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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 120-126



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The one-hundred-twentieth article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an additional Tribe of Matoran that have a distinct association with the Element of Molecular Disruption.


Pa-Matoran are quite rare and typically wear armoring that is a combination of Grays, Greens, or Silver and tend to have Aggressive, Strategic, & sometimes Arrogant personalities.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-twenty-first article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an additional Tribe of Matoran that have a distinct association with the Element of Sleep.


Tur-Matoran are quite rare and typically wear armoring that is a combination of Blues, Grays, or Silver and tend to have Laidback, Soft, & sometimes Uncaring personalities.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-twenty-second article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there resides a species known as the Rayluhrs (RAY-lers) that live on a secluded tropical island somewhere in the Southern Isles. Their home island experiences nearly constant rainfall, thus the Rayluhrs have developed the ability to influence weather patterns and many choose to master the Element of Water, with some of them able to control this Element better than even the most skilled Toa of Water.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-twenty-third article proposed by Toa_Ausar & Tohunga Tahnok is as follows:

Toa_Ausar and Tohunga Tahnok hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Keemaru (key-MAHR-oo), the Great Mask of Confusion, which allow the user to temporarily distort a target's sense of time and place, effectively erasing their short-term memories, and opening them up to the false memory suggestions of the user.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-twenty-fourth article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist rumors of a one-of-a-kind Kanohi known as the Meteo (MEE-tee-oh), the Legendary Great Mask of Atmospheric Control, suspected of being on the home island of the Rayluhrs. This mask is said to be somewhat of an amplified Kanohi Great Khen, meaning that if it exists, it would permit a user to summon hurricanes and other storms on a scale equivalent to that of two Toa of Weather going Nova. Furthermore, it would provide a user with the ability to initiate events below the surface of the ocean, resulting in tsunamis that would be even more devastating than the storm surge that might accompany the tempests they could create. Lastly, it is said that if the Meteo were real, the Rayluhrs would likely protect it with their very lives.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-twenty-fifth article proposed by Tohunga Tahnok is as follows:

Tohunga Tahnok hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Orrtaka (ohrr-TAHK-uh), the Great Mask of Stability, which grant the user an enhanced ability to maintain their center of balance despite external occurrences that might otherwise cause them to be unstable, such as earthquakes, physical impacts, etc.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-twenty-sixth article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a one-of-a-kind Kanohi known as the Regalin (REE-gahl-inn), the Legendary Great Mask of Life Force, which allows the user to transfer their own "Life Force" into any sort of dead object that can function with at least a minimal level of sentience, as well as draw the "Life Force" out of living things in the immediately surrounding area.


An example would be the revival of a Matoran who was killed on the battlefield by a shot to the Heartlight, however this resurrected creature exhibits only its' most basic instinct - to feed.


Lastly, it is believed that any damage to the Kanohi Great Regalin would cause widespread catastrophic effects to all living and dead inhabitants for kios around.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, July 6th, 2009 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C. I. R. C. L. E. Results Overview Reference & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 120 has been defeated with a total of "THIRTEEN NAY VOTES TO SIX AYE VOTES", also

Article 121 has passed with a total of "FOURTEEN AYE VOTES TO FIVE NAY VOTES", next

Article 122 has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES", plus

Article 123 has passed with a total of "EIGHTEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", moreover

Article 124 has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES", furthermore

Articles 125 has passed with a total of "SIXTEEN AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES", meanwhile

Article 126 has been defeated with a total of "ELEVEN NAY VOTES TO SEVEN AYE VOTES"

and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Here is the layout of how I'll vote:


120: Aye. We have 30+ Matoran tribes now as it is, so this element is fine. Pa-Matoran it is.

121: Aye, same as 120. Sleep! *inside joke nobody else will catch* :lookaround: So Tur-Matoran are fine.

122: Nay. Gali had enough power to level the Kingdom of Karzahni. If these beings are more powerful than that there should definately be a limit on their number.

123: Nay. Between the Kanohi Suletu, Komau, and Honiara all of this mask's powers can already be accomplished.

124: I'm going to have to say Nay on this one too, as it being equal to 100 Toa of Weather is a bit excessive.

125: Aye, although how this is really useful is beyond me.

126: Aye. I'm sure this will be used in "The Outbreak".



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Ah yes, another round of Voting for our ever growing guild!


