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Fight Fight Fight



Almost got into a fight this weekend.


Basically, I was helping out at this dunk tank, and this one dude says he's gonna mess with it (pull the bar from behind, sending the guy into the tank before the person can hit the target... aka cheating). My friend and I say no. He says he'll do it anyway and run away. I say I'll chase him down and my friend will wallop him. He does it anyway. He shrug it off and call him offensive names.


My friend leaves, so I'm the only one on guard duty. Uncool dude comes back, does it again. This time I'm angry so I chase him down. Catch up to him... he wants to fight. I try a few half hearted shoves, nothing much. In the back of my mind, I'm remembering that we're at this family-friendly fair thing my hometown puts on (Fun Days... that's what it's called) and I'll probably get in trouble for starting a fight. So I stop and offer a handshake of peace, just asking him to not do that again. He curses and blows me off. I turn and walk away.


It would've been better if my friend had still been around. I did my part; I chased him and stopped him. My friend's big enough to probably be able to knock him over with ease (Jon takes pride in his tall height :sly: ) And who knows... maybe if I had been serious, I could've hurt him. But he was serious... he probably would've hurt me, and then the authorities would've nabbed us both. Since it wasn't a good place for a fight, I shrugged it off like a responsible person and let him off.


I heard that after I left, he did it again. I kinda wish I had punched him in the face instead of pretend shoving, but I guess I'm not that violent of a person in practise. Tis a shame. Maybe I just need to get angrier next time... Hulk angry...




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Even though violence isn't the answer, some people do need a good punch in the face.


You shoulda done it. :P




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LOL. What the kid really needed was a spanking. That would've enlightened him on the matter of SHAME! SHAME!



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