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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 87a & 99-105



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The revised eighty-seventh article proposed by ChocoLvr13 & Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 & Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the origins of the First Toa of Darkness can be traced back to 80,000 YBGC when two Uri-Matoran were simultaneously transformed into Toa on the Isle of Whiro.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninety-ninth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Kotea" (koh-TAY-uh) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "impunity".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundredth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose the administration of the consequence of "Probation" upon "TOA" Tarth as a result of his violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy".


The status of "Probation" shall result in his votes counting as "3/5" of one tally for a three-month period, furthermore, all of his subsequent votes shall be nullified until such time as he provides a more thorough rationale for his blatant violation, and thus his membership shall not be counted in the "Voter Turnout Calculations" until the explanation has been given.


Provided that he does not repeat the offense during the three-month period his membership privileges will return to normal at that time.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-first article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" over 100,000 YBGC the Great Beings created a species of roughly one dozen beings known as "The Makers".


Notable members of the species include Artakha, Karzahni, Makaavara (also known as "The Maelström"), Oonava, and Vakula.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-second article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" around 100,000 YBGC a small group of "Makers" joined together and formed a faction known as "The Fellowship of the Makers", however Artakha, Karzahni, and at least two other unknown Makers refused to join "The Fellowship".


At that point "The Fellowship of the Makers" then created five types of "Semi-Matoran", each with their own powers, in hopes of creating their own more powerful races of villagers:

  • "The Hivakura" (hee-VAHK-krah), also known as "The Unaligned" or "The Manax Meds", who do not have affiliation with any specific Elements, nor do they have a greater balance of Light or Shadow within them, therefore making it impossible to add or remove Light from a "Hivakura", furthermore it is impossible to create a Toa or Turaga from a "Hivakura" as well.


  • "The Valuri" (vah-LOO-ree), also known as "The Undestined" or "The Matoran Manax", who each have their own idividual destinies, but any "Valuri" charged with Toa Energy can become a Toa, regardless of what their specific destiny is.


  • "The Noviris" (noh-VEER-is), also known as "The Unbound" or "The Matoran Kopen", who possess ten times the physical and elemental strength of an ordinary Matoran, meaning they have limited control over their affiliated Element, furthermore a "Toa Noviris" has power levels equivalent to that of a Makuta, however a "Noviris" has practically zero tolerance for extreme temperatures, drastic humidity, or excessive aridness.


  • "The Onuka" (oh-NOO-kah), also known as "The Unspoken" or "The Matoran Onurak", who have the ability to communicate with plants, and have patches of green on their armor that allow them to photosynthesize and create their own nutrients. An "Onuka" can easily talk to and understand plants, meanwhile "Toa Onuka" have a very high level of charisma over plants, and "Turaga Onuka" maintain the ability to control all non-sentient plants.


  • "The Idenka" (ee-DEN-kah), also known as "The Unseen" or "The Matoran Korlok", who have no visible appearance, meaning that they cannot be seen by others.
These five types of "Semi-Matoran" can be either gender and have a limited understanding of romance. Their bodies grow and shrink as well making their life expectancy slightly shorter than that of ordinary Matoran.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-third article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" shortly after 100,000 YBGC the five types of "Semi-Matoran" were seen as threats to the Great Spirit Mata Nui, by the newly formed "Order of Mata Nui", because of their unaligned diplomacy, and so the Dome of Onurak Nui, home to virtually all of the "Onuka", was destroyed, leaving only four known "Onuka" survivors.


Almost immediately "The Fellowship" realized what it was that "The Order" was doing. They did not want their creations to be destroyed and therefore buried all remaining members of the five types of "Semi-Matoran" in stasis beneath the Isles of Korlok, Manax Nui, and Kopen Nui and named these three domes Sectors Twelve, Thirteen, and Fourteen, respectively.


For their actions and interference "The Fellowship" was punished by "The Order" as each and every affiliated "Maker" was sealed away in separate gates hidden across the Matoran Universe, which could only be opened if certain requirements were met.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-fourth article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" and long before the creation of the Matoran Universe, beings from yet another universe came to "Spherus Magna" and gave the Great Beings a mysterious object called the "Gikk Maha", which had the form of an amber-colored fifty-sided crystal that sparkled in all colors of the visible spectrum.


The Great Beings knew that it was a curio of immense power, but after hundreds of thousands of years, its' energy still could not be tapped into and its' appearance proved addictive to stare at. Thus, it was buried in the heart of their creation, "The Matoran Universe", as a failsafe fuel source for the Great Spirit Mata Nui. This was done halfheartedly however, as the Great Beings simply wished to be rid of the thing.


There it remained until the time came when the five types of "Semi-Matoran" that had been created by "The Fellowship of the Makers" were put into stasis and buried. The "Gikk Maha" then detected great displeasure in the North, South, and East, and took action by blessing two "Valuri" and two "Onuka" as "keys" to its' own power. The "Gikk Maha" then became dormant and could only be unlocked by having one of each key in Sectors Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, and Fourteen simultaneously.


At some point a surge of celestial energy caused the Stasis Spheres containing the "Semi-Matoran" to break free from their containment at the bottom of the seas of their three Domes and float to the surface near the Isles of Korlok, Manax Nui, and Kopen Nui. Sadly, the "Idenka" were senselessly slaughtered on the Isle of Korlok by Skakdi who had migrated there from the Isle of Zazak.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-fifth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there is a type of weapon known as the "Fironian Sniper Rifle" (figh-ROE-nee-ahn SNIGH-purr RIGH-full).