Article 120-121:

"AYE", Always happy to welcome another couple of Matoran Tribes to our population. Cheers to our latest tribes.


Article 122:

"AYE", this is an addition to a story I'm working out that will eventually tie into the Outbreak Saga.


Article 123-126:

"AYE", the standard Kanohi are up to standards on power. The other two One of a Kind Mask are certainly up to the qualities of a very powerful mask. Aswell, be known that the Regalin can raise the dead, and keep them running without any focus whatsoever. It is like a Tryna but with the capability of being so much more destructive.



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Article 120-NAY


The tribe seems unnecessary



Article 121-AYE



Article 122-AYE



Article 123-AYE


So long as the mask has a limited use period or full concentration from the user (such as the tyrna) it doesn’t seem overpowered..



Article 124-NAY


The whether control I am okay with, but the control over seismic events as well gives the mask an almost great spirit like power over all of nature itself. If the power were toned down quite a bit it would be much better.



Article 125-AYE



Article 126-NAY


It seems to be a supped up Tyrna without the need for total concentration, the control over the dead is far too much power for any being (short of the great spirits and such) to control, and the ability to draw life force from any creature is very unreasonable..





Also just a quick question, if we have an article for submition, do we send it in a message to Toa Ausar?






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120: Nay. I really don't feel this element is necessary.

121: Nay, same as above.

122: Nay. Much too powerful.

123: Aye. This is a much more streamlined way of using that power, rather than having to use three different masks, like Ballom suggested.

124: Aye, but only because it asks about the existence of a rumor, not the actual mask. The mask itself should not exist.

125: Aye, it's a balanced mask :P

126: Nay. One can achieve much of the same with a Tryna.

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120: Nay. I really don't feel this element is necessary.

121: Nay, same as above.

122: Nay. Much too powerful.

123: Aye. This is a much more streamlined way of using that power, rather than having to use three different masks, like Ballom suggested.

124: Aye, but only because it asks about the existence of a rumor, not the actual mask. The mask itself should not exist.

125: Aye, it's a balanced mask :P

126: Nay. One can achieve much of the same with a Tryna.


However Exo-fat, as I outlined above, one can let his Undead army run rampant without focusing. As such, making it a powerful asset. Aswell, when a mask is eon of a kind, it suggests that it is extremely powerful, and that is why it is one of a kind. Suggesting that a one of a kind mask or artifact is to powerful would be true, however eon must take into consideration how heavily guarded this mask is, and that attaining it would be equally hard. In short, that is the reason why it is one of a kind, it is to powerful.


Take note of the fact that the Tsunami control of the Meteo is simply exercising its control over water, not siesmic events. Also, Ausar, did I say it had the power of 100 Toa of weather? It really only has the power of one or two going Nova.


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120 and 121: Nay, those don't sound like good tribe elements.


All others, aye. They all sound good to me for their various purposes.

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Zee, I see your argument and comprehend your viewpoint. However, I still believe that the Regalin is unnecessary, while the Meteo is overly powerful even for a one of a kind. Personally, I am against most "one of a kind" masks because they defeat originality and serve as a sort of cop-out for authors, IMHO. My votes remain as they were.

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Take note of the fact that the Tsunami control of the Meteo is simply exercising its control over water, not siesmic events. Also, Ausar, did I say it had the power of 100 Toa of weather? It really only has the power of one or two going Nova.

Wait, in the PM you specifically said that the Kanohi Great Meteo was rumored to exhibit seismic capabilities that generate tsunamis, so which is it?


Also, you did indeed say one-hundred Toa, so would you like to change that to two now?


Lastly, should members view their vote as a vote on the existence of the rumor or as a vote on the actual Meteo's existence?


Let me know the answers to all three of those as soon as possible and I'll edit the proposal accordingly.


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120 and 121: Nay, those don't sound like good tribe elements.


All others, aye. They all sound good to me for their various purposes.


Before I vote, may I ask why Molecular Disruption and Sleep don't sound like good elements? They are both Makuta Powers, much like many other C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements.

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Lastly, should members view their vote as a vote on the existence of the rumor or as a vote on the actual Meteo's existence?

A vote on the rumor. The article actually states "proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist rumors of a one-of-a-kind Kanohi". It never proposes that such a mask actually exists.

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Before I vote, may I ask why Molecular Disruption and Sleep don't sound like good elements? They are both Makuta Powers, much like many other C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements.

