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Simpsons Continuity Error



Basically, in one episode there's a prediction of the future in which Otto runs a taxi company. In another that takes place a bit less into the future, he's a limo driver an jumps off a cliff.


Which future continuity is correct?


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Maybe he jumped off the cliff, survived (possible, especially given that Homer has fallen down Springfield Gorge at least three times now and is still walking about :P) and the recovery caused him to have an epiphany and turn his life around, leading him to be a successful owner of a cab company?

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Hi. A question for Miss Bellamy. In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


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Maybe he jumped off the cliff, survived (possible, especially given that Homer has fallen down Springfield Gorge at least three times now and is still walking about :P) and the recovery caused him to have an epiphany and turn his life around, leading him to be a successful owner of a cab company?


That actually makes an impressive amount of sense.

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The Simpsons contain continuity errors? Blasphemy!


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


This one just bugged me because I <3 time travel. :D

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Maybe he jumped off the cliff, survived (possible, especially given that Homer has fallen down Springfield Gorge at least three times now and is still walking about :P) and the recovery caused him to have an epiphany and turn his life around, leading him to be a successful owner of a cab company?


That actually makes an impressive amount of sense.

Fear my mad cartoon logic! :P

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