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Need Testimonials





Update: Sorry for all the reposts. I'm being pressed for time guys. I need at least 2 more. This is like calling 911, it's one of those things where it's not good to say "oh, someone else will do it, so I won't worry about it." ;) (Unless you don't want me as Ambassador, then that's a different story..) :)


I still need testimonials before my name can be sent to LEGO for consideration of becoming a LEGO Ambassador. I haven't gotten any so far, and I think I need them by Sunday, when B6 wants to know who's running. (Unless I don't need them until he sends the names to LEGO, which would be after some sort of "voting" process like last year I assume.)


But that's ok if I don't get any. I'll spend my newly found free time of not being ambassador with studies, IRL friends, and CCM activities and whatever comes my way in college. So really, don't worry about sending it to me if you can't. Six will make a good ambassador again, and then, since he can't run again next year, I'll run (hopefully against Arpy) and see what happens then.


-CF :kakama:


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I'll give you one, though I'm not sure what to do... =P


So I'll PM/email you soon.


I think it'd be awesome if you became Ambassador.



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ARG! This was supposed to be my week off, but I've been so busy that I haven't found time to write one. Maybe I'll shoot you one Saturday night...



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Grah, I don't know if I can get one to you. D:


I really wanted to today, but I kinda forgot. And since tomorrow's Father's Day, I don't know. :/


I dunno, maybe I can get one up tonight. I'll try.

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Oh, shoot. I'm so sorry I totally forgot. I really, really hope to get it to you by the end of the day.


Sorry again!

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