As far as Sleep goes, it's a state of being, not something tangible, which is why I don't think it makes for a very good prospective Element.



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Before I vote, may I ask why Molecular Disruption and Sleep don't sound like good elements? They are both Makuta Powers, much like many other C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements.

As far as Sleep goes, it's a state of being, not something tangible, which is why I don't think it makes for a very good prospective Element.



Similar to how healthy (Health) one is? Or Mind Reaidng (Telepathy)? Correct me if I am wrong, but tangible basically means, 'to touch'. Touch Anger, Fear, Poison, and Hunger. We already have some Elements that are not capable of being touched, and I have described the powers of such a being withe Elemental Sleep, including Nova Blasts.

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Article 120: Aye. Well, I've heard of the Element of Elasticity, pretty strange, so this and the following Article are fine by me.


Article 121: Aye; See above reasoning.


Article 122: Aye; Another addition to the map, I see? However


Article 123: Aye, but I feel as if there was already a mask that allowed the user to implant thoughts into another's head?


Article 124: Aye; A mysterious island with a whole race of protective Water-people? *Pulls out Fedora and bullwhip*


Article 125: Undecided; Okay, now it seems that Masks are being created just to be created. What possible adventure would cause a character to remain off-balance for extended peiods of time? It just seems improbable to me.... :/ Nay. Completely without purpose.


Article 126: Aye. Sounds like fun. Upon reviewing other member's viewpoints, I see how unfair it is and henceforth change my vote to Nay.




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Similar to how healthy (Health) one is? Or Mind Reaidng (Telepathy)? Correct me if I am wrong, but tangible basically means, 'to touch'. Touch Anger, Fear, Poison, and Hunger. We already have some Elements that are not capable of being touched, and I have described the powers of such a being withe Elemental Sleep, including Nova Blasts.

Okay, Poison is certainly something very tangible, but I can see your point none-the-less.


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120- AYE. I created this, so I have no reason to oppose. NAY. See below reasoning.

121- AYE. Same as above reasoning.

122- AYE. But I ask, where in the Southern Islands?

123- AYE. Nothing against it.

124- AYE. It's just a rumor.

125- NAY. I don't care if houses are actually falling form the sky an earthquake is so bad, people can usually stand through them. I don't see another reason of why you would need this.

126- NAY. AYE. I wonder what will happen if a Makuta uses it...? All right, it is a Kanohi Ignika.


Ausar- Teehee. Whoops. Didn't mean to put Poison there.

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Take note of the fact that the Tsunami control of the Meteo is simply exercising its control over water, not siesmic events. Also, Ausar, did I say it had the power of 100 Toa of weather? It really only has the power of one or two going Nova.

Wait, in the PM you specifically said that the Kanohi Great Meteo was rumored to exhibit seismic capabilities that generate tsunamis, so which is it?


Also, you did indeed say one-hundred Toa, so would you like to change that to two now?


Lastly, should members view their vote as a vote on the existence of the rumor or as a vote on the actual Meteo's existence?


Let me know the answers to all three of those as soon as possible and I'll edit the proposal accordingly.



Sorry Ausar, I didn't realize. When I said it could summon a tsunami, I said it was a seismic event, but didn't say that it gave it seismic capabilities. This is a byproduct of being able to summon hurricanes. As in order for it to summon a Hurricane, the waters conditions have to be right, allowing for control of water. which due to my own folly, I neglected to say. I was after all simply writing these down from a list of one sentence ideas for future proposals. Aswell, if at all possible, I would like to change it so that it simply has the power of Two Toa of Weather going Nova. I guess I never wrote that down on the lists foot notes. However, that revision to the article should be made in the next round of voting if this article should fail.


Note: ChocoLvr13: It is actually situated towards the knee, but it is sealed off, so no one in the universe knows where it is, however, more details will be revealed in the Short Story and Epic.



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However, that revision to the article should be made in the next round of voting if this article should fail.


It is actually situated towards the knee, but it is sealed off, so no one in the universe knows where it is, however, more details will be revealed in the Short Story and Epic.

I edited Article 124 to remove the seismic content and limit the equivalent number of Toa.


I'd still like to know if you envision that we should view our vote on said proposal as a vote on the existence of the rumor or as a vote on the actual Meteo's existence?


I await your reply.

  • P.S. I'm glad to hear that you'll be a Premier Member soon too.



