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Bunda Bunda



I was on the train today (well, yesterday, when I wrote this), and there were a couple of younger kids sitting up a few seats from me. I was trying to sleep at the time, but they started chanting something. I think they were mostly saying "Buddha Buddha" over and over again, but for a while it sounded like they were saying "Bunda Bunda." I was impressed that he had such a following. :sly:


It was kind of cute, as obviously some of them are just learning how to speak. On the other hand, it was very annoying, as I was trying to sleep. It's hard enough to fall asleep on a bumpy train in a lame chair, and a bunch of yelling toddlers don't help at all. Although I;m surprised that I'm not totally konked out... I'm only running on three hours of sleep, after having spent a full day running on 6 hours of sleep, and I have a busy weekend ahead of me, followed by dead week in school. Gah, the pressure is too much... and I still don't have my programming homework done yet. My Ajax and PHP aren't working together yet...


Edit: Whew, got it done at the last minute




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I was on a train in London with my family once, and there was a gaggle of French students who kept saying 'tomaaaahto' and tittering like it was the most hilarious thing in the world.


What I'm saying is, I feel your pain. :psychotwitch:

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