A certain Firoah known as Macai designed the rifle after a failed assassination attempt on the Fironian Overlord. Following a successful field test and the resulting assassination, Macai fled to the Dome of Ouir Nui, where the Makuta Tarel killed him and stole the only existing rifle. Tarel later sold the rifle to Makuta Vamprah, who then had the rifle mass-produced on the Isle of Xia.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, June 8th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 87a has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", also

Article 99 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 100 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", plus

Article 101 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", furthermore

Articles 102 & 103 have both passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" each, meanwhile

Articles 104 & 105 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

As difficult as it for me to say this.


"AYE" to all stated Articles.


I have read and reviewed all Articles and I have no objections until stated otherwise.

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Article 87a: Aye; Good to have a background.


Article 99: Aye.


Article 100 (Yay!): Aye for the reasons mentioned back in the discussion about this.


Article 101: Aye. Everyone comes from somewhere; now just waiting for Tren Krom's origin.


Article 102: Aye; A secret group spread throughout the population of the Universe that controls elements (Well, mostly, at least.)? Sounds Cool! :)


Article 103: Aye; Aw... Well, all good things come to an end eventually, I guess.


Article 104: Aye; Kinda funny though, "This was a halfhearted act..." XD Too bad for the Idenka.


Article 105: Aye. Well... I have no probelm with it.




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Aye to Article 87a


Aye to Article 99


Even though I regret that he has not been active, Aye to Article 100. Three months seems an awful long time, though.


Aye to Article 101


Aye to All of Article 102 except for that last part. Romance is not needed in Bionicle, even in the C.I.R.C.L.E.


Aye to Article 103


Aye to Article 104


Aye to Article 105

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I too can find no reason to oppose any of these Articles and thus vote "AYE" on all eight.


It's good to see that ChocoLvr13 & Erebus Nuva came to a mutual agreement that works for both of them, meanwhile the various proposals from Kohilå & Cap'n K certainly add flair and depth to our joint venture, lastly I feel that the consequence for violating the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" is quite fair and sets a good precedence for the level of commitment and respect that each author is expected to show to the rest of the group by agreeing to be a part of our alliance.


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Aye to all stated articles. I read them all and did not find anything objectionable. While it's a shame that this incident with Tarth had to happen, the punishment seems reasonable. All the other articles seem to be reasonable and quite interesting.

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Aye to all stated Articles i have no objections to either of these though i hoped i wouldnt have to vote Aye on 100, shame


Toa Zahaku

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Aye to all.


All words and factions sound great, especially the Makers. All of it should fit into the universe nicely without problems and all sound to be well thought out and well applied.

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87a- AYE. I did help create that.

99- Aye. Nothing to add.

100- Aye. He didn't seem too happy when he posted there, also.

101- Aye. Seems cool. Each one good at making something?


103- UNDECIDED--Weighs on what I choose for 102.

104- Aye. I just realized, the C.I.R.C.L.E. needs to expand to Bara Magna and former Sphereus Magna.

105- Aye. We need another sniper.

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I just realized, the C.I.R.C.L.E. needs to expand to Bara Magna and former Sphereus Magna.

It is the unanimous decision of the "TURAGA COUNCIL" that proposals within "The C.I.R.C.L.E." shall remain exclusive to "The Matoran Universe" until at least 2010, possibly longer, primarily due to the fact that so little is known about the Canon Storyline that it is difficult to predict whether or not a given article will become blatantly contradictory in the future.


The reason that Article 104 was allowed is because its' content and effects still revolve basically solely around "The Matoran Universe" as opposed to any other location.


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Neutral, I will go with whatever you guys want, I Don't really want to get involved

Nay, I really don't think that Karzahni is the same species as Artakha







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Aye to all stated articles, they all seem like feasible things, even if it is as minor an article as a Matoran word being added.



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100-Nay! Where may I more "thoroughly" explain my absence?






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100-Nay! Where may I more "thoroughly" explain my absence?







How can either Erebus or I explain our article to you. You didn't even say what you didn't like about it.

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The revised eighty-seventh article proposed by ChocoLvr13 & Erebus Nuva: "AYE", A fine addition to another piece of CIRCLE History.


The ninety-ninth article proposed by Kohila is as follows: "AYE", Another term added to our extensive dictionary.


The one-hundredth article proposed by Ballom, Kohila, & Toa_Ausar is as follows: "AYE", seems fair to me.


The one-hundred-first article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows: "AYE", I like this explanation for Artakha and his macabre brother.



The one-hundred-second article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows: "AYE", very deep ,very in depth story.


The one-hundred-third article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows: "AYE", the plot runs deeper. Keep it coming my friends.


The one-hundred-fourth article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows: "AYE", as usual, we have a very deep and explained plot in the CIRCLE.


The one-hundred-fifth article proposed by Kohila is as follows: "AYE", does anybody really need to ask why I like this article?



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I vote "AYE" to all stated Articles. ;)


I'm sorry Tarth, but I know that I have 2 non-BZPower contact sources you could've used, and I bet that most other "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" do, too. Since you could browse the Forums but not make posts, you still could've viewed our Profiles and gotten them. :shrugs:


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Article 87a has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" and thus supersedes Article 87.

Article 99 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 100 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" and thus modifies Article 3.

Article 101 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE".

Article 102 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE".

Article 103 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE".

Article 104 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

Article 105 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION".

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