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In Washington Dc...



Ok, first things first. How exactly do you place two capital letters right after one another in a blog title without the second one being a little letter? Thanks for any input.


Now, on to the news! My family has officially arrived in DC, and we will be here for the remainder of the week. Today we went to the Udvar-hazy Air and Space Museum in the morning and had a blast there looking at all of the cool planes, missiles, space probes, and of course the Enterprise. This afternoon we went to the Museum of Natural History which was neat, even though they tried to smear evolution in your face at every chance (which is understandable for an organization which believes that and has supposed "evidence" for it) That's the only part that I disliked about it, but besides that I really enjoyed it. I am SO tired right now though, I'm not sure if we will be able to take a week of this! I just need to get some good sleep...


In other news, my parents have given my sister and I consent to purchase a Wii! My dad and I just ordered it not 5 minutes ago actually. For the extra game, we are going to start of with Smash Bros. Brawl (at long last!). I'm quite pumped, although this is still a bit of a hard decision for her and I to make, seeing as it's so much money. Ah well; we have been wanting it for a long time and we now finally have the money. I believe we should have a blast with it. If there are any of you guys out there who are Brawl fans (or Wii Sports players), the please let me know and we can exchange codes! I won't be able to play until we get home though (we are having it shipped there).


I've gotta go get ready for bed now, and I believe my internet access will be limited over the week due to the fact that you can only access it in the lobby for free (silly hotel charges; don't they know free wireless is standard now?!). Man, I'm gonna have to scramble when I get home for BBCC #54. Getting a new Wii won't help either. =P


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Well, it is a science museum, so it's kinda assumed that they're going to go off the scientific explanation of things, isn't it? I'm not sure what else you could expect from the place.


But at any rate, in my experience it's really not a good idea to even bring this subject up in the blogs, so you might want to just take that little aside out entirely. Sorry.

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I hope you visit the other Air and Space Museum while you're in town too. Pretty cool place.

When I was little (and I still do today since it's shorter) I used to call the Natural History Museum the Dinosaur Museum. I'm sure you now know why. Cool place there too. Did you see the crystals?


As for letters, you can use a different character that looks just like a C (or other letter) but isn't. Or you can try to get staff to change that?



(PS, we don't have to totally dismiss evolution. I can't say I've seen it (or detested it at least) in the museum.)

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As for letters, you can use a different character that looks just like a C (or other letter) but isn't. Or you can try to get staff to change that?



Yeah, that's how you do it. See this blog entry for more. :]


And, I don't think staff can change it, though I'm not sure... :shrugs:


Sounds like you're having fun, though. =P



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I meant, like, ask B6, but I don't even know if I have, considering he does so much for the site already...


I just learn to live with it and make sure to showcase the correct spelling early on in the entry.



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I meant, like, ask B6, but I don't even know if I have, considering he does so much for the site already...


I just learn to live with it and make sure to showcase the correct spelling early on in the entry.




Yeah, true.


And, lol. That's what I usually do, too, except with the BBC Critics Club [since it's more formal], so I wanted to make it nice. =P



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Fun, fun, fun. Hope you have an awesome time in the rest of DC. And make sure you see the WWII Memorial. It's absolutely gorgeous. And you're going to the Smithsonian, right?? Oh, one more suggestion (though you guys probably have it all planned out already); see Arlington National Cemetery and the Changing of the Guard....


By the way, if you think you're tired now..... well, I feel sorry for you. I know how exhausted I was at the end of a day of sight-seeing and museum walking. Yikes.


:kaukau: -JG

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