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A Ghost Story... I Think...

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


You're walking down the street, enjoying the scenery, when suddenly....you feel someone breathing down your neck.


You whirl around.


But no one's there.


Slightly uneasy, you continue, but only a moment after, you feel it again.


You turn more quickly this time, but yet...no one is behind you. No one is near. The street is empty.


You turn and begin to run, but the breathing continues even worse than before. Whoever this is, he's not only invisible and intangible, but very quick.


Dark is coming...the sun sinks below the line of houses, and not a glimmer or ray remains. Only pure black.


The streetlights don't come on.


You are lost in darkness. Only a faint, mysterious glow shows from the windows of the houses, where the lamps' light attempt to pierce through the heavy winter curtains.


The breathing comes again. Huff. Huff. Huff.


With a shriek, you scramble into your house. You wish only for safety and for relief.


But once again the being follows.


You rush toward the mirror, in the hopes that you might see who this is...this spooky haunter of the night.


The breathing continues.


You look fearfully into the mirror...and you see the truth.


Your head is on backwards.




Turakii's gotta do something for Halloween, no?





P.S. Awww... :wub: Quizzing prizes rock. (My apologies for the effect the scan had on my hand, and for the upside-down appearance of the picture itself. It looked odd flipped around.)


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ooh thats scary , we had a Halloween costume party on staurday and i was an Urgal and i used my moms makeup on my face for Urgal tattooes and used her lipstick as a scar down the side of my face, stupid as it sounds it worked! hooray!!! and some people didnt recognize me wearing it! (I'm pretty recognizable being the only african american kid at the party.)


its time for Halloween!

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HAHA!! Laughed out loud, my friend! :D (at the conclusion, of corse :P)


*gasp!* You skaned ur own hand?? What 4?? Are u going to fax it somewhere, or something?



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