satellite provider. No commercials 24/7 music videos. But let me make myself more clear.


TVU is a Christian Music video channel. They have all kinds of music... from the hardcore stuff which I don't particularly care for, to the stuff like Sanctus Real, P.O.D., Stellar Kart, Relient K, Skillet. And whenever they come back from a video the host will tie everything back into the message of Christianity. It's awesome.


They have a radio station, too. Radio U. Of course, all the cool people call it "The U." I'd link to it, but I think they have blog spaces and forums and stuff on the website. So may I recommend googling TVU or something.


But the point is, it's awesome music with a message. I highly recommend it.


So, like, check out my playlist.

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Wow. I have so many of those songs!


I'm guessing, from the appearance of random but recognizable songs, you either have TobyMac and Switchfoot CDs or WOW CDs?





I just download individual songs as I please. I downloaded the entire Switchfoot album The Beautiful Letdown, which is a lot of what you're seeing there. ;)

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Christain music, for the most part is pretty dumb. But there are some good bands out there, like Hawk Nelson, tobyMac, Switchfoot, Newsboys, Sanctus Real, and Relient K...I know I forgot some.


Anyway, I'm glad to know that poeple do listen to this kind of music. :)





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Nothing against Christian Music, but it's just like fifty million ways to say "I'm a believer, you don't like it, then I don't care." If that station was rock videos, then I'd hug everyone in the world.

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Nothing against Christian Music, but it's just like fifty million ways to say "I'm a believer, you don't like it, then I don't care." If that station was rock videos, then I'd hug everyone in the world.

Well actually FO, There are Christion Rock songs and bands :) .

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Nothing against Christian Music, but it's just like fifty million ways to say "I'm a believer, you don't like it, then I don't care." If that station was rock videos, then I'd hug everyone in the world.

It is. It's called Christian Rock. And you know why Christians have our own genre of music? Because there are certain things that our faith tells us... one is to worship our Creator in song, and another is that a lot of the music out there that disagrees with what we believe. And Christian Rock has some pretty awesome songs.

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Dude, as I skimmed through your playlist, it struck me: "I know every...single...one...of these songs...by heart." I'm totally jealous of your playlist. Totally.


I'm not the biggest Hawk Nelson fan, I support their message, no doubt, at their core they're a good Christian group. They just seem to me, like, Relient K wannabes or somethin'. I dunno.


I watch the proverbial sunrise, comin' up over the Pacific end, you might think I'm losing my mind, but I will shy, away from the specifics...

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from the hardcore stuff which I don't particularly care for

Then you'll hate my playlist, though I'm not as bad as some people I know =D


I love some hardcore stuff, but I detest some other stuff. It's depended if the song's actually got rhthym and melody or if it's just blatent screaming.


Nothing against Christian Music, but it's just like fifty million ways to say "I'm a believer, you don't like it, then I don't care." If that station was rock videos, then I'd hug everyone in the world.

It is. It's called Christian Rock. And you know why Christians have our own genre of music? Because there are certain things that our faith tells us... one is to worship our Creator in song, and another is that a lot of the music out there that disagrees with what we believe. And Christian Rock has some pretty awesome songs.

Isn't that just normal music with different lyrics? I mean, you can't just invent a whole genre based on lyrics alone. Besides, I seldom care for lyrics. If the song's good, then I'll listen to it regardless of lyrics most of the time. Besides, is it so hard to retain faith while listening to non-christian music.


Not that I mind Christian music, some of them are good, but I just don't see the point of creating a whole new genre for bands that sound the same as other bands but just different lyrics.


Just my two widgets.


Well, yeah. It's the lyrics that make Christian music different. I know you don't mind lyrics when you listen to music, but a lot of people do, hence the new genre. ;)


Doesn't make sense to me. Say, lets take the Piraka rap or 'Move Along'. That's not Christian music but if I change the lyrical content, it become a whole new genre of music? The music is still the same but it doesn't retain it's former genre.


On a completely different note, I listened to 'Family Force 5' after reading your profile and 'Love Addict' has got to be one of the most awesome songs ever, despite it's simplicity. Turntables+Song that spreads love=Awesome =D


Well, in response to the first part of what you said, that's why there are genres within Christian music. Christian (hard) rock, Christian rap, and so-forth.


And I know, that song completely owns. =D


Oookay. What happens when I decide to make a song with lyrics about cheese. Would that make it 'Cheese Rock' =P


"Doctor Oh Doctor I got an emergancy! It seems I'm head over heels, a case of L-O-V-E!"


Yes, that would be Cheese Rock. :P


Are you refering to my first sentence or the 'Love Addict' lyrics? =P


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I don't think we should talk more about religous music, seeing as it's against the rules to talk about religous stuff.

Religious music is music KA, not religion.

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My school said the same thing.The only music with meaning is Christian.It tells you what it means to be Christian and teaches you about the bible.


I am trying real hard not to type really religous things.

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Skillet is crunchy. I was impressed when I saw them at Acquire the Fire. But my favorite group has got to be and will probably always be Third Day.


Yeah, Third Day is good. I like the guy's voice (I have American Dream on my playlist, I believe).

But is "crunchy" good or bad? :P
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Well, except for the conversation within Tak's post, looks like the controversy is over and we can get back to commenting on TVU and the playlist. :P
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