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In Loving Memory



My grandfather passed away today. His health had been failing the past few weeks, and thankfully I was able to visit with him the last few days to get my chance to say goodbye. It was hard leaving his bedside yesterday, knowing it would be the last time I saw him. But my aunts, uncles, and nephews were all able to make it down yesterday to spend some time with him and with each other.


When my mom called this morning, I knew exactly what it was...and in a way I was preparred to hear the news. I took my time getting up, and by the afternoon had made it over to my grandmother's. There, several of us spent the day sharing stories, joking around, and ended the evening with some dinner from Green Mill and some desert (pie cake!). It was an odd day. Nobody was visibly upset, but obviously it was on everybody's mind. My grandmother gave me some of his clothes to take home, which she thought I could put to use. I felt odd taking them, but I could tell it was helping her cope, so I accepted them. I dunno how long it will be before I'm able to wear them...if ever.


Why am I writing this? I guess it just feels good to get it out there. But also, to reaffirm something you hear frequently. Never leave angry, and always be sure to tell the ones you care about that you love them.


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My condolences for your loss, I wish you all the best.


It is an odd experience to lose someone that close. This makes me seriously contemplate how I am going to experience my granparents' passing.

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