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Article 120: Undecided. This seems like a power a Toa would find immoral, so I'm not sure if it makes sense for a Matoran tribe to wield it. I'll say aye to this if this tribe didn't occur naturally and was brought to this state of association with Molecular Disruption after creation as some other tribe or tribes (which would fit into the fact that the tribe is referred to as rare). Made up my mind after reading Toa_Ausar and ChocoLvr13's comments below, I'm going to say nay to this now.


Article 121: Nay, Sleep seems to be a very limited power for an element. It seems all a proposed Toa of Sleep could do would be to induce various levels of drowsiness in a target or wake up/boost the energy of a target, which doesn't seem nearly as versatile as other elements. Again, changing to aye after reading the comments below.


Article 122: Aye. To Ballom's concern about being more powerful than a Toa of Water, I'll point out the wording:

...with some of them able to control this Element better than even the most skilled Toa of Water.

I assume this refers to the precision with which a proposed Rayluhr could manipulate water rather than the amount or power of which they can summon at one time. Zee, if that wasn't your intended meaning, please tell me, because I'll have to change my vote to nay otherwise.


Article 123: Undecided. Is this the kind of mask a Toa would wear? It sounds immoral to me, since it's based on warping knowledge and sowing lies in its place. Aye on the grounds that Toa would generally not wear this.


Article 124: Aye to only that this mask is rumored to exist. Whether or not it actually does is another debate entirely.


Article 125: Aye, sounds like a useful power to me.


Article 126: Nay. First off: Is this mask legendary (on par with the Ignika or Vahi), or not special but was simply never mass-produced (like the Olmak)? The fact that damaging it effects the environment suggests the former, in which case I would say that it seems to be stepping on the Ignika's toes, so to speak. A Legendary Mask of Life and a Legendary Mask of Life Force? It seems redundant, if only by the names, and the Ignika has been seen doing resurrection with the sacrifice of a destined user which seems to be the basic concept behind this mask. If it isn't meant to be legendary, then you would have to remove the bit about how damaging it effects the environment for my approval.

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Article 120: Undecided. This seems like a power a Toa would find immoral, so I'm not sure if it makes sense for a Matoran tribe to wield it. I'll say aye to this if this tribe didn't occur naturally and was brought to this state of association with Molecular Disruption after creation as some other tribe or tribes (which would fit into the fact that the tribe is referred to as rare).


Article 121: Nay, Sleep seems to be a very limited power for an element. It seems all a proposed Toa of Sleep could do would be to induce various levels of drowsiness in a target or wake up/boost the energy of a target, which doesn't seem nearly as versatile as other elements.




I'd like to first point out that there are Elements such as 'Hunger' and 'Fear' within the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe. If those aren't Elements found immoral by most, I don't know what is. Also, this tribe is rare because of an action by a major faction. However, this is revealed in a short story of mine, so I wish not to tell what.


Sleep is a powerful thing. Hibernation is sleep. Besides, it isn't how powerful your element is, it matters how you use it. Also, I've been thinking about the boost/lower energy of a target. But I'm not sure if that would fall under the jurisdiction of a Toa of Energy, or if they only deal with Kinetic Energy.

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I'd like to first point out that there are Elements such as 'Hunger' and 'Fear' within the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe. If those aren't Elements found immoral by most, I don't know what is.


Sleep is a powerful thing. Hibernation is sleep. Besides, it isn't how powerful your element is, it matters how you use it. Also, I've been thinking about the boost/lower energy of a target. But I'm not sure if that would fall under the jurisdiction of a Toa of Energy, or if they only deal with Kinetic Energy.

It should be noted that the Elements of "Anger", "Disintegration", "Hunger", "Shattering", "Poison", & "Fear" are an environmental mutation due to those Tribes of Matoran living in such close proximity to "The Shadow Realm" over such an extended period of time.


Also, a Toa of Energy deals solely with Kinetics, however I believe that they could effectively induce Sleep by slowing the metabolic molecules within an individual and vice versa in terms of a "boost".


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I'd like to first point out that there are Elements such as 'Hunger' and 'Fear' within the C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe. If those aren't Elements found immoral by most, I don't know what is.


Sleep is a powerful thing. Hibernation is sleep. Besides, it isn't how powerful your element is, it matters how you use it. Also, I've been thinking about the boost/lower energy of a target. But I'm not sure if that would fall under the jurisdiction of a Toa of Energy, or if they only deal with Kinetic Energy.

