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Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen



I went and saw the midnight showing last night. Good lord, talk about destruction on a global scale.


And I don't mean that negatively. I just mean that a lot of stuff exploded. A LOT. But I liked the movie. Some of the humor was a little dumb and unnecessary, but I got over it. My biggest problem was how irritating the Twins, Skids and Mudflap, were. More that they didn't nothing remotely useful at all in the film, except for one accidental incident.


Number one thing that ultimately made this one better than the first: WAY more screentime for the robots. Also, Starscream was far more developed, had tons more screentime and plenty of dialogue. They even got to show some of the rivalry between him and Megatron for once. Very awesome.


The Fallen himself isn't all that impressive, since he doesn't do much for most of the movie (though in his defense, there's a very good plot reason why not). Bumblebee and Optimus remain the star Autobots, and remain completely awesome. There's a scene in a forest that involves Optimus, Starscream, Megatron and Blackout that is easily the best scene in the movie and one of the coolest scenes EVER. CGI is once again top notch, and Devastator is plenty scary. I also really like Jetfire as a character.


Ravage is awesome, and Scorponok makes a brief reappearance. I'm a little irked that they still never explained what happened the Barricade after he vanished for no reason in the first movie. As far as the humans go, Sam's parents are still pretty humorous, but I think Simmons is the one that really shines. He's not as goofy as he was in the first one, and he does some pretty cool stuff once they get to Egypt.


Revenge of the Fallen is plenty grittier than the first, and there's a lot more emotion, which is a very good thing in this case. It's really long, though, running at 147 minutes. I'm all for big huge battles, but I feel like they could've cut the last one in the desert a little shorter.


I know some people complained, saying the plot wasn't that engaging. But if you go in expecting a convoluted plot like The Dark Knight or something, you're going to be disappointed. Besides, this is Transformers; the entire concept is giant robots beating the heck out of each other. All things considered, this one has a decent plot, just like the first. Oh, and there's a pretty big reference to the original 1980s movie. Hint: Leadership. You'll know it when you hear it (from Jetfire, specifically).


But anyway, I personally enjoyed it.


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Blackout gets killed in the first movie, by Lennox, and this is some random clone (named Grindor, according to Wikipedia). It's Barricade who disappears, and still doesn't show up in this movie >>.


I suppose at a base level, I was also annoyed by the Twins, but I put it aside and simply appreciated them for their vulgar humor and comedic relief. I was really liking Starscream, and the little spats he has with Megatron were a nice throwback to the old cartoons. Megatron was awesome, as always, though he was a little too subservient to the Fallen, in my opinion.


Most of the humans were just there for comedy, but they have some great moments, mostly Sam and Simmons. Sam's parents got a little more screentime too, which amused me. Isabel Lucas (Alice, the pretender) was just creepy (in a good way). Also incredibly attractive.

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Barricade, right, that's who I meant. >< *changes*


Wait, so that wasn't even Blackout? Huh. It looked exactly like him. Might as well have called him Blackout.


Yeah, I thought that about Megatron, too. Never really seemed like one who would accept another's authority like that. Although he didn't seem too choked up in the end...


Dude, the Isabel Lucas nailed Alice's creepiness level. Never seen her in anything before Revenge, but she was really good.

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Ravage made the movie for me, man. Loved loved LOVED him.


I wish there had been more Soundwave, though. D:



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Well, Blackout gets killed, so I guess they just saved money by not ressurecting him and just having a new one XP.


I'm glad they didn't kill Megatron (who they totally should have named Galvatron) at the end; saves it from being a repeat of the last movie.


Sandwave was great, him and his giant... ness. More would have been nice, but at the same time... he was a sattelite. He could have caused a lot of damage without repercussions. Space battle would have been cool, though.

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They thought about renaming him Galvatron after his resurrection, but they thought it might've confused more casual fans.


I just loved the fact that Frank Welker voiced Soundwave again. One of the writer's said he'd like to introduce Unicron soon for the sake of scale, which may get us some space battles.

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I didn't really like it. Action wise, it was great, but to much and too fast. The story was a bit bland, and there wasn't much character development.


Still, it was reallt good to watch and Megan Fox! :D



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The twins got annoying after a while. Honestly, I like them better as cars... because the yellow, lime, and red of them and Bumblebee driving around looks so cool.


Possible favorite moment: Bumblebee singing "I'm So Excited." But then, Optimus fighting three über-powerful Decepticons at once was pretty epic. Also Bumblebee fighting ... Rampage, I think?


This is coming from someone who never saw the first one and is not an avid Transformers fan either. But gods, it was cool.



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Aw, if you watch the first one now, it'll seem way more toned down due to this one being on such a more massive scale.


You mean the one that had Sam's parents hostage? Yeah, I think that was Rampage. It was that scene that solidified Bumblebee as one of the coolest characters ever for me.

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