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Riddle-de-dum Number One



This is a new blog thing I'm doing. With riddles. Here is how it works.


I'll post some riddles every week. You try to answer them in the comments, it is that simple. And I will start with easy and more well known riddles. Then progress or even randomly throw in a hard riddle. Plus, if you know a good riddle, send me a PM, I'll post it and give you credit for your riddle. (Remember to keep it appropriate. Or I will put a beat down on you.) Although please don't edit your post, if you guess wrong, you guess wrong. I don't want cheating here.


Not only that, those who get riddle's correct will be posted in a blog entry later on. If you don't know the answer guess, but explain why you think so. If you can convince me, I might just give it to you.


Now on to the riddles. (For these ones, if I discussed them with you please don't answer those specific ones. Although there will be more than the ones we discussed.)


What has four wheels and flies?

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps?

When is a door not a door?

What does no man want, yet no man want to lose?


One that isn't a riddle but is important... where did the title of this blog entry come from?




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A Garbage Truck

A River

When It's Open ajar.



But riddle me this, Batman:

When I live, I cry. If you don’t kill me, I’ll die. Who am I?

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Heh, not bad Makaru.




Incorrect Correct



Now for yours:

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A candle



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