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Afternoon At The Movies



Where I saw Night at the Museum II: Battle of the Smithsonian


First off... movie tickets. Gosh, those things are expensive. I got in today for $10. Now, there are ways to get in cheaper, but I totally blew them today. First, there's the matinees... but those end at 2:00 PM, whereas I was busy until 3:00 and decided to make the 3:30 showing. So missed that. But I'm thinking "Hey, there's a slight discount for students, right? Anyway, I was busy earlier working on a school project." But noooo... they don't start using the student prices until 8:00. So I arrived too late for the matinee and too early for the student discount... so why would anybody go see a movie at that time of the day (besides convenience)


Anyway, the movie. I didn't hear very good reviews about it.. you know, mindless humor, reeking of sequel-ness. But honestly, it wasn't that bad. It was a family film... the worst thing was one minor curse word. The theater was mildly filled with younger kids and their parents... they were annoying through the credits, but who cares about those anyway? It's nice to know that there are still movies that are all "blood, guts, violence, sex, profanity, more violence, stupidity, haha we totally scared you for life" and junk like that.


Slight spoilers ahead...


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It was an okay sequel. There was plenty of background things coming to life that it was sometimes more fun to watch what was bouncing in the background that what the main characters were actually doing. The premise of the movie was different; Ben Stiller actually had a mission this time, whereas the last movie it was kind of just a general "learn to control the chaos" this one was more of a "get the stone tablet." Although weren't they able to turn off the tablet in the first movie... why didn't he just do that as soon as he got his hands on it, huh?


There were some things that weren't great. It was a shame Robin William's Teddy Roosevelt character was out of most of the action (he probably would've kicked butt if he'd been there anyway... too easy). Amelia Earhart was a little much at times... and the whole romance thing totally didn't make sense. (What happened to Larry's girlfriend from the first movie?) And the main villian... he talked way too much. Sometimes he had something funny to say, but half of his monologues could've been cut. (Although his three "I have COME BACK" exclamations were pretty good and built well on each other)


There were some good parts. Custard's great plan "I'll yell 'Don't Attack' and then we... wait for it... ATTACK!" (or something like that) was pretty funny. I liked how they'd do very dramatic music for the miniature people's action scenes, and then pull out to human scale... good juxtaposition. (And the squirrel!) And of course, Larry's sword fight with a frickin' flashlight! It stretched the bounds of fantasy, but it looked freakin' cool!


Anyway, it was a good, nice movie with some laughs. There was some nice animation, and it was nice that most of the museum characters from the first movie at least made appearances. Maybe not the best movie to see in theaters, but I wasn't interested in any of the other movies showing. (Well, except Star Trek, but I've already seen that, and I'm not going to pay to see it again.) The next one I'm going to hit up is Transformers II...




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Glad to know it was enjoyable. (I plan on seeing it.)


Other movies that didn't look interesting? What about Terminator? And did you see Wolverine? (Not that I'm complaining about your choice.)



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I'm not a big enough fan of either franchise to go see them in the theater... or at least having to pay for it.



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Amelia Earhart was a little much at times... and the whole romance thing totally didn't make sense.

This, and the boy band cherubs, kept this movie from being more than decent.



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