It should be noted that the Elements of "Anger", "Disintegration", "Hunger", "Shattering", "Poison", & "Fear" are an environmental mutation due to those Tribes of Matoran living in such close proximity to "The Shadow Realm" over such an extended period of time.


Also, a Toa of Energy deals solely with Kinetics, however I believe that they could effectively induce Sleep by slowing the metabolic molecules within an individual and vice versa in terms of a "boost".



Correct me if I am worng in saying this, but despite being in a close proximity of The Shadow Realm, these are still elements. I'm guessing that not many more of them are made anymore, but those six are still elements.



So I am correct in saying they control Kinetics only. Hmm. But how straining would that be on a target if they are focusing only on specific molecules?


*Everyone Undecided or Opposing my article and are taking the bit about the Toa of Energy's ability*


Frostbite is a sensation where, at first, a being can acheive a burning feeling. Thus, a Toa of Ice can burn someone. It will take a while to do so However, wouldn't it be faster for a Toa of Fire to burn a being?

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Article 120- Aye. They seem useful, although slightly immoral, but they don't seem to be consistently evil. I change my vote for article 120 to Nay.


Article 121- Aye.


Article 122- Aye.


Article 123- Aye.


Auserv- While a Toa might not always choose to wear a Keemaru, there are still other species that would use the mask, and it also depends on te users' state of mind/outlook of the power. Thus said, if a Toa wanted to, he/she probably would.


Ballom- While there are other masks that can produce similar effects on a target, there currently is no mask that can erase memories and implant new ones. To achieve the effect this Mask does, you would have to be wearing all the masks you listed, and use them at the same time.


--V-- - Actually, the mask makes a being commit actions against his/her will, but they only realise it was against thier will untill they have finished commiting the action. While they were doing so, they would believe that they wanted to do the actions. So, he mask wears off after the memories have been erased.


Article 124- Undecided. The idea is preety cool, but it seems overpowered.Aye.


Article 125- Aye.


Ballom- In a fight, if soeone punches me in the chest, there is a very high chance ahat I will be knocked down, thus setting my opponent up for a killing blow. If I am knocked prone to the ground during an earthquake, I will be much more threatened by any falling debris. So, there are many instances where keeping your balance can save your life.


Article 126- Nay. The Kanohi Ignika can achieve all the stated effects, but in a much more widespread zone.


Now, if it was like the Ignika in that it can't be touched by just anybody, then I might change my mind.




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Article 123: Undecided. Is this the kind of mask a Toa would wear? It sounds immoral to me, since it's based on warping knowledge and sowing lies in its place.


Article 126: Nay. First off: Is this mask legendary (on par with the Ignika or Vahi), or not special but was simply never mass-produced (like the Olmak)? The fact that damaging it effects the environment suggests the former, in which case I would say that it seems to be stepping on the Ignika's toes, so to speak. A Legendary Mask of Life and a Legendary Mask of Life Force? It seems redundant, if only by the names, and the Ignika has been seen doing resurrection with the sacrifice of a destined user which seems to be the basic concept behind this mask. If it isn't meant to be legendary, then you would have to remove the bit about how damaging it effects the environment for my approval.

A prospective Kanohi Great Keemaru is probably not the kind of mask a Toa would typically wear however I don't believe that it is any more immoral than the Vahki were, but keep in mind this mask was specifically devised for a non-Toa to wear.


As far as the prospective Regalin goes, it is my understanding the the Kanohi is indeed Legendary, and possibly the power description of "Great Mask of Life Force" would better be served as something like "Great Mask of Zombification" instead?


Correct me if I am wrong in saying this, but despite being in a close proximity of The Shadow Realm, these are still elements. I'm guessing that not many more of them are made anymore, but those six are still elements.


So I am correct in saying they control Kinetics only. Hmm. But how straining would that be on a target if they are focusing only on specific molecules?

They are indeed still Elements and personally I don't have a problem with any given Element being considered immoral, it's not like they're Kanohi. A being simply can't choose who they are, only what they become as a result of who they are. ;)


As far as the other question goes, I wouldn't say that it's any more taxing than anything involving Kinetics since that occurs almost exclusively at a molecular level. However, unlike a prospective Toa of Sleep, a Toa of Energy would have to be in direct physical contact with a target to accomplish this feat.


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One (hopefully) last question. How fast can this be acheived by a Toa of Energy. One that is talented in their element.

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